Islam General

السلام عليكم

> tl;dr recent muslim convert interfacing with other muslim Sup Forumsacks

> 22, half-euro half-spic descent, nonobservant Christian background

Any other true brothers lurking Sup Forums? I'm a recent convert (I said shahadah while helping with Irma after a few years of on-off research), and I've started to frequent a few masajid, mostly Wahhabi-leaning ones, though I am probably attending a Sufi dhikr this weekend. There have been Tablighi people that have come through, always very nice and a lot of food.

I've memorized Fatihah, Iklas, Falaq, and Nas so far, and I have read to Nahl so far. I've started to teach Arabic to kids, and I am going to volunteer this weekend with some stuff. The elders of the main place I frequent have invited me to breakfast the past few weekends as they discussed stuff, and it's pretty awesome being part of a wider community for once. Hopefully, I can earn some responsibility in the community and help more people out. My main issue at the moment is marriage, which I have discussed with some imams. In the meantime, I still need to deal with fapping, but I've done less of it. I'm reading Ghazali's Jewels again after reading the book with some tafsir, which I'm keeping to a minimum. I still haven't told my parents about it though, but my best friend knows. Never felt this part of something worthwhile in my life.

Personal blog aside, let's discuss stuff, whatever.

Other urls found in this thread:


"All infidels must be converted or killed." So why shouldn't we kill you first?

it's just bullshit dude

Which source are you referring to?

Mohammed drank piss. Would you drink piss too, seeing as he did it?

The VC drank piss so they could cool their machine guns... besides, there's more lentil soup and pita bread on the menu than anything like that :/

Congratulation! You have asperger for falling to the muslim meme!

I am not asking about the VC, I am asking if you would do as Mohammed done, if he was there to offer it to you?

Congrats, you're a satanic pedo worshipper. Please kill yourself inshallah.

I already had it anyway

I've heard a bit about the camel piss thing... What is the strength of that hadith, man? If it's weak (as I think it might be), then that question is not relevant anyway, since it would be uncertain if he had done so.

You mean this one?
Narrated Anas: Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die. Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 794.

Since we're both quoting what we've copypasta'd, allow me to add a retort:

when some insane asks a Muslim as to why doesn't Muslims drink raw camel's urine based on this hadith, the counter question from a Muslim should be, as to why the polemic doesn't prescribe to the lines we have mentioned above from his/her mainline scriptures? For Muslims, the injunction of Camel urine therapy is not based on Qur'an, moreover, we medically know for sure that horse urine is the source of conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) and available as Premarin®. It is an estrogen treatment for menopausal and premenopausal women. Are these women given raw horse urine to drink? Moreover, either the ailment of the people, or the the tell tale signs of their sickness, nothing is obvious from this hadith and Prophet didn't do or ordered all Muslims to do it by setting this as an example.

For the second part of the Hadith which talks about prophet (saw) ordering the mutilation of the thief's, then it only needs to be seen, as to how far this hadith has gone to create divisions amongst Muslim ranks and keeps on doing so, still. The net effect of the damage done can be gauged from these lines, which I read at a (seemingly) Shia website trying to answer the authenticity of this Hadith. The Shia scholar writes: " Can a Muslim believe that the Prophet of Allah (P), who forbade mutilation, himself mutilates these people, cutting off their hands and feet, and branding their eyes because they slaughtered his herder? Had the narrator said that these people had mutilated the herder, there would have been some justification for the Prophet to punish them in the same way. That was not the case, so how could the Prophet of Allah (P) kill and mutilate them in this way without investigation and cross examination until it became clear who among them was the murderer so that he could kill him for that?


>I'm actually ok with this, muslims hide behind the skirts of the left who will protect them like the weak ignorant pedophiles they are. Just like a teenager becoming an emo, you choose the victim status because you have a female mentality. Most whites converting to Islam are roasties in their 30s.


Dude, he sold camel piss as medicine, and the mutilation shows how merciful your "Allah" really is. There are urine shops in Saudi to this day (some guy got busted recently selling his own urine as grade-A finest camel piss). Mohammed was well-known for having his critics killed for less, like that blind poet and that pregnant woman, but I am enjoying observing your mental gymnastics as you try to reconcile your new-found beliefs, but I am informed the penalty for making fake haddiths would be quite severe, so I believe every word of it.

Based on the questions I have asked, the answer seems to be that Israel lost its status with the Lord by earning his wrath and furthermore rejecting Muhammad and previous prophets such as Jesus. If I'm not mistaken, Muhammad was also claimed to be descended from Ishmael, the progenitor of the Arabs and brother of Jacob.

No, being a Muslim is helping to teach me personal responsibility. Salat (prayers) are slowly helping me to self-regulate my schedule and make my mind more tranquil. You'd be surprised at how many viewpoints many Muslims share with the alt-right. The Sarsour types on the media are leftists.

