Daily Reminder that the holocaust happened
Daily Reminder that the holocaust happened
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How much did the rabbi pay you to post this?
Why is it that you guys always say shit like "the truth doesnt fear investigation!" but then you constantly run away from any argument aginst your conspiracy theory like cowards?
Why is it that you cant even address ONE (1) Question?
Not running away from anything.
Your pic related doesn't disprove anything. You forget what board your on? The one who's logo is a Swastika.
>Not running away from anything.
>refuses to even acknowledge or look at any of the questions and tells me to fuck off because this is your safespace echo chamber
lol. Again, if you were so sure the holocaust never happened, then why cant you even question your own beliefs once?
>taking an anime I'm going boards shit posting to heart
Please leave JDIF fag
You really want someone of Sup Forums to take time out of their life to answer a bunch of questions. You're fucking yourself.
>lol its all a joke the moment I get called out and challanged on my conspiracy theory!
again, why is it that you guys ALWAYS run and cower away from this stuff if you truly believe the truth fears no investigation?
None asked you to come here faggot
Don't like the shit people say on here then don't come here it's that simple homo
People say all sorts of random shit on here some people think the earth is flat
Oh well doesn't bother me
>go swallow a handful of nails faggot
>Daily Reminder that the holocaust happened
Daily reminder that no, the "holocaust" did not happen.
>Why is it that you cant even address ONE (1) Question?
Weak. The original 21 questions are almost rhetorical and have clear implications, these 21 questions don't have any clear implications and some of them can be easily answered without even researching.
Go home kike.
>lol. Again, if you were so sure the holocaust never happened, then why cant you even question your own beliefs once?
Do you honestly believe pic related happened?
What a pathetic attempt at sophistry
>no one asked you to come here so leave!
you sound like a scared little girl. Seriously, why are you this angry and scared about looking at even one of these questions?
>again, why is it that you guys ALWAYS run and cower away from this stuff if you truly believe the truth fears no investigation?
Do you honestly believe that pic related happened?
none of those address the answers. They are all deflective or are basically just "nuh uh!" tier statments with nothing backing them up.
>you sound like a scared little girl.
Speaking scared girls...
Like I said again shlomo, this place isn't anyone's echo chamber. If your feels got hurt somewhere along the lines then. >oh well none cares
>still refusing to even look at any of the questions
Seriously, why are you so insecure about you conspiracy theory that you refuse to even listen to counter points? Is it because you know you are wrong?
>none of those address the answers. They are all deflective or are basically just "nuh uh!" tier statments with nothing backing them up.
Exactly what I thought you'd do. Dismiss the refutations out of hand.
As for sourced evidence that proves the Holocaust didn't happen:
Holocaust Handbooks
Do you honestly believe pic related happened?
>this place isn't anyone's echo chamber.
having circle jerk threads and telling anyone that slightly strays from your conspiracy theory to leave is literally what an echo chamber is. You are so insecure about your beliefs that you have to hide out here and virtue signal
>hes a kike! right guys?!
because you know you are wrong deep down. Keep ignoring the questions user
Where are the plans and orders? Where are the mass graves at the camps?
>>still refusing to even look at any of the questions
I already refuted your questions...
I do notice though you're ignoring the images I'm posting.
What's the matter? Is it hard to believe things like pic related happened?
>Seriously, why are you so insecure about you conspiracy theory that you refuse to even listen to counter points?
You don't have any counter points. Your so-called counter points were refuted.
> Is it because you know you are wrong?
How can we be wrong when we're the ones telling the truth?
You're the one who believes pic related happened.
>Dismiss the refutations out of hand.
They arent refutations though. There is literally nothing backing them up and they dont even address the questions in any real way.
>you caught us "special treatment"=genocided
sassy and ironic statement that just agrees with me because you have no actual answer. This is because you know you are wrong, which is why you have to hide out in echo chambers
You realize sophistry is a core Jewish debating tactic called "pilpul" in Hebrew? Nice psychological projection kike.
>I already refuted your questions...
no you didnt.
>You don't have any counter points.
I have my original points which you couldnt even answer
>How can we be wrong when we're the ones telling the truth?
but you arent. Otherwise, why would you constantly have to lie?
>You're the one who believes pic related happened.
so when someone lies about being a veteran of the iraq war, that means the iraq war never happened, right? Stop operating from a place of paranoid emotion and try using logic and reason.
