Borders are ARBITRARY
Peoples lives are REAL
Borders are ARBITRARY
Peoples lives are REAL
Saying people are alive is pretty arbitary baka desu senpai
Build Wall Nao
OP is a faggot
National borders historically grew with the settlement zones and territories of nationlities, ethnicities, religions and cultures.
The most un-arbitrary thing ever.
You're right, people should stop bitching about Europeans colonizing North America. No borders!
Prove your life is real right now
I can't tell if leafs are shitposting or shit posting.
I love humanity and I love Earth and all I wish is that Canada be fucking nuked back to the stone age
Yeah, actually I do.
Borders make my life better, people make my life worse. It's pretty obvious which one I support
What are mountains, rivers, oceans, thick forests, deserts, etc. Natural borders? Yep.
Let's make the Wall a heavily forested mountain with an ocean running through it.
We stopped bitching about that centuries ago.
>Borders are ARBITRARY
Wrong, borders are drawn in blood. People fight and die to establish borders, it's why there isn't a straight line on a map of Europe; every inch was fought for over hundreds of years.
>i dont see any borders
its called the sea
its the giant blue thing separating continents
AIDS is also real, yet we can all agree it's about as useful as the 'people' carrying it.
You forgot rivers, mountains, deserts, forests and lakes.
Why don't you move to africa or china, then get back to us on borders.
The only right anyone has to their land is their ability to defend it.
Murricans won't shut up about it any time illegal immigration is brought up
>Borders are ARBITRARY
Pics with timestamp of the front door of your house with no locks on it.
Inb4 1 post by this ID.
Looks pretty arbitrary to me.
Day Of The Rake. Soon.
Lot of talk coming from the Colonies.
I see a border called the atmosphere and it keeps air in.
Yeah, except we actually fought tooth and nail for our independence and subsequent expansion. You're only a sovereign nation because other countries let you be and you probably couldn't defend yourself against a single US SWAT team.
China's great Wall can be seen from space, and yes it's a border.
Much like your front door is just "arbitrary."
Next week im going to visit 10 countries with no passport and refuse any searches at airport. I will go to the countries with best gibs and apply for gibs. In one year time i will be a millionaire because no borders one earth.
Damn straight!
I should be allowed to buy out African farmland. I shouldn't be barred from doing that just because I'm not "African".
You are right. The problem is nonwhites are not human hence they don't qualify as people
quite the "coincidence" that all of the white countries get over nationalism right about
the time they run out of domestic oil / nat gas reserves.
it's just double hilarious that right wing tards can't realize that open borders
are now in their own best interest
Canadian genocide now, pls. Your people no longer deserve to exist.