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I don't see it.
does this get better after the first minute or is it just as awful
plugging by lying. 4shame
Looks like all that advertising mods let him do on Sup Forums has really paid off! Good for him.
i wouldn't bother finding out
thanks for the heads up ;^)
I see it stop lying you shitters
Your videos are fucking gay but keep up the good work I'm proud of you
Why cant this dumbfucker make higher quality videos instead of this cut/paste crap
Its impossible to watch
It's #29 now.
Is trending a worldwide thing or is it by location?
It's only trending in the uk user.
No money
Incredible how many worthless faggots are paid to shit up Sup Forums.
The kikes must be very afraid.
It doesnt take money to make a clean video wtf
>shilling against the quintessentially Sup Forums cartoon series
Since the censorship. the last Two episodes have not been that great.
Overall, the show is awesome.
wholesome episode
Huh, there must be more of us bongs watching it than we thought
if their past videos are anything to go by it only gets worse
They got a new channel too.
10 min of my life I will never get back..
reported btw, can't wait until your new acc gets sacked bitch :)
literally the pol equivelent of playing 3ds in public
I don't know. I laugh mostly at the shitty quality of animation .
Remember when Southpark came out and part of the fun was the crappy animation and still is even though they're now millionaires? It's like that. It feels more independent and authentic and less corporate, and funnier.
lol yup
>hurr need wojak meme to convey shitty msg
ha ha ha
Who is murdoch murdoch? Is he /ourguy/ or /goodgoy/?
Truly the most red pilled book
Hello newfriend
My boys
lol these little circle jerks are the opposite of effective
you people are fucking morons
south park is funny. this pandering randy stair tier meme shit isnt. theres a difference
murdoch's vids have gotten shitty tbqh
his first 30 were great
Drumpfkins unironically watch a shitty cartoon that looks like it was made in fucking flash in under 10 hours
Sure it is. Maybe you just need a sense of humour you dour cunt.
I hope they do a Rhodesia themed episode one day. they only really touched on it with metamorphosis
Murdoch Murdoch must be particularly effective because the shills (I mean who actually has a UN flag) come out immediately and talk about how shitty it is
most of the videos are great, and some of them are particularly insightful
his best episodes have all come out in the last 6 months
>Shitty politcal cartoon
pic name related
mods delete these stupid ass threads its a fucking cartoon to back to Sup Forums
I have a feeling that they'll get shoah'd again. Hope they keep their power levels relatively low
No doubt. I've never seen a Murdoch thread with anything but positive comments.... And now we have this thread with at least 15 people shilling against them... Wtf do these faggots hope to accomplish? If anything this kind of shit works against them by proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that pol is being raided.
For fucks sake, I can't view the American trending page anymore since the youtube update. The Icelandic trending page stays the same for like a month.
licking and slurping up anything even if its a pile of shit just because it got your meme plastered over it is a sign of being forced to like things.
This is a pile of shit. Thats why the sad fucker that made these videos have to create threads everyday to remind us to watch his shitpile pandering cartoons because nobody outside here will ever like them.
Murdoch Murdoch archives.
A few of Murdoch Murdochs older episodes made me cringe a little.
But honestly now I believe these guys are true artists.
The humour, pacing, the characters, the music and aesthetics are all exceptional.
These guys know how to lift you out of the blackpill and give you renewed energy to fight on.
Is this your time of day to shill, /leftypol/ cunt? Do the commies over there at least pay you for wasting your time like this?
Lets get it to the top boys
I don't understand the shills and their meme flags - having an American flag is a lot less suspicious than having a confederate flag
it's like the word has gone out at ShareBlue that your real flag is tantamount to your IP address (even though it's not) and must be protected at all costs... hence UN flags Black Lives Matter and this "Confederate" little faggot
kill yourself loser
watching lefty dildo waving fags that encourage children to chop their cock off freak the fuck out about an amateur cartoon on YT is pretty hilarious tbqh
Nice circle you jerkin
stop bumping your shit threads dumb no job suicidal nigger. even flipping burgers is less degenerate than shilling your cringe memey cartoons on Sup Forums 24/7 a day.
funny because this was by far one of his weakest videos
Bet you it's Jews.
Down with Israel!
This series is how I've redpilled all my friends. It is downright amazing
haha fuck haven't seen this video in a while
What, do you always skip to the 3rd act of movies? This is a feelz jerker, North and South uniting against Soros.
As someone who makes videos professionally, MM is top fucking notch.
I enjoyed it but its basically the end of TLSOIW again
Honestly, not one of the better episodes.
This still is one of the greatest videos on the internet
That was fantastic. Liked and subscribed.
Pretty good one, especially the end. If I were a more emotional man, I would have shed a tear.