>You realize sophistry is a core Jewish debating tactic
then why are you guys using it so much? why do you constnatly have to shuck and jive and dance around the point and move the goal post ect. instead of actually discussing this? Seriously, try reading 3 of the points in OP
oh look, shitposting because you have no argument! You deniers sure arent emotional retards lol
Let's do it again
Can you answer these questions please.
>They arent refutations though. There is literally nothing backing them up and they dont even address the questions in any real way
...Because you say so.
>sassy and ironic statement that just agrees with me because you have no actual answer. This is because you know you are wrong, which is why you have to hide out in echo chambers
Meanwhile you still ignore all the evidence I post that disproves the holocaust.
>no you didnt.
>I have my original points which you couldnt even answer
Of course I did. That's why you're dismissing the evidence out of hand because you can't refute it.
>Otherwise, why would you constantly have to lie?
If I'm lying then how come you haven't refuted any of the evidence I've posted? You're just dismissing it out of hand.
>so when someone lies about being a veteran of the iraq war, that means the iraq war never happened, right?
Oh it's you David. You've changed it from "Vietnam" war to "Iraq" war now.
>Stop operating from a place of paranoid emotion and try using logic and reason.
So believing that pic related happened is logical and reasonable, right?
alright, so we have one guy here who admits that it happened. I know you all know it happened, but pretend it didnt because you think it will make people like nazis more
>Where are the plans and orders?
Wannsee Confrence papers
Hofle Telegram
>alright, so we have one guy here who admits that it happened
Even though you've never posted a single piece of physical evidence that proves it happened.
>I know you all know it happened,
Nope. The Holocaust literally did not happen as there is zero evidence fro the Holocaust happening.
> but pretend it didnt because you think it will make people like nazis more
There is literally nothing wrong with the NSDAP nor National Socialism. The "Nazis" as you call them did nothing wrong.
>someone finally posts the original
>Can only assume this is an excerpt from the Nuremburg Trials.
Didn't a fairly high percentage of those testifying have crushed testicles?
I will gladly answer all of these for you the moment you answer all of my original questions first. Again, just making some sassy remark or some dismissive comment about the question with no evidence at all isnt an answer
>>Can only assume this is an excerpt from the Nuremburg Trials.
It is.
>Didn't a fairly high percentage of those testifying have crushed testicles?
They did.
Notice how the only so-called "evidence" you ever post is paperwork?
You can't even post a picture or film of the gas chambers in operation.
Why are you avoiding these images?
>Oh it's you David. You've changed it from "Vietnam" war to "Iraq" war now.
and yet, you still just continue to stubbornly make your non argument point like a silly goose. I guess this sophistry is easier than actually forming an argument. Im done with you until you want to actually have a discussion instead of shitposting
>Wannsee Confrence
Please tell us in here where it mentions anything even remotely related to genocide. It clearly mentions emigration and resettlement, but not killing. This, if anything, is evidence against the holocaust narrative.
>Hofle Telegram
Again, this does not mention anything about killing. No one denies jews were transported to camps.
>Notice how the only so-called "evidence" you ever post is paperwork?
Thats literally what he asked for. Learn how to read
notice how your only so called evidence is shitty citionless jpegs and some random jew lying about being in the holocaust? lol
Holocaust still happens to this day, done by Zionists to Palestinians
You get your ass beat every time, but decalre any disagreement to be lies or strawmen, even when neutral sources are posted. You are objectively a shill.
>It clearly mentions emigration and resettlement, but not killing.
It also says it will end the Haavra Agreement which you guys never shut up about, it also mentions that there are 11 millions jews in europe despite the lie you guys often make about "there werent even 6 million jews in europe at the time!" and it also says that it will hunt down jews and force them into this system. Why wouldnt they just let them run away if all they wanted was them out of their country? I answered your question, now please look at the OP and answer #9, 10, or 11
>Again, this does not mention anything about killing.
please try actually reading it. pic related
>but decalre any disagreement to be lies or strawmen
becuase thats all you ever do, is shitpost the thread in the hopes an actual discussion doesnt take place and people with any sort of reason start to question denier conspiracys. This is because you fear investigation.
jews BTFO
>no "sources" section or references at all
really makes you think, huh?
