What's wrong with the American education system? Is it the lack of funding? Is it the lack of teachers? Is it the education system itself?
What's wrong with the American education system? Is it the lack of funding? Is it the lack of teachers...
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Dept of Education established in 1979 to indoctrinate the masses to communism.
>any answer other than blacks and spics
White public schools are just fine. They go to shit as soon as non-Asian minorities move in.
Integration happened. thats what is wrong.
liberal teachers.
It's a brainwashing job. Read, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt. Read it online via PDF because its out of print.
Common core fucking ruined the entire educational system
There was a time when schools used to have drivers ed and home economics classes. They would actually teach you skills that were necessary for adulthood. My old school cancelled the woodshop course because they were afraid some dumbass would cut his finger off and sue the school
jews run the department of education and refuse to change anything.
racial diversity
teachers and administrators are not hired on a merit basis. in my public schooling I've had principles that speak in nigger ebonics and just had to deal with completely incompetent retards.
this pic is true.I refuse to believe anyone who has even gotten in close proximity with a nigger didn't feel the need to bathe immediately.
>liberal teachers
This meme
This. By some measure of God my HS was 98% white and I recieved a great education. I was near the bottom of my class but still, it was a good school. Probably got a better education than 9/10 kids at Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School.
>tfw teachers you looked up to in high school add you on facebook and they're degenerate leftist faggots
Integration, low standards for teachers, diversity hires.
its not a meme. I had a HS teacher who taught video editing and he would play Michael Moore. One time I debated him over the morality of selling tobacco to kids. I said young people are mature enough to make their own choices.
Just an excuse to grow more bureaucracy into an already bloated educational system
Also most courses are prescribed by the state. Little leeway is given into what teachers can or cannot cover, and because of No Child Left Behind, they're the ones at fault of little Jamarcus flunks
Look at who makes the most money in any educational district. The administrators. And most of them have do nothing/paper trail jobs.
jews writing the textbooks
jews are responsible for the answers in the back of the book
Very simple OP. Republicans HATE education. They literally want to get rid of the department of education. They want to home school their kids. They think education is "liberal propaganda". Literally they think facts are leftist. History is leftist. Reality is leftist. They want people to be stupid, uneducated and to consume their right wing Fox news propaganda daily. This way they will have these sheep voting against their own interest for their whole lives, and keep the rich being rich and the poor being poor.
Niggers in the classroom makes everyone regress to the mean. If you are around smart people, you will strive to be smart.
there's a lot of factors:
niggers- just generally terrible human beings
Teachers unions protecting bad teachers: it is near impossible to fire a teacher. I had one who was known as a pedophile years before he was forced to leave. There was porno under his desk and a female friend even had him staring at her after he asked her to pick up a pencil. 6th grade btw.
Overcrowded classrooms- if you're at max capacity for persons allowed in a single room,you're gonna have a bad time
Bad system that was designed for earlier America to let underachievers slide through.Now the positions those people would fill go to china or other shitholes
there's fucking millions more
Mostly misuse of funding, the US has the highest worldly budget for education and spends most of it on non-teacher staff and new looking schools rather than paying teachers more than their European counterparts. Mostly has to do with unions. There are some PragerU vids on it.
>increasing transient population
>lack of cohesive communities
>teaching has become babysitting
>use of schools as government indoctrination centers
>rampant drug use among children's parents
>nonfunctional family units
>declining middle class and increasing poverty
I forgot to add those who get a proper education are more likely to lean left. This is a fact. This is why the right hates it so much. THEY WANT SOCIETY TO BE STUPID SHEEP.
What's wrong with American [X]?
The answer to this question, nine times out of ten, is niggers.
>implying both sides aren't looking to brainwash you
>implying both sides aren't looking to feed you their propaganda
>implying any side isn't voting against their interests
>implying it even fucking matters which one you label yourself as
It's the agenda of the shadow government for the American education system to be inadequate.
>implying teachers, administrators, and others in the DoE aren't overwhelmingly leftist
It's considered racist against black people to have high standards, so the entire system has to cater to people who are barely literate. This is called "progress".
go away shill and/or nigger
home schooled children excel compared to their publicly educated peers
Sorry man, but this both sides argument just doesn't fly. The right literally hates education. They are the anti-intellectualism party. Sure the left pushes their politics too, but not like this. Not at this extreme level.
Well yeah, because they are educated. You do know most scientists are left leaning right? Being smart is linked to having left leaning political views. Who woulda thunk it!!
See? This is an example of one of those sheep. When backed into a corner with facts, and reality, they simply lash out with all they know. They call you a shill or some other insult. This is ALL YOU GUYS DO. Because YOU HAVE NOTHING.
They just don't care. Simple as that.
Also there are good schools in america, but only for the rich. Public Schooling will always be a apathetic holding room for everyone's delinquent children.
The "right" isn't a party. Go back to school and collect $200.
