>Stefan Molyneux
>Laura Southern
>Stephen Crowder
>Gavin Mcinnes
What's with leafs hijacking US right-wing groups?
Stefan Molyneux
Their government is shit. They wan't to be american.
>the alt-right
>a defined and structured group
I'm talking about right-wing in general not just "Alt-Right".
>four leaf E-celebrities highjacking the entirety of right-wing politics in the United States
America has historically been more liberal than Canada since you were invented by Britain, in the past your government has rejected our harsh laws against non Anglos, Fags, and immigrants.
At the end of World War One all the non Canadians who took over for the Canadian soldiers were fired from their jobs once the Canadians returned, since they were jobless and foreign they got deported.
Women who committed adultery got deported.
We rejected more refugee claims than America, Britain or Australia we barely even allowed Europeans to come here, the largest race riot in Canadian history was an anti Greek riot that started because a Canadian was kicked out of a Greek restaurant for slapping the waitress. Greek businesses were destroyed and Greek people beaten on the street, the police just watched the riots.
It was illegal for foreigners to own a gun in Canada
Women didn't get the right to vote in all of Canada until the 1940's
Legally in the 1920's the Supreme Court determined that women are legally not people but property and the list goes on and on and on
OH and in the 1960's homosexuals went to prison, one homosexual was determined by doctors to be unlikely to ever be cured of his homosexuality so he was given a life sentence by the courts.
Crypto-Canadians have always been overly represented in your entertainment industry, we just don't make a big deal about it
>entirety of right-wing
I never said that.
That is true.
We are more "American" than you, we can't believe there's people who want to scrap the Constitution and the 2nd especially while we dream of it. I wish we lost the 1812 war instead
Get the fuck out of my country, we are more "American" because we are more Anglo. America went to shit when they allowed in Germans and Italians
there are no conservatives in america, only nazis and communists.
we have to import our sound conservative minds and convert them Nazismâ„¢ before the day of the rake
>little baby american is just now realizing he is our bitch
I want to _______ Lauren Southern's mom
My flag does not have a leaf :(
I actually plan too, fuck Canada, keep this nigger country. My country was stolen by federalists in 1995 because of the "We don't way a split cuntry!". Have fun living among mongrels and be a minority in your cities while the Chinks buy all and fuck everything
Vermont seems nice and easy on gun laws
Fuck off we're full
Go back to your own country then stupid cunt, you hate Canada why the fuck did you move here? I don't care what happens in your shitty third world shit hole fuck off and stay there
lmao, nationalists in quebec are all liberal cucks, meaning they love nigger dick. Way to self project.
lol why are you going to move to? USA is 60% white and falling, Europe is Muslim, the Chinks own Australia and New Zealand. You literally running away from your problems only to face the same ones elsewhere