Again, I am new to Islam, too new to strengthen my iman, I'm still working on the basic steps. The same would go for any religion's apologetics.

> Saudi shops

that's in Arabia, a cultural thing. Show me shops that do this in Pakistan or Indonesia.

Do you have any basic knowledge of how hadiths are judged within the community?

>Never felt this part of something worthwhile in my life.

You're a weak coward. Shame on you for your pathetic betrayal of everything worth a damn in this world.

What's worth a damn to you? Serious question.

How hard is it to learn Arabic?

> how hadiths are judged within the community?
I don't think they would be given a 30-day ban from Facebook for writing koranic fan-fiction, m8, I reckon they'd wish they were the guys getting tortured for wanting all the piss to themselves.
I don't speak Paki language so it doubt Google would be much help trying to find an honest urine salesman in that region.

What's it like being a traitor to the White race?

What makes you think sandniggers belong on Sup Forums?

Fucked any goats lately?

What makes you think Islam belong in White countries?

Why are you Muslims oppressive to other faiths?

What makes you think Islam is worth a damn?

Did you honestly think starting this thread was a good idea?

Family, friends, community (not dictated by the savage ramblings of a pedophilic stone age warlord), decency, freedom, art, culture

Islam either corrupts and/or destroys all.



It took about two years of intensive study for me... learn about the trilateral root system, learn verb forms, read some news, and pick up a Hans Wehr dictionary or Lane's Lexicon (both online available) for the roots' meanings. That unlocks a lot.

I don't really consider myself white or Hispanic, never fit in with either one. Both my families are not too close with relatives

Everyone does!


Listening to these guys helped a lot:

Idk, desu. I think something's fishy with the recent media buildup on the Rohingya situation, and I'm looking more into it.

explain Isra et Miraj

If you're a real Muslim, how do you cope with legitimate, academic criticism of Muhammad's ethics like in pic related?


Mashallah I'd like to revert but I'm too shy to go to a Mosque on my own. Stick to the Sunni teachings. Don't become a Sufi/Shia.

I've been considering converting to Islam couple of times during my liftime however there's two things that put me of and I want to know if they're avoidable - first is do I have to cut my fucking foreskin off?

Second is much more disturbing - why the hell muslims pray without their shoes on while in cami. At least there should be larger space in between people then (imagine the smell of some old dudes feet, picrelated) but even then I don't wanna watch someones ugly ass feet.

>I don't really consider myself white or Hispanic, never fit in with either one. Both my families are not too close with relatives
So you're not White. Therefore you don't belong in White countries.

>Everyone does!
No one does.

So you've fucked goats, just not lately?

>Listening to these guys helped a lot:
How about these guys?

>Idk, desu. I think something's fishy with the recent media buildup on the Rohingya situation, and I'm looking more into it.
You're so much of a coward you can't even respond...

Fuck off sandnigger

> family

I fully intend to have a wife and children who are studious through the Quran and/or socially active through interacting with the greater ummah.

> friends

I'm keeping my non-Muslim best friend; walis are the ones who must be Muslim

> community

When I'm at the masjid breaking bread with my brothers, it is far from savage

> decency

I've never left the mosque without having an interesting conversation about both sides of issues, no one has gotten angry at me for asking controversial things so far

> freedom

much like fascism finds freedom for mankind in the higher good of the single-leader State, a Muslim finds freedom from the dunya (lower world) in submission to Allah, the Highest, the Truth, the Light, The All-Majestic, etc.

> art

Look at tilework, calligraphy, glassware, carpets (my favorite form), the list goes on...

> culture

Even in my limited experience in the ummah, the various cultures of the people (Arab, Indian, African-American, Malaysian, Persian, etc.) come out in many ways, especially food.

No you don't have to cut it off. And their feet will be clean. They wash their feet before praying.

I've actually downloaded it, and I need to read it some more.

Tell me your experience, brother. It took me years before I had the courage to even say the shahadah.

I'm already cut, so that wasn't an issue lol. As for the necessity, I don't believe that's in the Quran (someone correct me if that's not true). It may be sunnah, but idk.

It's not bad, because Muslims must wash their feet as part of the ritual washing before prayer. The most I've noticed is body odor when you are side by side w someone, but in sujud (The head on the ground part), you're too far away from peoples feet to notice too much.

Just watching someones feet still gives me creeps lol

I'm white and I've been learning about the basics of Islam for years. I know it's the truth. I believe God is one and I believe in his messengers. But I don't have the courage to walk into a Mosque on my own and introduce myself to everyone in there. May Allah (swt) make an opening for me to do it!

why do you want to make this country a shithole like muslim countries? Do you think that the only thing not wrong with muslim countries is they worship a goat fucking pedophile bandit?

