Transhumanism - Tall Designer Babies

Predictions done on embryos are now 65% accurate for final height of adult. This means designer babies can be selected or engineered for height.

Virtually every complex trait is predictable at embryo stage now to a good degree.

scientific article

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A gene test of an embryo can now predict it's height. You don't need to wait 20 years to see how tall your child will be. If you use genetic editing or embryo selection with IVF you can ensure a taller child.

reminder genetic engineering is reshaping human evolution right now

>reminder genetic engineering is reshaping human evolution right now
absolutely, thank god this shit happens.

>idiots stop existing because all Designer Babbys will be smart as fuck
>no more Manlets anymore
>Men finally get equal with the dicksize
>Robot Waifus become a thing soon
>Men don't need roasties anymore once the artificial womb is also perfected

future is bright lads

0.65 correlation

Manlets are going extinct soon. It's almost unfathomable to imagine the gigantic genetic change that will happen.

We shouldn't even call them human. The next few generations are going to be absolutely unreal.

too bad i dont need too both my kids were in the 97-100% for everything

> mfw beta version bugs

It's stupid to process this on an individual scale. We are talking about all human genetics being scaled and weighted out with the best being used in future generations.

It's not just better kids. It's a fundamental change in evolution and life forms. We are dealing with Artificial intelligence and a complete change in humanity to something new.

Your kids are still human. The coming generations won't be.

feels good man
The Übermenschen will rescue Mankind and bring us Robot Waifus.

Im desperate for this technology.
I will legit have 20 kids when this becomes available. Finally freed from worn out whores.

the thing is this is so Huge that we can already taste the salty tears of the roasties that are about to die out.

funny tho that the Artificial Womb will be pushed by woman because they don't want to ruin their bodys with pregnancy, and this will be their end, Scientists are already able to make human eggs without needing a roastie.
they're almost obsolete now and they will be replaced by AI.
stuff like pic related is just the beginning.

I'm really wondering what will happen. Will some countries say fuck it and just start producing super-humans in artificial wombs and not even caring about existing families and people?

How the fuck would a normal family even raise a 185 IQ child?

Survival wise. Once you have the technology for artificial wombs and genetic engineered reproduction is there a need for two genders?

hell you could just get rid of the sex drive entirely.

Transhumanism is a brainfuck.

>Manlets are going extinct soon
Manlets will never go extinct, the cutoff just gets higher

>Will some countries say fuck it and just start producing super-humans in artificial wombs
the Chinese will do it no fucking doubt about it. China doesn't care about morals n ethics n shit.
the west will have to do the same or else they will fall behind in the race, they can't allow that.

>hell you could just get rid of the sex drive entirely.
I'd guess this is way more difficult than just changing a few variables in height or dick size.
also Human will always remain a hedonistic fuck so this is very likely to stay, at least in foreseeable future.

Robot Wifes, Nano Machines, 185+ IQ children, artificial wombs.
this shit is all part of the future.

nah the more tall you get it starts to look akward

Unless our heads and shit get bigger too.

I just see it inevitable we fuck with reward centers of the brain. The value in turning off and on your sex drive, hunger, boredom, etc is too high.

> the Chinese will do it no fucking doubt about it. China doesn't care about morals n ethics n shit.the west will have to do the same or else they will fall behind in the race, they can't allow that.

We'll wait until the inevitable spawn of deformed life and new diseases come from this myopic meddling...

185+ IQ children
> mfw idiots think you can engineer IQ through uniformity

Yeah humans and dogs are just the same IQ. There's no way to create more intelligence through genetics.

you still need women for a low-tech backup, but not for anything else heh

I want cybernetic implants not this gay gene editing shit

well, the implication of OP isn't that genetic engineering is king over AI or other things. I don't know the future.

Just that the advance of genomic prediction is progressing rapidly and exponentially.

The perfect male height is at around 185 - 195cm.
But it doesn't matter if you're 3cm smaller than some other guy, there won't be any roasties to compete for, they will be replaced by AI Robot Wifes that will look like your favorite pornstar in her prime that never ages and will never cuck you.

at some point, like several hundred years later I think its not too far off.

>We'll wait until the inevitable spawn of deformed life and new diseases come from this myopic meddling...
of course there is a huge price to pay for this but eventually they will perfect the procedure and the Übermenschen will be made easily.

