The guy have been filming private conversations and what goes on in alt-right forums and groups.
Thoughts on this?
The guy have been filming private conversations and what goes on in alt-right forums and groups.
Thoughts on this?
Other urls found in this thread:
How do we solve the eternal Swede problem?
>that faggot dialect
nazis are retarded if they cant spot that
Bullshit. If he was undercover for a year he'd be full 1488, especially for Sweden. They'll be the first 21st century fascist regime in Europe at the rate things are deteriorating
>when youre shitposting a bunch of frog over the internet and you became the erznemesis of (((the media)))
What a time to be alive.
And he's part of Hope Not Hate, one of the migrant taxi services in the Mediterranean
They're the ones that tried to get the Defend Europe mission shut down through lies and slander.
Do not do illegal shit, be consistent in your ideology and there is nothing a "undercover reporter" can discover.
>hi I'm a swedish male quisling, fuck white people and any group trying to put an end to the anti white agenda, here you go Jewish masters, here's my film against my own kind, please give me shekels and liberal pussy please.
He looks like the type of guy who gets raped by a Somali and then cries when the government tries to deport his rapist and begs them not to (actually happened).
Another embarrassment for Sweden.
We need to form an international brotherhood of Europeans
Whites in all countries have a common goal - stop the invasion, stop the irrational hatred of white people, bring about conservative values again
implying these "undercover reporter" aren't just gonna lie anyway.
i know your German but still how fucking stupid are you?
Peterson, via Nietzsche, and the Bible for that matter, agree, Desu. Without Christianity, "muh conservative values" are built on shifting sand. Where Jesus Christ has preeminence, majority White nations could give the (((AntiChrist))) a run for his money.
He should be 1488 but is full on 1984 trusting media and government like a drone.
holy shit Cringe as fuck
>tfw when you look like the eternal swede
Whole thing is here: alternativeright.hopenothate.com
you could hear the semen in the corner of his lip
"Alt-right" is for faggots
he asked how to fix the problem of swedes. your idea is to join with them and give them power and influence over your decisions. you're better than this, scot
Why didn't he "infiltrate" our own blooming alt right movement?
>t. the current state of nu/pol/
Where is the official alt-right HQ?
Who would fund something like this?
We are literally living in the most Christian time period in all of history. Our entire society is already saturated with christcuck values.
The eternal Swede strikes again
How do you go undercover in the alt right, when it's an anonymous message board and everyone is welcome to join the conversation?
He didn't even need to go under cover.. It's not like the alt-right is some violent organization. It's mostly conservatives and classical liberals larping as Nazi's to piss off SJWs.
Checked. This guy is an agent working a psyop. Nothing more.
Does anyone have his home address?
what a surprise, literally rich people haven, no niggers to be seen
Here's a question though. What is the purpose of an ideology? I would say the purpose of an ideology is to mobilise people.
We should appreciate Christianity, but I don't think it's the best way to mobilise Westerners these days. Many people don't care for Christianity anymore, especially since so many churches now are completely cucked.
Celebrating Western culture is something everybody can get behind.
No, my idea is that we should all create a cohesive international movement to stop the destruction of our countries.
Because when we can point to other countries and say "look they feel the same way we do", it legitimises all of us.
>We dislike Macron
>We think Milo is 'OK'
Wew, did we only spend an hour at a time undercover?
Also that guy talks like such a fag and has fag mannerisms how could they not identify him as an infiltrator? Retards
>that image
Fucking gold
Alt-right is filled with fags
Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes
They are all fags
op i hate you dont put two >
>exposing a meme
i'm sorry for my country and fellow countrymen please no range ban
That's how all swedish men act
God damn swede cuck. Someone should pay this faggot a visit
>Bullshit. If he was undercover for a year he'd be full 1488, especially for Sweden. They'll be the first 21st century fascist regime in Europe at the rate things are deteriorating
Not really, he started going IRL very quickly, never really went to real online spaces, just facebook.
When you meet people IRL, you don't rehash shit everyone already agrees on, so him activating his wowjustwow is a lot easier.
>grindr greggy is a sodomite
wow oh my god thank you eternal swede what will we do with this new information
Shit like this is why there needs to be tests for acceptance into the group, something that could weed out the undesirables and prove loyalty. It could also be different for every nationality. People from America have to do an anti-communist action. People from England have to have a lager and yell gibberish at Pakis. People from Sweden have to not be gay for 24-hours. Something like that.
pepe tattoos... It's clearly the best way.
These videos are nothing. Literally all of this was public knowledge already. These people are all public figures and all this stuff is shit they have already said in podcasts/interviews. Basically a big nothing burger from the jew york times
But .... we have nordic.altright.com .......
Pretty much... Everything mentioned in these "private meetings" are things that are all stated publicly by these figures.
he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded
I think he lives with his dad, who is unmarried.