I'll take the first three.
>1) Einsatzgruppen
No one denies Einsatzgruppen. They were doing God's work on the Eastern Front killing communists. The vast majority of the Soviet government and apparatchiks at the time were jews. Some of the Einsatzgruppen committed unholy atrocities allegedly, though like the rest of the holocaust there is no forensic evidence for this, but that is not what we're taught the holocaust was.
>2) No nazis denied the holocaust
That's simply a lie.
>21 March 46
>Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: The Fuehrer, at any rate, must have had full knowledge of what was happening with regard to concentration camps, the treatment of the Jews, and the treatment of the workers, must he not?
>GOERING: I already mentioned it as my opinion that the Fuehrer did not know about details in concentration camps, about atrocities as described here. As far as I know him, I do not believe he was informed. But insofar as he …
>Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: I am not asking about details; I am asking about the murder of four or five million people. Are you suggesting that nobody in power in Germany, except Himmler and perhaps Kaltenbrunner, knew about that?
>GOERING: I am still of the opinion that the Fuehrer did not know about these figures.
>Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: You heard what I read to you about Hitler, what he said to Horthy and what Ribbentrop said, that the Jews must be exterminated or taken to concentration camps. Hitler said the Jews must either work or be shot. That was in April 1943. Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of this policy to exterminate the Jews?
>GOERING: For the correctness of the document.
>Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: Will you please answer my question. Do you still say neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?
>GOERING: As far as Hitler is concerned, I have said I do not think so. As far as I am concerned, I have said that I did not know, even approximately, to what extent these things were taking place.
>Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy that aimed at the extermination of the Jews?
>GOERING: No, a policy of emigration, not liquidation of the Jews. I knew only that there had been isolated cases of such perpetrations.
>Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: Thank you.
Dumb kike you keep posting (((documents))) saying shit like 1.2 million Jews were killed but get into the details Shekelstein. How were they killed? Where are the graves? Where is the actual tangible evidence?
You have nothing, go pilpul somewhere else.
Josef Kramer, Assistant Commandant of Auschwitz:
>I have heard of the allegations of former prisoners in Auschwitz referring to a gas chamber there, the mass executions and whippings, the cruelty of the guards employed, and that all this took place either in my presence or with my knowledge. All I can say to all this is that it is untrue from beginning to end.
Rudolf Hoess: Commandant of Auschwitz:
>I declare herewith under oath that in the years 1941 to 1943 during my tenure in office as commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp 2 million Jews were put to death by gassing and a 1/2 million by other means. Rudolf Hoess. May 14, 1946.
From the memoirs of Rudolf Hoess:
>"I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear."
From an interview with Captain Bernard Clarke, senior officer at Rudolf Hoess's arrest:
>"The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'"
>Hellstorm (1:09:02)
People like you are just gonna make the 2nd shoah even sweeter.
>They were doing God's work on the Eastern Front killing communists
They werent killing communist though, they were killing jews. Specifically jewish civilians. Just look at Babi Yar
>The vast majority of the Soviet government and apparatchiks at the time were jews.
Stalin wasnt a jew, Beria wasnt a jew, Molotov wasnt a jew, Kalinin wasnt a jew. Either way, a jewish person in a position of power in the soviet union in no way justifies the wanton slaughter of civilians who are also jewish
Second neo-nazi in this thread to admit they know the holocaust happend.
nice shitpost non argument. lol
Karl Doenitz also denied knowledge of the holocaust, so as you can see the two highest ranking nazi officials denied the holocaust, meaning at least that the holocaust cannot have been a high level government conspiracy according to nazi testimonies. Of the two highest ranking officials at Auschwitz one categorically denied the holocaust and the other was tortured so badly that his life was endangered.
Hes not denying it, hes denying he had any knowledge of it. Read through it again objectively.
because your argument is double speak. you are attempting to provide additional mazes instead of proving the event took place. You also cite mistranslated German. Extermination and evacuation are two different words in German you stupid kike faggot.
Why are you avoiding these images?
Holocaust Handbooks
Really makes you think, huh?
>Just look at Babi Yar
Ok. Let's have a look shall we.
>The bodies were exhumed, burned and the ashes scattered over farmland in the vicinity.
So, again, there is no evidence, just Soviet accusations of atrocities. Pic related.