>mfw idiots think you can engineer IQ through uniformity
what about brain matter density and its efficiency? they will edit the genes as long as it takes until they get their desired Superhuman. its only a matter of time.

they will turn completely obsolete.

>artificial womb takes better care of the feetus than biocunt ever could
>AI never complains because you are its master
>Robot Waifu never smells, never cheats, never makes drama
>Robot Waifu never ages
>Robot Waifu fucks you perfectly

What can the biocunt?
nothing because biocunt is inferior.

This, you can have a country, like let's say Brazil, with huge statistics mistrust and full of areas with no people.
How about the government having "black funds" destined to a laboratory in the middle of Amazonia for the creation of super humans.

I mean, even us could waste about USD 100.000.000 per year in paying the football transitions. Imagine gibing that money per year or even more a group of scientists to make soldiers and engineers.

several hundred years is too far. Things are advancing exponentially.

You fools that welcome this:

YFW you realize your literally destroying evolution in doing this it's no longer a matter of environmentally desirable traits as opposed to a wish list. What may be a trait of suitability of survival may well be entirely overlooked in favor of Muh Penis.


They can finally screen out those who wouldn't play nice with the grand plan, and finish them rightly before birth.

Man the poor countries are going to go crazy.

Legit superhumans will look at Africa and just see real estate and nice places to put homes. Probably not even genocide they will just round them up and put them in natural reserves like animals.

SJWs are already using this to screen for deformed babies, that they can use to virtue signal. Anyone got the story where some thot was trying to have a blind/deaf baby?

Of course the next generation could be entirely libcucks who enjoy being slaves and working 24/7, going to sleep in a little eco chamber cube chanting "Global Citizen Human Rights"

No matter what it will be interesting.

- let corporations create and raise children. They can employ female surrogates, and raise children in a boarding school environment.
- they'll do it much better than traditional families ever could. Traditional families are inefficient and chaotic and unstable. more than 50% of marriage end in divorce. drugs, alcohol, stupidity, poor nutrition, plague traditional families.

but muh penis is the exact guarantee of survival

In 2002, Sharon Duchesneau and Candy McCullough, a deaf lesbian couple from America, made headlines when they chose to conceive via a sperm donor. It wasn't the procedure that drew the attention of the press, but the choice of the donor.

After eight years together, Duchesneau and McCullough approached a friend with five generations of deafness in his family with the explicit goal of having a deaf baby.

"A hearing baby would be a blessing," Duchesneau told the Washington Post. "A deaf baby would be a special blessing."

Yes, corporations should have the only access to breeding rights. corporate campuses could raise the children to be perfect workers and improve revenue.

tall people will be the first to die on modern day wars. being a manlet will have its advantages when shit hits the fan.

hard to tell how long the transition and replacement will go.

Gene Editing is the true next step in Evolution, together with Robot Wifes.

pretty sure they will genocide them, they probably won't do it by shooting them all, more like sending out nano machines that make them sick and infertile.

Modern day warfare is automated drones. Human soldiers are obsolete.

>standing around or hiding in a pit with rifle
>screaming fast suicide air drones crash into your head and explode

There is no "soldier" anymore. All military planning is based on swarm warfare.

Yeah they can possible even just transform them. Like manipulate their biology so much that they just reformat their brains, remake their bodies, etc and leave them "alive" but an entirely new person, maybe even a clone of one of the superhuman's brains is used.

what makes you think government would allow everybody, especially random people of low dann quality, having dozens of babies? And how you want to raise 20 babies as a single person?
This motive already shows, in case many have it, that nothing would become better by that. The competition between parents who's got the best child would just keep going, just with much bigger numbers (in case they would give artificial wombs for the free market) and the world would be overpopulated in an even quicker pace.

I also would not assume artificial wombs will happen in the next few years. The hormonal influence, the movements and the bonding between mother and baby is not easy to copy.

also if everyone is tall, then tall is nothing special anymore. If everyone is 6,5, why not making a 7,9 child so it can beat up the 6,5 "manlets" on schoolyard or become a better basketball player?

Tall people use more resources.


>automated drones
>believing this meme

Bro, I was in the fucking Marines. Literally the toughest branch in the military. We're all fucking manlets here. Tall people are easily weeded out because they suffer joint pain rather easily.

There can only be so many drones and robots, faggot. A human force will be needed to actually control land.

kinda funny how his "modern day warfare" is actually the ones from yesterday.
you're right, small suicide drones and guided munition are the future.

