This is one of the best political quotes of all time
This is one of the best political quotes of all time
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he obviously didn't write this, because it sounds like an adult.
>socialism for baby dick sucking fake kikes is just fine!
This is a fantastic quote, but I don't think he actually said it. Can I have proof/sauce that this actually happened?
Miller-esque. Despite being a butthurt piece of shit you have to admit that he has a good handle on how to make this president sound fierce and powerful.
The venezuela memes are fake. This is the end of the world
Pretty #woke comment from a sodomite. I bet this quote was before Trump found Christ.
Trump is an antichrist and grab them is the only definition of sodomy. Haavara. Pink swastika. Hitler's "judean" grandfather
it was in his speech to the UN i just saw it on YT
Of course he fucking said it, why does that even surprise anyone anymore? Watch the entire UN speech, there are some proper gems in there.
Orange turds
When Donald
You realize the smartest people don't have to feign intelligence with MUH BIG WORDS
Trump speaks
you've probably never written anything note worthy in your life user, you're posting on a Malaysian basket weaving forum and you're talking down to the leader of the free world?
Haavara is just indication he was a sane man with an exile-rather-than-jail strategy.
Good news ans bad news for you I understand the Bible a bit more than you: Leviticus may say 'death', but it's figurative. In this case that is a fable. Because you are out to spiritual death. And your blood is upon you. Any person worthy of being called 'your blood' would chastise you, not praise you.
That flag is blasphemy. The Nazi flag is (((your))) antithesis.
Jingoistic sloganeering
Nazi flag is broken cross. Mine is sign of covenant. Serpent seed explains heterosexual original sin and its sloppy seconds of bestiality. Bible says not to worship that made by hands and that God will bring zion in this era. Trump's family's middle name was Christ. He is assyrian and roman. Says never asks Him for forgiveness. Is a pervert. Probably into incest. All his friends are the same. He talks like a prolapsed vagina. I dont give a fuck what the curses in Leviticus say. For female beds and molech whores and a presently non existing order of priests. Go eat bacon. You can follow the law perfectly and still die and be a fuck up. Christ is life you know nothing. David was bisexual. Hagar. Ruth and naomi. Centurion. Born eunuchs. The ethiopian. The 144K
You're right. But Drumpfie's problem isn't the length of the words he uses, it's the fact that the sentences he comes out with sound like a 7 year old put them together
Babbling of a reprobate mind.
What this flag believes: Jesus Christ
Any perceived opposition: (((abiogenesis)))
It's a broken cross. Even the greek word for cross was "pole". Why is the 144K such a low number? Undefiled by vaginas. Nobody can see thru fuck all anymore. The word you just used was from romans and corinthians when it said they worshipped reptiles and were temple whures. Like the God damned egyptian isis fertility cult shekinah hoax frog you enabled along with fucking women. Mental illnesses are spiritual problems only for kikes. I dont have any of that. Where is your bodily evidence? Scriptural? You have neither. Just opinions you dont like
You have not read. You have a reprobate mind.
Abiogenesis is your catalyst and cornerstone.
In the name of Jesus Christ release this soul, demon.
That's not your job. You're attacking me pretending to go against fake kikes so you can enable them. Like anybody else on here. I don't give a fuck what you wanna say or larp about. I use Bible. You use memes and "science"
It is physically impossible for you to use Bible. It is a joke to any unsaved person, let alone the saved who read that.
You fucking pharisee and slob. You're not jewish. You're not Christian. You're pagan. I have made about 16 points in here. You argue based on flags and you're a fucking drunk ass bottom bitch potato
Scripture. Your unpreserved natgeo Bible chapter.
Did you find it in a bog?
Reprobate mind. You have been given over to a reprobate mind. Believe on Christ and you will be saved, and your house.
You dont sin, fat nigger? Nice post that ended in six not that dueteronomy doesnt say this place is a ouija board
What a load of babel and horseshit. Don't pervert the word of God with your feigned wisdom and twisted logic. You know not the LORD by seeking Christ or following the law. You know nothing. Your mouth testifies against you as your words lack composure and clarity. Precision and Sharpness.
These words speak truth. Mark 4:11-14. A sodomite fag flag can not bear good fruit. Only a meaningless life destined for death by selfish choice of forgoing children to satisfy personal vices.
Jesus is Love because God is Love. Fear of the LORD is the way towards understanding the heavenly fathers rebuke. "I rebuke those whom I love". Something most homosexuals failed to learn either by split parent upbringing or abandonment in youth.
Its all about time. What you spend time on is an idol. Give God his tithe of time and pay Caesar his tax of income.
The deification of time gives a fuck about what you fuck because in the long run we cant feed every mouth that decides it wont further the growth of society by procreation. Our collective conscious dictates that those who forsake these basic fundamentals of Law are caste down from the natural order of society. God commands it because time favors the fruitful with prosperity. Simple math.
They will never inherit the kingdom of Heaven seen in the eyes of children nor know the love of fatherhood. Bad seeds can not sow good fruit. Children raised by fags lead to more degenerate social problems. If one taboo is considered acceptable, all morality is on the table for a faithless and rebellious teen.
>broken cross
Kek. You sound like a paranoid scytzo conspiracy nut job or something.
It's a flyfot. Also commonly known as Thors cross.
Internet search engines will be helpful for you laddie.
The King James Bible was peer-reviewed by some of most accomplished scholars in 1611. 54 multi-lingual, academic, scholars. Lancelot Andrews alone spoke something like 19 languages and 4 of them dead languages. Just about any of the major Bibles besides King James are Jewish trucks and tools of the reprobate minds such as yourself.
Nice american education.
they've gone crazy
You're an actual schizo aren't you
Not rooting for comunism at all here, but it's not been implemented correctly at all on Venezuela. Any educated person who isn't a memelord could see this.