I'd rather have more stories. The stories themselves are quite good - that's what matters. It's on a par with South Park, so what are you complaining about?
Shitty bait
Agree. The va's are shit. These guys sound gayer than Milo.
Oy vey
I got about halfway. It never got better. It's reddit meme tier garbage.
Nothing quite like a MM thread to bring out all the shills. The musical number was quite good, but the one at the end of "last stand of implicit whiteness" was better.,
it sucked
why must murdoch murdoch always save the world in each of his videos?
i miss the monster of the week ones
Once you've been here awhile you know when the posting is being forced and when the board is being slid.
Lucky this isnt reddit and you cant downvote threads that make you uncomfortable by challenging your beliefs.
Have a bump.
Fuck off. We don't need weak allies like reddit and antifa.
Murdoch needs to hire some real writers. This try-hard episode was so boring that I found myself fast forwarding through the cringe dialogue looking for any semblance of humor.
fucking hell, shills really hate MM.
I know it was leftypol that got it taken down last time.
They know it's too powerful compared to their promises of a commie block one bedroom chicken coop and a ticket for the breadline with comrade tyrone.
Hard /ourguy/. Well, at least the girl, Murdoch Chan is. She's the only one that mentions Jews, come to think of it. Dr Murdoch is slightly more mainstream, and Murdoch Murdoch is somewhere in the middle, representing the conscience / mind of a typical alt-righter. At least so it appears sometimes. Otherwise they're all just /ourguy/.
Murdoch Murdoch meditatively digging deep, finding a sense of mission:
Recent soul-searching from the Charlottesville aftermath and all the online banning:
Nice long bit of MM story; last of the 5-video 'Meme Wars of 2016' arc.
Old crowd-pleaser:
every Sup Forumsack with a working brain knows Sup Forums is being raided and shilled into oblivion, even the plebbit immigrants know it by now ffs
In the last cca 5-6 months this board really started getting hit hard, harder than during the election campaign
either something big is gonna go down soon or (((they))) have decided to nuke Sup Forums with shills once and for all
Reminder that the people Reeeeing about Murdoch Murdoch are 8pol fags that hate anything that isn't exclusively from 10pph chan. Disregard their autism.
pretty sure they freaked out. View count hasn't increased in the past 30 min
He's probably got a day job.
Yeah, in a Sup Forums thread he made an appearance and said that's what he'd try to do. After all, YouTube, for better or worse, is where new people can discover it, not just the die-hard fans.
compared to high quality jewish animation?
Yeah well, people don't take him for granted anymore and are a bit hysterically glad of it perhaps. It was bretty gud, anyway - he's got enough skill that something can be not the rare strike of genius and still be well done and enjoyable. And remember, this was supposed to be ban-resistant.
is good
torrent for there back catalogue - 4gb
Murdoch Chan is the natsoc stormtrooper, Murdoch is the weeb, and Doctor Murdoch is the NRx. They represent the holy trinity of the new right. The interplay between the three captures perfectly the interactions of the various subcultures.
Murdoch Murdoch u faggot if you're in this thread HEAD THIS ADVICE:
wtf are you talking about there early stuff was the best like the swede whose girlfriends kept getting raped and dismembered and this one was a top meme:
the newer ones are too long and not normie-friendly whereas that song got 1.3 million views and hundreds of thousands on the original upload that got deleted
also, this is the third time he kills George Soros
Can't he create a new villain for his show?
Ah, did not realize that about Dr. You don't get much NRx from him. Not that I'd know what that would sound like, other than not wanting to do anything but talk, or 'build in secret'. A few mentions of monarchy or neo-cameralism would help, but I guess MM is too plot-driven for that.
>all these shills in this thread shitting on MM
So transparent.
If you're reading this MM, you guys are the best cartoon I've seen in a long time. Definitely up there with the greats.
Keep it up.
Just a few moments, not all the time, it felt a bit too memey. I still liked a lot of it.
Maybe NRx is not the correct classification but the point still stands. What makes the show so great is how well it captures our little corner of the world. It is nice to have media that portrays our perspective in a positive light free from kike subversion.
well done
Hey at least this time his inspirational character wasn't William Luther Pierce yet again. Not that I object to him - I just think he's right to want to mix him up a bit. In an earlier thread he mentioned interest in using Oswald Mosely. But I suppose for the sake of not getting his videos pulled, so he can sell posters (and y'know, reach people), he went with a safer, Red White and Blue theme.
I'm surprised no-one's tried to identify all the historical characters in this latest one. I'm pretty sure the one guy is Henry Ford. But is that because he was an anti-semite or just American Industry embodied? I guess that'll be MM's secret :)