>I also would not assume artificial wombs will happen in the next few years
the technology is already here man.

already explained here >there won't be any roasties to compete for, they will be replaced by AI Robot Wifes that will look like your favorite pornstar in her prime that never ages and will never cuck you.

When designer babies are a reality does anyone really think we're going to be genetically engineering brown kids?

I bet a good portion of non whites will gradually engineer their kids to be successively more European looking.

>How the fuck would a normal family even raise a 185 IQ child?
Hopefully by finding a way to re-engineer our brains so that we can also have a 185 IQ ourselves.

The biowomb has lots of flaws too. The high stress of modern women causes a lot of problems.

It's likely artificial solution is superior but little funding.

Who else here is going to fucking kill themselves once there is an entire generation of superhumans making us inferior and obsolete?

but competition is the only thing that keeps humanity proceeding. Competition and catastrophies.

I would absolutely be on board with raising a super kid and then having him fight me to the death on his 18th birthday.

There is a reason they don't mind women nowadays. It's not because they are good at infantry.

Let's compare.

Current world billions of shitskins with 80 avg iq
future world new generation of superhumans

future world is better

no I like being a normal natural human instead of artificial. I will wait until they kill me because they don't see me useful anymore. Maybe my own 234 IQ child will kill me for the greater good because they don't need/have empathy anymore.
But I still don't think this will happen soon. Maybe middle or end of century and when this mega generation is grown up I will be dead anyway

What does Sup Forums think of White Nationalist Transhumanism?

It is probably imperative that we prevent mass immigration and race mixing in order to achieve a transhumanist society. If the population becomes too admixed with negroid DNA, the average IQ will lower to the point where developing transhumanist technology becomes harder and harder. More non-whites also increases the chance of civil war, which could disrupt scientific research for transhumanism that could be occurring.

It is also important as Whites that we become transhuman in order to compete with the Jews. Luddite is controlled opposition, designed to prevent Whites from ascending to become transhuman, so that the Jews can have the world all to themselves. The White Race must become transhumanist, to prevent transhumanist Jews from achieving world domination.

Yeah but you and I will be cast aside as useless subhumans.


you're living in the past gramps. get with the times already.

Drones are getting smaller, cheaper and technology more precise, it doesn't take long until they outperform humans completely on the battlefield.

the will to reach the stars will drive Men in the future, exploring new lands, Biocunts will be a tale of the past by then since they got replaced by the Robot Wife and everyone will want a Robot Wife.

Yes, keep in mind this is one pathway. There are many, many pathways including things like AI.

The actual highest potential thing in this sort of field is something that makes existing people more intelligent. Less of a delay to when it impacts society.

ISIS has even successfully used suicide drones to kill people on the battlefield.

I don't. I want a human relationship

Those bastards the Chinese are going to force our hand at a time when we should proceed only with extreme caution.

human relationships are illusions. It's all an illusion. Why not fuck a nice optimized by google robocunt.

but less delusional than a relationship with a non human imo

>Why not fuck a nice optimized by google robocunt

fucking is one thing. Having it as "partner" is another thing
the thought disgusts me

Then move to Congo and be the smartest person around.

Right? I'd rather have a relationship with the on-board AI of a superluminal cruiser.

>genetically alter yourself to be taller (and require more calories) to attract robots

Assuming robocunts are as good or better than human sex partners at some point. there are going to be a fucking shitload of women looking for the few remaining on the dating market men.

are you dumb or something?

Just see at all the positive thing the Robot Wife brings:

>never starts drama
>always there to make you happy, its her mission objective number 1
>will always be loyal Robot
>cleans, cooks without complaining
>doesn't smell
>doesn't age
>looks just like you ordered her from the catalog
>her artificial vagina and asshole are made with laser precision to pleasure every square inch of your cock to 100%
>skin feels like real skin
>AI learns about you and learns to be your best companion
>can own as many Robot Wifes as you can afford

the Biocunt CAN'T compete AT ALL.
I take the Robot Wife over a Biocunt every day.
the biocunt will go the way of the horse, gets replaced by superior technology.

nope, you do this for yourself because the Human is narcissistic. It feels good to be the Übermensch.

What about genetically engineered sex slave?

Similar in behavior/intelligence to a dog but loves sex and master's approval.