None of those words existed. Mosaic code is civil law. We have none of that. No man can interpret God's natural laws, like common law tries to do. Crusaders were closeted faggots. Not one jot nor tittle until Heaven and earth come to pass. Until. They. Come to pass. Most people say "but but but the law stays forever". What is the flood of fire, dingus? God killed all the nephilim with water and said He wouldn't again. This means fire is fine. You are the original sinners. You cry about women. Xq28 gene. Gays outbreed you and let you breed more. You cant follow law and be saved. Without Son no Father. The law is a CURSE. And I'm fullt aware it says you must hate your family if you want to be a disciple. Meaning, in comparison to your love for Christ. You don't have that
Wanna talk about be fruitful and multiply? You dont. It wasnt an apple. And people dont go covering their nipples when they eat bananas
> speak in super-intelligent somewhat obnoxious way = few really understand you, others pretend
> speak so that even a child can understand you = everyone understands you, some cunts make fun of you
second one is definitely better, and it brought him victory
he clearly does it on purpose, just watch some of his interviews from decade ago
>socialism and authoritarianism just have a strong correlation
ikr they never get it right...
Pagan shite to begin with. As logical as two and two being four that it depicts the breaking of the same false symbol
He was a pedo
Go paint little vagina girlfriends next to God on the Sistine Chapel
Sweet argument. You have two broken legs don't you? We could diagnose this. People who are nuts have no Christian faith
>(You) right now
Next time it'll be real socialism senpai
based. fuck commies.
"Two major blocs of political parties are in Venezuela: the incumbent leftist bloc United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), its major allies Fatherland for All (PPT) and the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), and the opposition bloc grouped into the electoral coalition Mesa de la Unidad Democrática. This includes A New Era (UNT) together with allied parties Project Venezuela, Justice First, Movement for Socialism (MAS) and others."
Not real socialism.
Absolutely untrue. People who are paranoid delusional are often fanatical over something. Religion especially.
top kek
Meh, its okay i guess. Hats off to his speechwriter, still doenst forgive those borderline retarded rocketman lines
>the earth is a pear
"We have to deal with Rocket Man!"
Unfortunately that's all the (((media))) will focus on, not the actual meaning full parts.
>your pic
toppest kek
>"Lancelot Andrews was a pedo"
Lies. As the Bible says. Or hatred for your brother without just cause. Murder. As the Scriptute says.
This isn't about hatred of homosexuals. This is about you rejecting Scripture with no cause and fulfilling God's fable-ized hatred of homosexuality.
Lmao faggot
Didnt read
seriously, faggot?
>pagan shite
You do know the cross is derived from the sun wheel right? Much older than Christians. And a pagan symbol. Christianity adopted a lot of pagan symbology in an attempt to get Franks and Nords to convert.
Go take a dose of the medicine that you are clearly dependent on. Itll quiet the voices, buddy. You'll be so comfy.
Haha holy shit that crowd full of commies did not like that one single bit.
Fungus protozoa zika injector who does anal anyways and gets pissed on and needs truvada and it wont work for her and you cant see her super gonorrhea. Enjoy your throat and ass cancer
Muricans don't know shit. They know nothing what's going on in the world. They don't even know whats going on in their own country. Whole world is laughing at murica.
He is a walking meme generator.
How about go cream in your pantaloons
>first post
>bait post
>one post by this ID
best timeline
fylfot rather. viel fusse, in other words, i.e. many feet. its probably not an ancient germanic tem though, just a neologism from early christian england. turning cross is a better name in my opinion, better conveying the symbol's dynamism.
>"His Excellency, Donald Trump"
Wow, the UN sure has a high opinion of our President.
That is the brand name of a beef bouillon liquid. The world is fucked
What is the correct state determined price point for toilet paper?
usually it just ends with using the currency as the toilet paper.
Hey Ken, It's Maria from management. You're not responding to your E-mails or Phone.
You're not putting enough effort into your posts. Look, just follow the diagram and what it says in the instructions on how to respond to these people. You know that Jeremy is logging everything and making sure that we're hitting back against these losers with everything we've got. Just make sure he has nothing to complain about and make your responses wittier and longer.
Yo, why don't ya boy Drumpf talk shit about Saudi Arabia tho?
Who gives a fuck there's plenty of other things to use you dainty vagina. What's the UK's deficit at now? 140 billion? India overtook your economy. Murka is labelled as "developing" now
Dude is trying to redpill the world.
Yes lad, the United Socialist Party who are responsible for nationalizing everything, attacks on private property, welfare state, bread queues and starvation. Obviously nothing to do with socialism.
he already has, i'm sure.
Venezuela isn't socialist, it has a capitalist economy which is mostly in the private sector.
Explains your behavior on this thread.
Nah he's a bitch
If that's the case it's a fascist economy, or nationalist socialist you might say. Hmmmm
That fucking look after he says it.
and clever word combinations of outward simplicity mean that even your enemies are infuenced. the man is a genius.
I dont give a damn. Wtf i love sinning Eves now. It doesn't say woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns not that gays cant have their own kids. And God wants us ignorant. You either eat the dictionary "apple" or you lay women? Is that how we live forever? Knowing stuff? Because we know everything right now? No. How about I'll be wise and you can take the cheap pussy i offer you ffs
Good. Aaaaand frig off randy
More of a libertarian on gay rights myself, but you're just being a bitch. Lurk more faggot.
>This is what americucks actually believe
Ok dumbass. Im more of a jew on gay rights myself but youre just being a feminist. Argue less, Stacy
underrated post
Argue well is the point of this place. Free speech with shit on the walls, and it's beautiful. Not many places left we can do that.