If true, it would mean that while the Nazis were retreating from Ukraine, they had time to go back, exhume over 33,000 Jews, cremate all the bodies and hide all the evidence. Doubt.
Consider that Stalin himself mass purged Jews from the communist party, as well as that several millions of Ukrainians died during Holodomor.
How do you tell which were killed by the Nazis and which by Stalin? How do we know the communists simply didn't blame their own crimes on the Nazis like Katyn?
Holocaust didn't happen, but it should happen again
fuck u kike
>Hes not denying it,
Why are you denying this happening?
its asking straight forward questions user. Its not double speak because you cant answer them or because Im calling out your hypcorisy over the "truth fears no investigation" line you always through out
I'm agnostic about it, its highly unlikely that we'd get the full story about it.
The caption says something about killing. Where does it say anything about killing on the document itself? Nowhere.
>completely ignoring my post here
>and completely ignoring the part about the alligation of jews in soviet power, or the implication that this somehow justifies genocide of jewish people.
lol okay.
>If true, it would mean that while the Nazis were retreating from Ukraine, they had time to go back, exhume over 33,000 Jews, cremate all the bodies and hide all the evidence. Doubt.
What was Aktion 1005 user?
>Consider that Stalin himself mass purged Jews from the communist party
So you were deliberaly lying when you said jews made up the position of power within the soviet leadership?
Also, the general alligation that the soviets just made all this up is completely unfounded since the first ever reports came from the polish underground. The same polish underground that hated the nazis just as much as the soviet invaders.
What he said is punishable by fines and imprisonment in Germany for holocaust denial.
Which brings us to
>3) Why haven't any nazis come forward and denied the holocaust since
Firstly, it's illegal to deny the holocaust in Germany. Secondly, they do anyway, so your point is a lie. For example, Otto Ernst Remer. Pic related is what happens if you're a nazi and try to deny the holocaust and why few people do it. Bear in mind that Otto Ernst Remer was a famous neo-nazi politician after the war, leader of the Socialist Reich Party. If you try and deny the holocaust as a common SS soldier, it is illegal for anyone to give you a platform. You will simply be arrested and imprisoned and no one will ever hear your story. If you are caught abroad, you will be at the mercy of Mossad.
Why aren't you actually adressing the images I'm posting.
Do you honestly believe the Nazi's killed people for wearing dirty underwear?
>What was Aktion 1005 user?
Another bullshit hoax from the so-called holocaust.
>everything that proves me wrong is a lie!
wow, what a (((coincidence)))! I also noticed how you gave literally no citation or source or even an argument for why its a hoax as well!
People, please... Let's put this bitch thread out of it's misery.
If you are going to reply to OP, remember to SAGE. If you are just going to ignore the OP, REPORT him at least... His thread is a textbook shill-thread.
>What he said is punishable by fines and imprisonment in Germany for holocaust denial.
Once again, he is not denying that it happened, he is only denying that he knew anything about it.
>Firstly, it's illegal to deny the holocaust in Germany. Secondly, they do anyway, so your point is a lie.
so then your point about it being illegal is completely pointless.
Sorry I ruined your echo chamber by asking you questions you are unable to answer
I still notice that youhaven't addressed any of the images I've posted.
Is that because you actually believe Jews were turned into lampshades like this page from the nuremberg trial transcripts says they were?
This is not an echo chamber... This is a hurtbox.
>Sorry I ruined your echo chamber by asking you questions you are unable to answer
But you haven't actually proved that the holocaust happened?
All you've done is dismiss our evidence that proves the holocaust didn't happen out of hand.
Oh look, here's another book you believe happened. You actually believe 20 million people were gassed to death in gas chambers.
12. OMX de OMQ 1000 89 ? ?
State secret! To the Reich Security Main Office, for
the attention of SS Obersturmbannführer EICHMANN, BERLIN [...rest missed...]
13/15. OLQ de OMQ 1005 83 234 250
State secret! To the commander of the Security Police,
for the attention of SS Obersturmbannführer HEIM, KRAKAU.
Re: 14-day report Operation REINHARD. Reference: radiogram from there.
Recorded arrivals until 31 December 42, L 12761, B 0, S 515, T 10335 totaling
23611. Situation [ ... ] 31 December 42, L 24733, B 434508, S 101370,
T 71355, totaling 1274166.