Its ran by women
go away nigger, fox news is equally jew poison
have another (you)
Stop playing stupid, you know I meant the republiKKKans.
>clicks option c
>100% on the test
>lack of funding
>young people are mature enough to make their own choices.
KKK has been an infamous FBI COINTEL program for decades. Are you saying one party all works for the FBI and the other party doesn't? I don't get it.
>implying the left doesn't hate facts that disagree with them
>implying anyone but liberals are zealot dipshits
Shitty fucking parents is the biggest thing. You can have little money and be a good person. You can have a lot of money and be a total shit head.
Smart people are also more likely to rationalize outrageous things. It's called clever silliness and it is on display 24/7 in the USA.
>What's wrong with the American education system?
It has been run by unionized radical leftists for over a half century, and most of them are women, many are kikes.
That's all you need to know for why education here is falling apart. It's OVERLY funded but yields minimal results because of constant changing to requirements and social engineering that goes on, pushing intelligent white kids to the back while retarded nigs and spics get bumped up.
In Milwaukee, for example, the average spent per kid in public school is $13.5k/year, and overwhelmingly, nearly 2/3 of blacks and Hispanics drop out by age 15. In the suburbs, they spend just $9-10k/student and have huge success rates for graduation and testing scores.
Education will keep dying until it has been removed from the hands of leftist scum.
Niggers are awful. School security guards were almost unheard of in the 90s. The holocaust pushed into every subject just about. The decline of the gym classes, It is now optional in most states. The decimation of the trade classes such as woodshop and other hands on classes. Leadership is gone, helicopter parenting has destroyed that. School spirit is almost non existent. I could go on but I just don't care anymore. If you care about your child then try to push them into trade/tech schools, most schools have a program for this and they will learn way fucking more than what your commie school can teach.
Brown vs. Board of Education was about the final nail in the coffin.
It's the opposite: Federal student loans. Free money that anyone who can fog a mirror can qualify for to go off and get a gender studies degree that makes you less employable than you started. Colleges have zero incentive to control costs so the price jumps outrageously year over year.
The beast must be starved.
>current year
>not homeschooling
Enjoy your socially autistic child
Oh, you meant secondary ed. Lack of consensus that education is a priority worth a substantial commitment of the public fisc.
dumb fucking students. I go to a overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly conservative school with a good reputation.
Nobody participates in class, the town is filled with drunks 5 nights a week and very few are applied enough to seek out learning outside the classroom.
your kids gonna end up both autistic and undereducated.
I wish I was kidding for most of that.
>lack of consensus
oy vey!
>Asks, rhetorically, what's wrong with the US education system.
>Mentions several possible causes
>Never specifies any outcomes that would indicate failure.
I'd "love" to hear why it is you think there is something wrong. Kindly refrain from Sup Forums-staple not-an-arguments, such as: "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you," "Fuck you, cuck," or "LOOK AROUND YOU, MAN."
I suppose your post could be taken as an example of how the American education system gets it wrong ;)
Nice college freshman-tier arguments, skippy.
Outcome-based education. Total Quality Management. It's an industrialized supply line of training fungible niggers to work for whatever their masters want them to do.
This, going to a 50/50 hispanic/white school was my first redpill as a youngin. On my first day of school a mexican girl tried to steal my spongebob notebook. maybe 1/10 white kids are problem students, it's easily 3/5 hispanics and i'm sure blacks are higher but there were virtually none in my school.
It's the kids. People don't blame the kids because no one wants to say their kid is a problem.
slow down with the parent worship, José
*snap* *snap* *snap*
>let kids try tobacco
>"holy fuck this stuff tastes terrible!"
>they never try tobacco again
Public school teachers get too much funding in their paycheck.
They should not be making more than the average wage of the municipality/county/district they work in.
I find that most of the people that are attracted to teaching are generally lazy people who can't handle the competition of the real world. I know a few people who went into teaching and they sure as hell have no business teaching anyone about anything. Especially children who aren't able to differentiate between truth and lies. If we can establish teaching as a prestigious profession with people who can enhance the learning process it'll change.
Let's raise the salaries to 6 figures. Require higher level of education for entry into the profession. Teachers will work during the summer to conduct analysis on their programs and see what's failing or succeeding and why (backed by data). Kids that can't perform will be moved to trade school. Kids who continuously misbehave will be isolated or expelled. Sports programs will become secondary activities but physical training will be required.
I'm tired of losing to 3rd world countries.
sjw teachers combined with idiotic federal government programs.
There is a mandate from up high that nobody should learn more than what the stupidest student can learn, then niggers.
Holy fuck these entitled middle management fucksticks
it's not the lack of funding. funding has increased 4x over the last 30 years yet test scores have remained flat.
There's nothing wrong with it. It's doing exactly what it was designed to do; Weed out the stupid and weak minded.
You only see it as a problem because they haven't started killing these people off yet, but give it a few years
Underrated post. The system is (((working as intended)))
Americans dont care about education. We dont value it. We value money.