We could transform men into high IQ overlords advancing society and women into braindead obedient housepets

This selection process means aborting undesirable embryo's for purely arbitrary reasons.

Christians will shit fit if this ever happens.

they can't because I could not forget they are not human and nothing about them is real.

Don't you know the feeling of "chemistry" between two humans, being in love, holding your nose into the pillow of the other, when gone, because you miss the others smell? It would be like in women of stepford instead.

The movie disturbed me kinda and i also can't imagine having such a thing around babies or children

I think every religion has shit fits over transhumanism to some degree.

Most fertilized eggs fail to attach anyway, nothing new.

biological shit ages, thats annoying.
a Robot never ages, never gets tired.

You can select for genetics that enhance skin, create neotenous features, etc.

It's not so bad and you can probably just return it to the factory when it's too old.

>never starts drama
artificial harmony is boring
It's like being single. Then also no one starts drama.

>always there to make you happy, its her mission objective number 1

Doesn't matter. It would not be real. You can't create affection artificially

>will always be loyal Robot

how can you know that if they become so advanced that they can't be differed from humans? And loyality without the option of being not loyal would also not be real and therfore worthless.

>cleans, cooks without complaining

>doesn't smell

I like bodysmell

>doesn't age

I don't blame humans for being human
>looks just like you ordered her from the catalog

I like humans for being human
>her artificial vagina and asshole are made with laser precision to pleasure every square inch of your cock to 100%

as I said, have no problem with sextoys.

>AI learns about you and learns to be your best companion

I don't want a 'companion' that does not have a choice for it has no consciousness and just follows some algorithm

but do whatever you want. I have no bonding disorder, so I'm not agreeing with you.

butthurt roastie detected

>biological shit ages
Unless Aubrey de Grey figures out how to cure it.

autist detected

They have shit fits because transhumanism is progress and religion is stagnation and regression.

I'll do the obligatory *tips fedora* so that you don't have to. But it's true.

>Your kids are still human. The coming generations won't be.
I hope the Natural Order sets shit right before technology takes over entirely, but who knows. Maybe technology is what creates this simulation we are in, after we've created technology

No need to be butthurt sweetie but I admit it was hilarious seeing you piss your panties because you realise you can't compete with a Robot who outperforms you at everything, and then trying to come up with arguments that basically come down to "t-thats not REAL companionship!". hilarious indeed.

>Maybe technology is what creates this simulation we are in, after we've created technology
u wot m8

aging can be cured soon. Immortality is almost possible. You still can get killed but you wouldn't die off aging or natural causes anymore.
Which would also lead to necessary massive birth control

because that's the way I see it. You just try to rationalize your inability to have relationships and someone who cares for you and pretend you don't need it anyway

>lead to necessary massive birth control
Birth control my ass, at that point we start spreading amongst the stars, only cucks approve of birth control in that situation.

at what point?

we don't even have a colony on Mars nor can we travel with light speed.

>reading comprehension
The point of immortality.

the Robot outperforms the Biocunt, thats a fact. It outperforms it so hard its going to make the Biocunt go extinct.

no man gonna pick an aging biocunt over the superior robot.

Neither of those things matter presupposing immortality. I'm begining to think the German is right about you being a roastie.

if we are immortal it does not matter that we don't find a solution for colonizing space, but it still won't matter if we have a population growth without dying. No I really don't understand that.

There are down sides to high IQ, for one you remember everything or nearly so.
High IQ has a vary real limit to it. Ignorance is bliss.

>65% accurate

So 35% randomly ineffective?

why are ukies so attractive

If we are unaging, why does interstellar distance matter? Great ships would be constructed on orbit and make way to far off Suns. After all, we'd have all the time in the universe.


>biocunt STILL can't name ONE thing in which Biocunts are better than A Robot Wife

I love how retarded you people are
>genetic engineering is possible
>but they will genocide niggers for some reason
>also niggers will still exist for some reason despite genetic engineering being possible and probably the only ethical way to actually get rid of niggers
>probably cheaper than genocide as well
Given the option to ethically remove a problem with the sources content, you desire violence and murder instead.
When did you realize that you were the subhuman?

if your IQ becomes too high, you turn into a black chair and then live in the internet

>How the fuck would a normal family even raise a 185 IQ child?
With two parents above 110.

where can i get one

imagine what schools would be like. You'd have businesses hiring middle schoolers.

I don't think I want them to make me more (((intelligent)))