This picture says a lot, John Kelly reacting as Trump goes off script to brag about his election before the UN assembly today.
This picture says a lot...
Other urls found in this thread:
>elect orange faced buffoon with zero (0) political experience as President
>be surprised when he acts like a retarded monkey on the world stage
i don't think anyone is surprised, at all
Who gives a shit about what they think?
Why is Melania wearing pants? That's not ladylike.
But pants are sexy. They can show off a phat ass
fuck this bald neocohen nigger
do you know who John Kelly is newfriend? Do you know the whole world is laughing at Trump and the US for being dangerous retards?
This....dear god...this....
No one gives a shit about John Kelly, he kisses Hillarys clit bro
why did trump pick him to run his white house then
>Do you know the whole world is laughing at Trump and the US for being dangerous retards?
Been that way for decades now, friend
that... is true
>Snap a photo of someone mid head scratch
>This picture says a lot
Right up there with snapping a picture of someone mid-word so they look like a mouth breather. Modern journalism, folks. Even the photographers lie.
We're laughing at you for letting "liberals" shit on your own history and culture, for not knowing a damn fucking thing about Robert E. Lee or your own civil war, for surrendering to Islamists and Africans when you can clearly see the damage they have caused in Europe, for falling for the 'climate change' meme, for having the most retarded pack of cunts running your world famous unparallaled film and TV industry, for Clinton pretending to be the good guy, for Bernie pretending Socialism works, for a million reasons which you can't fucking see. We're not laughing at the President or the people who elected him, our own worthless leaders and Left wing mobs are proof America chose correctly this time.
>Do you know the whole world is laughing at Trump and the US for being dangerous retards?
Do you know the whole world is more fucked up than the United States is?
Maybe your shitty country. Not mine.
>surrendering to Islamists and Africans w
you're not one to laugh britbong.. how can type in between getting raped by immigrants?
No it doesnt you fucking kike
Maybe the UN should sanction us. sanction us with their army. OH WAIT.
top rebuttal skills friend
>t. irrelevant chinese colony
>Greater Indonesia
Nice of you to take a break from registering your paintball gun with the government to chime in here.
You should've kept reading he wasn't laughing, he was warning you
And electing Trump was supposed to stop or solve any of those problems? Laughable
WTF I'm with Her now
Is that the percentage of the abo population your mom was creampied by?
>a fucking leaf
This. Simply this.
Surely Trump realises he cant brag and hold rallies for the next 4 years?
You won Trump, we get it.
Shill thread
look at the kind of fucking cretinous trash who has "political experience" in this country and tell me that we need even more of them
>every time Melania looks at Donald she looks like she wants to puke
They probably only had sex once to conceive Baron.
>do you know who John Kelly is newfriend? Do you know the whole world is laughing at Trump and the US for being dangerous retards?
Why are you acting like this is a new thing for America?
They have had retarded leaders since the 1960s. Obama and Trump are as wacky as its got and I don't see the empire lasting much longer.
>everyone that hates trump is a shill
>the whole world is shills
>not nazis tho
obama was whacky? lol ok
>a BLACKED patron
no kneegrows for me thank you though
just like the cucks who hassled farage for his decorum at the EU
>act more like us
>talk more like us
>be more political like us
Theyre the fucking problem fagget.
Didn't seem to hurt Obama much. Of course, the media fucking looooove him.
How can we tell from this still photo what he's reacting to?
>obama was whacky? lol ok
Yeah, calling Obama whacky is just a bunch of okie hokie pokie dokie.
>blue helmets that go in, spread fucking disease, rape, pillage, murder
no one fucking cares about these pieces of shit. they arent even fucking paying their fair goddamn share of 2% GDP
>/ptg/ still believes Trump is his own man and isn't controlled by all the neocucks he accidentally surrounded himself by while pushing out the nationalists
it's all just a coincidence, goyim
Kelly knew someone would take a picture of him.
He's to smart to think that he could do that and nobody would notice.
It seems he wants Trump to be mocked.
Lmao with the amount of shills in this one thread no wonder the government is in 20 tirllion debt
John Kelly was a general. His one job was to win wars, yet the USA has not won a war since WWII.
John Kelly, by all accounts, is a miserable failure in life. Why did Trump hire this idiot? I thought Trump liked winners, not losers.
lol shills
Trump killed it today. The people that matter loved it.
>hurrr it must be shills that have an issue with trump lecturing people who want dreamers deported
eat a dick you cucked faggot
WTF I love new foreign wars now while ramping up old ones and acquiring worse relations with russia. We all voted for this, amirite
not hiring establishment corrupt politicians is a great idea. electing Trump, that was not a great idea. He has done nothing different from other presidents - kissed Israel and Saudi Arabia's rings, sold out our manufacturing to China, trying to cut the wealthy's taxes while giving nothing to the rest of us.. Enriching the military industrial complex... Same old shit, all while looking like a dementia ridden fool.