America wasn't entirely white, my friend. Everyone belongs on Sup Forums to be equally buttblasted, as I am doing now; it's healthy. And no, no goats, just a big fat ghetto black woman before I reverted.

The first video is not playing, but as for your second video, I agree in some ways, mainly with the futility of voting (this is shared by many white separatists). I disagree with imposing shariah on anyone who does not want to be subjected to it, for it does not seem to be the issue of a state, but of the ummah.

I am not responding to the Rohingya thing because I don't know enough about both sides. It strikes me odd that Buddhists of all people are going to these extremes, so I agree there must be something the Rohingya might have done

>I know it's the truth.
Then explain.

no, now fuck off you cunt

Jesus is the only way to heaven you demon worshipers.

Just stick through the footphobia Croatiabro, and Allah will help you with the rest XD

This is the way I think about it: if I'm on a watchlist of some kind, so be it, for human government has no power over the iman of a Muslim. If a bunch of strangers are ogling you, remember they will love to help you on your way. Like having a baby, there never seems to be an "appropriate time" to walk in one. Do so though, because learning Islam off the Internet is not enough. Inshallah you will make the right choice.

I'm happy in the USA, and I love American history. My main beef is with the NWO and the USG.

There has to be a creator. There has to be a first cause. The first cause has to be uncaused otherwise it's not the first cause. All the messengers came with the same message which was "worship God alone with no partners. Avoid idol worship". Muslims believe Noah, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad etc were all messengers sent by the creator to tell people this at different times throughout history. A Muslim means "one that submits to the will of God".

if you are happy in the USA, why are you destroying it by going against all its values? Nothing in islam is compatible with what makes western civilization good.

Trump is the Mahdi.

Not dodging, but what values would you be referring to? I assume you mean individualism, separation of church and state, republicanism, federalization of powers, and civil liberties.

Any I'm leaving out or unnecessarily adding? I'd love to address those.

Is it true that in the islamic version of heaven that even the most moral of women can be raped as perpetual virgins for an eternity? Do muslim men not care that paradise sounds more like hell for the muslim women?

>There has to be a creator. There has to be a first cause. The first cause has to be uncaused otherwise it's not the first cause.
This is the realm of philosophy, not religion. Inf fact such philosophical thinking could wind up getting you executed during the Islamic "Golden Age". Everything past these statements reverts into religious belief. No you don't "know" it's the truth. You believe it is for no valid reason.

I just don't understand how Muslims can think that the Qur'an was "uncreated" and "eternal" despite the numerous contradictions lying within it which spawned the academic "abrogation" theory. Plus, you have to have faith that Uthman's version of the Qur'an was the true one.

they all fantasize about raping their moms when they were babies

In the Quran, I have read that believers are granted "purified ones", mate that do not menstruate or any dirty thing. I need to ask some sisters about this.

freedom. MUH FREEDOM!

but seriously. muslims erode freedoms everywhere they are. they set up their own little sections and demand that everyone bow down to them. dont drink near them. dont show too much skin near them. don't insult their religion. they are fucking plagues on whatever society they leech on to for gibs. the more of them there are the more they push their views and punish non muslims. don't like them; they'll stab you; bomb you; throw acid on you all the while LARPing as nice mild mannered citizens until they reach the thresholds in pic related.

If you want to be a goat fucking pedo worshiping ass munch there are many countries that subscribe to your views, go to one of them; don't ruin the rest of the world with your filth.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

I will agree that the welfare situation for Muslims is horrible for the ummah in America because it ties them to the government. As for freedoms, I feel the main issues for Muslims would probably be with raising children who don't adhere to the faith and no go zones.

I would think letting an individual make his own path to the Creator would better than threats of bodily harm, but it must be a cultural thing for some people. As for no go zones, I haven't personally seen that where I live, but I have heard the stories as well, and I actually applaud Tommy Robinson for trying to protect his countrymen in the UK from radicals.

So yes. They rape them. "Pure" women deserve a rest from the incessant carnal urges of men after they die. Why would spirits even need to have sex without physical bodies?

I also forgot to mention the numerous grammatical errors in the Qur'an itself.

Muhammad was actually a socially awkward autistic cuckhold kek

Idk about rape, but it is a question I have asked in my mind. I think more about the gardens beneath which rivers flow, as well as the friuts which continuously are different as you eat them.

Can you show me some errors? I want to see.

Fuck off Muslim.

Take your backward, Satanic religion and go off yourself.