He lives in a fucking rich neighborhood as well.
Nobody watches that shit.
Even though its Soros funded.
How do I know you aren't Hope not hate and try to get at least a few crumbs of views, (((OP)))?
Greg Johnson. Is this actually him?
>kike on a stick
pic related
I ain't clicking on that shit
Is he dropping redpills everywhere?
The country that had the least SD supporters the last election.
I'm disgusted by their ignorance.
>literally lives in the most expensive place in Sweden
Can't make this shit up lmao
Everyone feels powerless at times and marginalized by life in some way, but young people often have not developed mature ways to cope with this unhappy reality yet, and young white males are especially volatile because they associate themselves with the power structure - they have a reaction that says, "It shouldn't be this way, this is not the way it's always been, this is not the natural order of things, our people have built this civilization, and it belongs to us." They see authority and control that's rightfully theirs as something being impinged upon, usurped, taken away. They are losing what "they" built, the greatest civilization in the history of the world. They get into a state of mind where they pay tribute to and yearn for a legacy of violent oppression and see this as an acceptable means of restoring the power structure that is "meant to be" because this is "ours."
Interesting quote eh?
It's not really a secret, he can just come here on pol or go on youtube and read/watch like everyone else
Why? It's always like that. (((Tim Wise))) also lives in a 99% white neighbourhood.
he actually looks like a subhuman soviet rape baby. i wouldnt be surprised if he was
fuck off faggot
Tim wise is a jew tho. This gentile is completely onboard with a jewish globalist agenda
Interesting quote, eh?
Interesting quote, eh?
white people are the only race in the world that sees giving up privilege and disenfranchising their children as a virtue.
Interesting quote, eh?
>that guy talks like such a fag and has fag mannerisms how could they not identify him as an infiltrator?
Have you uh...seen the alt-right? They're a bunch of prancing ninnies. He probably fit right in.
He propably just looks at extremist stuff like kill all jews and dismisses on base of this all crimes and rapes of immigrants.
honestly looks lame and poorly done
In-ter-esting quote...eh?
Why dont we just start by making fun of hope not hate and watch as they get butthurt.
its solving itself because your being bred out of existence
His dad probably fucks him
>No, my idea is that we should all create a cohesive international movement to stop the destruction of our countries.
To do what we need to wrestle away control of the propaganda. The left dominates this arena and has everyone convinced that equality is a virtue and white people are evil and should give up their land and their lives for other people. It is insanity where we are at currently but once people finally sit down and listen to someone like Rockwell the spell of the kikes can is broken. Somehow we need to show the world that we are not motivated by some childish hate but love for our people and our future. A future that shouldn't be flushed down the toilet so a few kikes can get rich.
the swedish upperclass are hardcore globalists
Figured as much. I mean you guys are getting over run with brown rapists
What the fuck is an alt-right group?
It's not just the New York Times piece. There is a whole report about the alt-right with profiles and stuff.
What is the "alt-right" and why should we care?
It's sickening. Maybe we really should go extinct. We'll always be prone to cuckery, jews or not.
Checked. Kek has made us privy to the thoughts and mind of a swedish faggot.
>hi I'm a swedish male quisling
>using quisling as traitor
>implying quisling was a traitor to anything but traitors
Nope. Just need to get rid of Cucktianity, then we can embrace ethnocentrism, social democracy will die off and the tribe will lose its power.
I unironically believe Spengler was right after all.
Western culture became highly academic and introspective.
Some amount of introspection is healthy in individuals, but when you see a culture (or even smaller things like movements and parties) it eventually second guesses itself to death.
I used to believe Spengler was wrong because I'm a retard that reads wikipedia and takes it seriously. But now, seeing developed nations simply throwing away every advantage they have to people that don't reciprocate or even appreciate their efforts makes it clear in my mind: Intellectuals eventually kill cultures and civilizations.
Yeah perhaps a bad choice of word but also it's using the language of the left against them...
>millennial woes
He's bisexual (was a homo in art college).
Yes. Bisexual. Sucked dick, got fucked in the ass in his *liberal arts days*. Not Spencer though. he's married and has a kid.
Can someone explain to me how you infiltrate and "go undercover" in a entirely public "movement"?
It's shocking how awful they are at this.
Yeah, they start thinking of violence instead of a mature response like handing out more stop rape wrist bands
>what he thinks he's doing
You'll never guess my real flag
>what he's actually doing
There's intellectuals like Plato and there's the tens of thousand of useless academics that read Plato and all the greats of Western literature and try to guess some new interesting insight.
The problem is that intellectuals get all their ideas from books, and books are 2nd hand information, passed down from someone greater than you. The true wise men of a society are artists, visionaries, not intellectuals debating the same books with each other.