Does he want to be in prison because its the safest place for him? so Hillary can't get to him.
Martin Shkreli
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That is actually VERY plausible.
Considering that prisons are disproportionately filled with Hillary voters, I wouldn't think so
I dont think its too hard to have someone killed in american prison
he still streams on youtube. ask him yourself.
he's afk atm
>Implying she won't give some convict a "surprise parole" if he shanks Martin during chowtime.
Is Enigma machine?
That's what I thought
That's the worst place for him.
Surrounded by violent criminals who spend their spare time making shanks.
Any one of the them could be paid off.
I'll be damned. It is.
"New Enigma machine for our office. Perhaps it will help us crack the code in drug development."
He planned it all. How else can a dorky pharma bro join a dangerous, clown-centric street gang but by going to prison?
He is the promised messiah of the Juggalos. He will unite the spics and the honkeys and destroy la Raza and the Cartels.
no its just to get rid of him as competition
look there are like 5 guys who are considered as possibly being the beast from revelations. there is a odd cult in the upper crust in america and europe who take this shit seriously. ben shapiro almost got killed at a birthday party when he was younger over it. some one sent a hit man to knock out the competition
even the ones who dont believe in the bible take it seriously because of the level of data access and control the beast will be given over the global economy. they would exploit others faith to make money through their kid
it was already called there is a official beast now. but i guess this is just to make sure martin isnt handed it if some one wanted a alternative
He'll die in prison, either stabbed or (((heart attack)))
>wasting jootube bandwidth
I am all for it
I wish there was a /comfy/ shkreli stream -- why does the left ruin everything that is good and pure?
Is that real? How much is one of those in auction?
sauces? and can you explain it like i'm 7?
You know how much we can accomplish if we lock up Capitalists like him? Affordable healthcare, affordable pills, affordable food, and water. No peasant can suffer under the oppression by Capitalist scum
Is he taking bomb-building lessons from Ahmed the Clockboy?
It's extremely easy to arrange hits in prison because of all the gangs and corrupt guards. Shkreli better watch his back or he'll get shanked
Can I get a rundown on Shkreli? I heard he bought some obscure AIDS pill and bumped the price 5000%, dunno why Sup Forums is so fond of him.
You fucks too stupid to recognize an Enigma machine? Jesus you bastards are dumb.
this guy clearly discovered the secret to decrypting magnetism
Are you retarded? That's the least safe place you could be if someone is going to put a hit on you.
literally he's in prison as we speak
Miss him already :'(
Sure nobody but edgy virgins on Sup Forums will be sad when he is found dead in prison. He is one of the most despised men in the world.
>He is one of the most despised men in the world.
you're delusional if you believe this. american tweens and redditors hate him, most people around the globe have never even heard of him.
I want to believe this but couldn't she suicide him in prison too?
some idiots even look up to him but he's just another faggot like milo yanopolis that no one cares about
>some idiots even look up to him but he's just another faggot like milo yanopolis that no one cares about
he's also super rich and super smart and makes free educational youtube videos, but okay i guess you can overlook that if you want to.
Is that a fucking ENIGMA MACHINE?
Damn, that shit's work like 200k. I've always wanted one.
I didn't know cucked nips existed
We don't look up to him, we just want him free cause this it's an attack on us.
We are egocentrical like that.
I work at a prison, he wouldn't be safe here at all. At TDCJ, we got a ton of dirty officers. The ability to get hired here is laughable. Hillary could probably give a CO 5 bucks to turn around, and they would.
The guards in a lot of prisons let the gangs run things because the guard's families have been threatened, and the gangs are capable of delivering on the threats.
$270k with missing parts...
He is in jail for a hair tweet and Kathy is free after the beheading pic, wow
White color criminals rarely go to maximum security prisons. They usually go to minimum, or "white-line" prisons.
Why doesn't this slimy fuck ever wash his hair?
Fuck off commie
>He is in jail for a hair tweet
Was he originally charged for calling his phone on a plane. I forgot the original charges he had but I'm he won't be fucked in jail for the longest.
yes, Martin-chan purposely rigged things so he would be put in jail.
If you read his manifesto, he talks about the necessity of false flagging yourself from time to time, testing one's own limits, so to speak.
What the fuck could possibly make you think HRC would be unable to touch him in prison? Far less powerful/well-connected people manage to get hits done in prison all the time.