Was Hitler a tweaker?
Was Hitler a tweaker?
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That video is sped up, but yes Nazis did meth.
seems to me he had bets on the game
nah he just had to pee
This.. Not to mention the US gave their pilots BENNYS benzos.
he was a drug addicted loser.
nazi did meth to conquer.american to meth to do meth
His (((doctor))) got him to take all these drugs. I watched a special on Hitler and all they could do to prove he was insane was that he was on drugs at times... which were prescribed solely on the basis of one doctor. Honestly made the doctor look like the true evil.
Meth is good for you, it's just an arrangement of atoms. LEGALIZE IT
Yep. Speed and meth were the drugs of choice for the nazis.
Are you on meth??
Look at the people walking in the back ground. It's BARELY sped up if at all.
>yesterday: hurr le meth durr
>today: derp tweaker derp
Even when adjusted for the framerate of the camera, he's still clearly doing drug shakes
I don't know. Doing meth seems kind of degenerate. Hitler was a degenerate?
No, he just had the Fuhrer Syndrome.
Yes, like Vaping is cool now, ... , and there's people to kill.
That's a tweaker if I've ever seen one.
oh yeah hitler loved the speed
What other degenerate things was Hitler into besides meth?
No... he's just doing the peepee dance in his seat while waiting for half time.
Dat hand lmao
Methamphetamine is a very functional stimulant at low doses. As far as I know he was basically on a maintenance dose (like Desoxyn).
This is before crystal and all that jazz. He had a doctor IVing it, he wasn't sitting there blowing shards for hours on end for recreational purposes.
Amphetamine use in the military is very common.
No he was autistic.
A fuckload of shit. You might want to check out this book:
"Blitzed" details massive drug use in Nazi Germany
If you do a search on TPB you can find the audiobook as well.
Yes, and he notoriously was extremely nervous prior to giving speeches. Still was a good public speaker in spite of it.