Why does a generic moe SoL have the greatest animation of this entire season?
Why does a generic moe SoL have the greatest animation of this entire season?
Oh shit time to continue this.
Forced animation
You seem to have used "moe" to mean cute anime or manga series, or just characters that act cute. Oops!
Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example r/anime.
Thanks for reading!
Picked up.
because the art is meh? so it´s not that hard to animate?
The scene is meant to look over th top
w/e dude, this show is definitely moe
The animation looked really good this episode, What the fuck did Dogakobo do.
they're finally not calling each other out on twitter
What a waste of talent.
Right? Why the fuck they waste their time, talent and resources doing what they like when they could be easily making something that panders to my shit taste instead?
But this is actually a good show, at least to be a cute girls doing cute things is a pretty ok show
>Forced animation
When will this meme die?
>doing what they like
Because Dogagods are the best studio.
But Kuromukuro is a generic mecha series, not SOL.
Anne happy or sansha sashyou
But Concrete Revolutio has had plenty of insistences of better animation.
what animu is this?
That's exactly why this season is great.
>they're finally not calling each other out on twitter
There was twitter drama with the staff?
One of these
Define "generic".
What are you doing user?
All hail based Dogakobo
Copy paste show, nobody would notice it if this didnt air, because there are 5 other almost exact shows airing
nobody would notice if any show didn't air since they wouldn't know about it in the first place, shit arguement
Why is Futaba so shit? she ruined the whole episosde.
there was a dude who went on a huge tirade on twitter after productions of Ep4
Aesthete detected.
Akira Hamaguchi was one of the animation supervisors and did key animation.
I can't wait for the final episode.
It's gonna look amazing
Forced animation a.k.a "I'm retarded and think animating on 3s and 4s with many still shots looks good cuz I'm a weeb"
I wish doga didn't waste their talents on cute girl shit
Then go back and suck a shota dick like Doga Kobo wants everyone to.
This is a fucking disaster and a shame on all cute girl shows.
They should use their talent on season 2.
Too bad the show isn't that good but it's good to watch it.
Dogakobo is actually super capable. see Love Lab and Mikakunin. No clue what's been happening to them recently animation wise, but it's nice to see them picking things back up again.
You're still wrong though OP. ConRevo has the best animated scenes of the season.
>Love Lab
Fuck off, that along with Sansha Sanyuu should burn, and both deserve the flop they are getting.
It's so easy to tell who our favorite namefag is when they're not using their name
It's actually not that good. It's very forced and choppy, the key frames lack any appeal, and there is littl to any use of arcs.
The only appeal is that it looks like shit so that average plebs think its humorous.
Because dogakobo
>Adapting a 10 year old manga
cute girls
It doesn't, it has like 5 scenes with really good animation and the rest is really bland.
I'm talking from a purely visual standpoint mate, chill the fuck out.
Amazing hand animation! Look at those fingers move, wow!
Because Dogakobo always delivers quality stuff when it comes to animation and no other studio this season is actually trying, so it's easy to win by default that way.
Also no Kyoani.
Forced animation.
Because drawing generic moeshit character is easy.
well I hope you're happy OP. You made a Sansha Sanyou into a shitposting thread.
youre a fucking idiot
The facial expressions are lazy too, following symbolic expressions (such as the faces going >.
Seeing people use this meme is an easy way to spot baby's first low level try hard shit posting.