SS and police leader of Lublin, HOEFLE, Sturmbannführer.
It mentions Operation Reinhard by name, list how many people are being sent into each camp and then saying that none are returning from those camps.
None of this is actual evidence of the holocaust. Most is based off of false assumptions anyways.
Zero evidence of any type of holocaust
>Polish government in exile
Not witnesses. Fake news.
Only mentioned the gassing process once and claimed that the nazis threw Zyklon B off a balcony at rooms full of Jews. Ctrl-F "balcony."
Do you need me to explain why that's a lie?
Lied about the main homicidal gas chamber at Auschwitz. We know it was not used as a gas chamber. The Auschwitz museum itself admits that it was an air raid shelter reconstructed by the Soviets to look like a gas chamber.
>The crematorium I building was adapted as an air-raid shelter in 1944.
We know this because of an interview between Jewish American historian David Cole and the head curator of Auschwitz museum, Dr Franciszek Piper, in 1992 (23:49).
The structure has been inspected by numerous experts since Fred Leuchter and proved not to have ever been used as a homicidal gas chamber (1:23).
And Kurt Gerstein said that over 2 million Jews were gassed at Treblinka using diesel engines, which is a lie even according to the official narrative. This is how he described the process.
>Like basalt pillars the dead stand inside, pressed together in the chambers. In any event there was no space to fall down or even bend forward. Even in death one can still tell the families. They still hold hands, tensed in death, so that one can barely tear them apart in order to empty the chamber for the next batch. The corpses are thrown out, wet from sweat and urine, soiled by excrement, menstrual blood on their legs. Children's corpses fly through the air.
BOLLOCKS. Where are the mass graves?
So just like that and you move on from your citationless and baseless claim that Aktion 1005 was a hoax? Amazing.
If hitler did have some of the Jews exterminated we wouldn't stop liking him. We would actually probably like him more if that were the case. But it isn't
>Not witnesses.
So you are moving the goalpost once your point gets called out? I also noticed how you are continuing to ignore the point about jews in soviet power and how you contradicted yourself in the next post.
>saying that none are returning from those camps
Mate. We can all see with our own eyes that YOU ARE LYING. It doesn't say that at all. What is the point in telling such blatant lies like this?
>So just like that and you move on from your citationless and baseless claim that Aktion 1005 was a hoax?
I already proved it was a hoax with that link.
And you're still ignoring the images that show just how ridiculous this so-called holocaust really is.
Why can't you even address the images I'm posting? Are you a coward?
Or is it that these images make you question to the validity of the "Holocaust?"
Do you honestly believe the Nazis had gas chamber bike races moments after gassing a room full of Jews?
>Wannsee Confrence papers
I didn't contradict myself. He didn't target jews specifically because they were jews. Stalin can purge jews and there still be jews in the communist party. It wasn't possible to do large purges of the communist party without purging jews, because the communist party was overwhelmingly composed of jews.
>Recorded arrivals until 31 December 42, L 12761, B 0, S 515, T 10335 totaling
What happened to these arrivals user? What was the "special treatment" they recieved?
try reading through it again. Also, it mentions Operation Reinhard by name. What was operation Reinhard user?
The main pourpouse of Sup Forums is to learn the truth... If you spend enough time on Sup Forums, someone eventualy will try to redpill you, like this guy ...
But here's the thing, you care nothing for what this guy or anyone else here has to say... You only care for this ready answers and bullshit you came here with...
You don't care for arguments, you only care about shiling. You are a shill.
>jews ran the soviet government but stalin purged jews from the government but that doesnt mean jews were purged!
lol you sound like a robot short circuiting. Either way, its all baseless bullshit and in no way justifies genocide of regular jewish civilians.
>and in no way justifies genocide of regular jewish civilians.
Even though there is literally no evidence of the Holocaust happening...
>The main pourpouse of Sup Forums is to learn the truth.
and yet, you hold up in your little echo chamber and cowar away from discussion or actually questioning anything in favor of just virtue signaling. You cant advocate for everyone to try and SHUT IT DOWN and then say you arent an echo chamber user
Stalin purged the communist party numerous times, most of whom were jews. What don't you understand about this you dumb cunt?
lol its cute how you think this is an actual source
>muh shitty neo-nazi blog says so!
>lol you sound like a robot short circuiting.
You should see this guy