If education can get help me get a certain amount of money then great. If I can get by with doing literally anything else with less effort and still get said money then even better.
there's very little wrong with the system.
asians, jews, and upper class whites are doing fine.
it's the niggers, spics, and trailer trash whites that are complaining about muh difficulty
As Based Yuri explains, for the most part you can't help the ones who got programmed at an early age, no matter what facts and evidence you present to them. It will take approximately 3 generations to undo the damage if we begin by stopping the indoctrination of the youth.
Making you my secretary of education. Schools pour millions into football fields then wonder why their students are averaging 18 on the ACT.
It's an entitlement so literal retards cost 10x what a normal student does but the states required to provide them services. And a student teaching process were clinical faculty rule over the classroom like it's their own personal fiefdom and wonder why the entire nation across all fields are reaching critical teacher shortages.
Not necessarily. It could be achieved much quicker with some sort of mass die-off scenario or a similar traumatic event.
Check out greatschools.org
It's Federalized. Education was moving in an upward trend when it was done at the state level.
Some schools/kids have no reason to learn the material necessary to get through college, so it's retarded to generalize education to fit everyone for college when half of them will just accrue mass amount of debt and never finish. It's also part of the reason why college is so expensive in the U.S.- the demand is high (because the government created the demand).
Abolish the Fed education system and it'll fair much better.
That was pretty fast and easy.
OK, thanks Mr. Trotsky.
He's right, if millions or billions of people are killed off, a lot of "our" problems disappear.
Did it get worse or was it like that already?
As Bill Clinton once said, it depends what your definition of "our" is.
It's in Miami. It was like that already.
>What's wrong with the American education system?
No Child Left Behind means no one gets ahead. And bussing in niggers.
No child left behind.
Literally that's what's wrong about it. For any subject, or even concept, the slowest child sets the pace of the whole. Which recursively leads to continuously lowering the quality of education, until nothing is taught and mandatory schooling exists only to prevent kids from otherwise using that time to learn anything.
The teachers lack enthusiasm and don't like teaching. Teachers should teach to where the kids want to pay attention.
I would almost go as far as banning sports but then you'd be putting all of your eggs in the intelligence basket. Then you'll end up like Japan with a bunch of weak men who can't even defend their own country any more. Men definitely need a physical outlet. I did as a kid.
Bring back expulsions and make school non-compulsory
One troublemaker can drag down ten other students easily. Let them drop out or force them out. Not like we don't have a predatory prison complex waiting to take them in.
I'm gonna rant on this to start some serious discussion.
>inb4 tl;dr
This is the meat and potatoes of the issue. Its one thing when blacks are in there own schools scoring lower than whites that are in their own schools, but when you combine them the modern "educator" doesn't like to see that minority students do worse than whites (never mind Asians outscore whites; they're too small to matter and be factored into anything for whatever reason). Modern "educators" don't like this disparity in heavily integrated schools because they don't like the idea of one group just being intellectually superior than the other despite being given the same opportunity. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "You cannot measure opportunity, your can only measure results." So over the course of the past 60 years school districts across the US have been trying they're hardest to give everybody the same opportunity.
Let me expand on open enrollment school districts. Open enrollment for any school is a death sentence; or at least you can suspect a dip in quality. I don't mean that in a hateful, prejudiced "the black kids are gonna bully whites". I mean that you are spreading resources thinner and thinner and giving everyone the same shitty "opportunity." There are schools in central US that hand out iPads to all their classes and the fiscal year after open enrollment occurs they are now giving 1/2 to a 1/4 of those students iPads. Less resources for everyone, but to the students who were allowed to join a previously off-limits school begin to excel or improve? At best marginally and typically they follow the same trajectory.
My own HS in SoCal is nestled in a city that is "diverse", but there is a definitive good side of town and a side of town you just have no need to visit. My HS was so overcrowded and underfunded that auto, metal, wood, and cooking were cut as 2 new multiplex buildings were constructed over the span of 4 years. We were taking on more students to teach more remedial math and English. The real kicker about any of this is that we were supposedly one of the highest funded schools in the state. Where the fuck did the money go? By the time I finished HS we didn't even have regular powerade or full-fat milk.
But my main point here is that "educators" are not pleased with minorities receiving more and more opportunity but scoring the same. They can't stand it. So what do they do? They lower the standards. You can't hold any kids back if an F is curved to a C. You're a "successful" teacher when that happens. From there its an endless feedback loop of taking on more students to drop the bar further to keep up the "great" results, when in reality nothings great and no one is learning anything. Add to this mix common core. A literal bullet to the head to any successful school district in any successful city who may be able to teach auto or metal because their passing literacy rate is above 60%. Its almost not even worth bitching about the blatant left leaning curriculum that dedicates too much time to the 1960s and not even time to the Founding Fathers (or what my HS does now; plays CNN for kids in class) because they can't even teach anything well enough for anything to stick in the first place.