>everyone i hate is a shill
>be a fucking roo who cant vote
>be surprised when americans don't give a fuck
yes friend praise kek i love globalism and wars now
>obama was whacky? lol ok
The whole LGBTQISHFISJHFD nonsense started with Obama. The whole "lets blame white people for EVERYTHING that goes wrong" started under Obama.
He is wacky. Anyone who thinks 76 genders exist is a whackjob and America churns them out by the million.
The sooner your empire falls. The quicker humanity can return to normality.
Kelly and McCain need to die.
>The people that matter loved it.
Like the Jewish neocons at National Review?
>The whole "lets blame white people for EVERYTHING that goes wrong" started under Obama.
he literally never did that. You're a fucking retard. The whole BLM LGBTQ bullshit is jewmedia trying to divide and weaken the populace, and you know it.
>Trump killed it today. The people that matter loved it.
Bibi, you /pol? Damn kike nigga...
>sold out or manufacturing to china.
I stopped here even though the objective false hood of electing trump is a bad idea, which is based on the premise that electing hillary was acceptable in any way.
not being able to get his promises done has nothing to do with him and 100% to do with congress. trump could be like king nigger and EO everything but he ran and LAW AND ORDER, while im sure you failed civics, using congress to pass laws is part of that mantra.
Please kindly refund your .02c to shariablue for shilling like a complete mongoloid
Kys sharialiberalblue
I wouldn't laugh at a dangerous retard.
WTF I love the media now
>supposed to stop
Nope, of course not. Still a better option than Hillary, who wanted to accelerate these problems. Trump is ointment on the wound for now.
>having a script
Politics is nothing but a giant play.
Necons, and Military industrial complex loves it
>which is based on the premise that electing hillary was acceptable
no it isnt. Hillary is a corrupt cunt. that doesn't make trump a great president.
LMFAO He's a glorified babysitter! What has this man done with his life?!
>Trump is ointment on the wound
yea no. The wound is festering. All the bad neocon ideas are making their way to trump's desk, and he is signing them without even reading them.
>wanting to enforce border laws is now considered shilling by /ptg/ cuckolds
the absolute state of things
Fucking shill swine, every last one of you, you stick out like the sorest of thumbs from the slimiest of hands.
trump is killing it, pay attention to divide and conquer tactics
Everytime some black criminal died at the hands of a white cop. Look how Obama behaved.
Everytime this "gender identity" shit was pushed in the media world wide. Who backed it all up and promoted it? OBAMA.
Who told Europeans to open the borders to the Muslim world and called people against it "racist" OBAMA.
No one has accelerated the hate of the black community from non blacks more then Obama.
thats not what you said thoe shill. it was a zero sum.
Trump and Gorsuch and law and order
Hillary and podesta and some chink fem SCOTUS.
it was a clear choice and if it needs to nuclear war with a nation obama and Bill clinton let get nukes then it was still the correct choice.
I don't think you know anything about our Civil War you retard. Fuck off.
>trump is killing it
He was fucking pathetic today. We get it, you won, Hillary a political non entity, move on ffs.
Whats worse is Trump cultists are screeching about how he BTFO DA GLOBALISTS!!1 by shilling for the globalists, Israel, and going after the anti-globalist Iran and NK, both whom are actually opposing ISIS rather than supporting them. So much for being a non intervention canidate.
>The people that matter loved it.
t. Netanyahu and Israel
better than obongo acting like a straight faggot 24/7
John Kelly is an independent and responsible for deporting so many illegals. Bannon brought him onto the admin. Hes /ourguy/.
He's looking down because that's how he listens. Hes not ashamed of Trump.
they are literally screaming at globalists while running full steam ahead on a globalist wet dream agenda
are you this gay
Looks like the deep state is paying overtime for shilling tonight. Yaaawn it's late, I'm getting sleepy, aren't you?
why are there still beaners everywhere then
cant be that fuckin great
>muh deepstate
take your meds you paranoiac
That's rich considering I did like Trump
The Syria strike and going back on amnesty proves to me he is just another puppet.
>North Korea launched missiles over Japan
OMG, America is so dangerous. You are racist.
it's unamerican to give a single shit about what the world thinks. and no one voted for john kelly.
holy crap get new material guys, is it your first day? this is like last january /r/the_donald shill tactics.
This is really beyond stupid. One image taken in a millisecond is somehow all the proof Twitter and all the Inpeachy Drofnold Dergerumof need to verify this dude is somehow embarrassed. It’s the level of ridiculousness liberals charge at conservatives yet it’s alway right when they do it
He reduced border crossings by 70%, and it's only been 8 months. Give it time.
>it's unamerican to give a single shit about what the world thinks. and no one voted for john kelly.
fuck these faggots, especially eufags
they don't understand freedom
>i have no argument
>call someone a shill that still works right?
Reddit periods are not welcome here.
4 dollars have been deposited in You black lives matter/Hillary is my dildo account. Nice work
Sup Forums users are some of the dumbest, easily swayed fools on earth. a hivemind that barely needs guidance, just a screenshot of a millisecond of a video taken out of context and you fags go into hysterics.