The world hates you. Only mentally ill liberals like your kind.

either you are for the country you profess to love or you are for an oppressive religion that fosters war everywhere it comes in contact with anyone not of it. If you love the USA drop your backward harmful religion but don't act the fucking victim.

hal yumkinuka an tatakallama l-lughata l-3arabiyyata bi-6alaaqah?

استطيع ان اتكلم اللغة العربية بمستوى متوسط.

I'm gonna look through this page, thanks.

I'm my own man, why would I be a victim or feel like one?

What kind of terror language was that obviously satirical post laced with? Swine. Aloha is not real. All your aloha snackbars are for nothing. You are the member of a death cult of swine. You are the dust on the bottom of our dirty feet.

You're a fuckin goofball dude. You are now part of the worlds biggest cult which was started by a maniac in the uncivilized desert.

The OP picture is the text of Sura al-Ikhlas:

1. Say: He is Allah the First,
2. Allah the All-Withstanding
3. He has not begotten, nor has he been begotten
4. Nor is there any equivalent to Him

allah is the goat fucker.
allah is the pedophile
he was never divine
there are a million like him fucking goats and diddling children in the mid east.

bacon be upon his name.

Go ahead man. Buy your ticket to hell. If you choose to follow a person, you want to be like that person. The false prophet was a violent child molester.

Ghazali's Jewels :
Do you have some fawaiid ?

You are on a pretty good path. However, you have been deceived. Jesus was the only true son of God. Muhammad was a false prophet.

>Be born white Christian ubermensch, something millions of subhumans would kill for
>Convert to shitskin subhuman religion

The goyim really do have it too good, this is the source of our current problems.


I don't know what that is actually... can you show me what that is?

I think fawaid means "benefits" in Arabic, I'm just not sure which ones you mean

I spent some of my time as a kid in church (Primitive Baptist, Methodist, a bit of Catholic), and I saw the downsides of some of them. On top of that, many modern churches (mainly black ones down here) operate like a corporation, with the preacher as the main man, a bit of prosperity gospel down here. All masajid operate roughly on the same procedures laid out by the Sunnah, especially during prayer.

As I said before, I never was with any culture intensively. My Puerto Rican side is not too chummy and whitewashed, while my Italian side abused my father and we don't talk to them. My best friend is Mexican, but I never integrated with them.

I don't get you. I would give my left nut to be a white Christian, you gave it up to convert to the World's (currently) most violent, backwards, literal shitskin meme religion.

I just don't get it, user. All I can think of is "the goyim have it too easy."

Maybe we need another War.

Keep your Islam in Islamic countries.

السلام على من إتبع الهدى

mohommed (piss be upon him) was a pedophile megalomaniac, you pig ignorant nigger

You can stop at Jesus and the prophets who committed real miracles. They had evidence and witnesses. Mohammed told people to write down his spiritual fan fiction. That's all he gave them besides charisma and conquest. Use your brain and find the evidence. You went too far.

> problems with the idea of clergy
> series of meticulously collected stories to help foster development
> emphasis on memorization of a transcendent text
> level of involvement in community
> sheer scope of the ummah which can aid me on my way

Among the many benefits, in addition to the level at which they fight against decadence... what background do you come from

"Peace be upon he who follows the guidance"

Is this fawaid? Is that another book on Quranic analysis?

ok im done with pol does anyone know any invite only forums or some shit where this doesnt happen

btw sage
>believing in a literal fanfic
What a waste of bacon!

I thought this was a place anyone could voice opinions without butthurt though...

I was asking for some points you cached from the book. But I guess this place is too dirty to talk seriously about god .

it is a place people can voice opinions
is just a huge faggot. more so then OP in this case.

Oh, I see. I learned the three main methods of interpreting the Quran (the jewels in declining rank of value): his essence, his attributes, and his works. I also learned that the Pearl has a layered strata of learning until one reached the center and can be considered among the awlia al albab (people of the pith). I do need to read again though.

I'm glad you see that. I'll tell you, I'd rather come on Sup Forums than browse the leftist clickbait on r/islam. Criticism can help me navigate my point of view and prevent fanaticism.

Latino muslims get absolutely no love I honestly wish ms13 gets a hold of you

Islam is supposed to be the last and best completed path to god of all path before him , but what is the Common element between all the paths ?

As you can see, they're contributing to their own downfall.

La illaha ila Allah, correct?

الحمد لله

The unity of the message struck me, and I have also picked up that each prophet emphasized a certain aspect of tawheed, Abraham being the intimate with Allah, Isa being the possessor of the Holy Spirit, Moses being the one who saw and worked miracles through God, etc.

They where all sent to remmebre the humans their creator "who is he and how to behave with him". And humans are like soil with rain, there are easy soils they receive the rain and they brings good fruits , and there are average soils they receive rain hardly "they need miracles"but they bring fruits. And there are the bad soils, they refuse the water