Admittedly, I don't know a lot about real estate, but I activated my almonds pretty well just now. What is stopping white people doing something akin to what the Chinese are doing in Vancouver to a city like Detroit?
There are countless pieces of property in Detroit that you can buy for less than a used car. Just a few motivated people could easily buy up all of the property in Detroit, bulldoze and rebuild. That will raise land value. When land value goes up, nigger percentage goes down.
I mean, look at this picture. $2,000 for a worthless house and a small piece of land. For less than a new car you could hypothetically get 10 of these. I'm sure there are swaths of contiguous properties in Detroit that are for sale.
I'm not trying to downplay the severity of the nigger problem in Detroit. I know it would be a long process, but it is already happening in New York's boroughs. White people are buying property, fixing it up and pricing the niggers out. What is stopping people from doing this on a massive scale in Detroit?
Gentrifying Detroit
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Trying to hard with the niggers but you make a good point about buying cheap property and forming a community that will then raise land values. It is happening in small increments in Detroit close to Downtown.
Enjoy your property taxes, dumbass. I could buy that now too but I'm smart enough to stay away from the 15,000 per year property tax of a house like that in a metropolitan area. Now go fuck yourself. I'll wait until the city of Detroit demolishes it and the entire neighborhood. THEN, I will buy land.
Here's a demolished plot even a NEET like you can afford.
Watch "The Shea Show" on Youtube. Dude is hilarious and has vids catching squatters on his property, etc. (Pookie and Ray Ray are referenced often).
is property tax really that high?
t. lifelong renter
You forgot about property taxes. Property taxes will fuck the shit out of you if you live in a city. Thats how they pay for all the lil niglets to go to school even though they'll never graduate
Furthermore, why not buy up several pieces of contiguous property, tell the city you're going to develop it, have them rezone it and you should be able to consolidate your tax burden.
Because if you put ANYTHING of ANY value ANYWHERE in Detroit, a nigger will steal it. This is scarcely exaggeration. Most construction sites need full-time security just to keep niggers from making free with lumber, plaster, and dat copper wire.
I wouldn't put up a tiny house in Detroit because Jamal will crowbar off the solar panels, Jakkub will strip off the hubcaps and lugnuts, and Jarome will try to drag it down the street with his busted-assed sedan.
It simply isn't worth it. The land is too nogged. Even if I had "I Am Legend" tier impunity to kill niggers who try stealing from me every night and a platoon of Whites to enforce a perimeter, there's no real jobs or homesteading to be had in Detroit.
At best you'd work in City Center in a shitty cracker-box apartment with 24-hour security and STILL get your car jacked every week.
Do all American houses not have fences bordering around their land? Seems like an open invitation for people to fuck with your property
>There are countless pieces of property in Detroit that you can buy for less than a used car.
Some of those properties may have back tax bills that become the responsibility of the puncher
Soil is contaminated with lead. So too is the water.
A bunch of people are already doing just that and on the largest open tracts of land creating farm land. But a couple of elite rich jews are buying up everything near downtown and bulldozing it for who knows what. Some people think this is a good thing but I do not because jews
hahahaha, what's the tax per year tho?
It's populated by niggers. They will vote themselves gibs on your dime. Even if you don't do anything with the property, your land taxes are still exorbitant and paying for they gibs.
All the metal including copper wiring and plumbing has been stripped from that house. Water damage to the basement from the missing water pipes, no furnace, no water heater, no windows, warped floorboards and needs a new roof.
t. looked to flip a few house in the D.
Detroit's water supply is actually one of the best in the country. Flint's is shit.
well, it depends on the area. realistically speaking, the property tax of that house should actually be really low. but 15k property tax is realistic in a functioning city like st paul, MN
It can be done.
>get collective of people who are interested in doing this
>gather enough money to buy out multiple city blocks in fucked-up area of Detroit
>get people involved who have skills to rehab old homes
>get people involved who would open businesses in new white area
>approach city with plan, get gibs to gentrify as well
>ask for added police presence while redeveloping area to ensure safety of workers
>buy up huge territory for just a few hundred grand (or less), spend time rehabbing, turn shitville into whiteopia
>enjoy new low-cost living without niggers
The Chinese are currently buying entire city blocks, north of the airport. They have big plans for it.
>What is stopping white people doing something akin to what the Chinese are doing in Vancouver to a city like Detroit?
The fact that everyone wants to live among whites but nobody wants to live among shitskins.
>Even if I had "I Am Legend" tier impunity to kill niggers who try stealing from me every night and a platoon of Whites to enforce a perimeter,
I wish pol could have banners like other boards
inb4 'Ohio establishes a Veteran Land program for a path to home ownership'
>What is stopping white people doing something akin to what the Chinese are doing in Vancouver to a city like Detroit?
The whole "living with niggers" thing
>Whites pushing into a hostile frontier, building new homes and businesses, and taking up arms fearing attacks on their lives and their property at the hands of brown savages, all in the name of civilizing and bringing beauty to an untamed wild.
Gentrification is 21st century Manifest Destiny.
t. White gentrifier living in Baltimore. This city has too much worth to be wasted on subhuman brown savages.
Because where else are you going to put all the baby monkeys at? If you price them out, where will they go? To smaller "big" cities
Places like Detroit are used for the containment of these bad apples, allowing us to keep them all in one place; see - ghetto, reservation
>move in
>settle down
>leave to get groceries
>come home to empty house bc looting niggers
Back taxes. They expect you to pay taxes on the property for the time it wasn't occupied.
i can tell you've never been to Detroit
Whites left Detroit, why the fuck would they go back? Look up South African farmers
Other than the obvious threat from melanin enriched gentlemen, that $2000 house comes with 15 years of back property taxes. So its really an $80,000 house in the ghetto, across the street from a crack house and burned out tenement building.
The $1000 industrial factories or warehouses are the same way; businesses don't want to move in because they get stuck with the back taxes when they buy. Then they get the pleasure of fixing the place up and bringing it up to code.
There are parts of the city where the police refuse to go, so its turned into its own little warlord playground.
>approach city with plan
>city council stacked with nigs
>nigs want they gibs
>put all sorts of special taxes on you
>go broke before you hammer a single nail
America's large cities were once shining testaments to white ambition and ingenuity. Allowing them to crumble under the stolen Air Jordans of negroid American ethnic decay is proof positive that the white man no longer cares about pride anymore.
Suburbs are merely a physical testament to the boomers and their cowardly tendancies to run away from the problems that they themselves created. I'd gladly sacrifice some of the smaller secondary cities and the tract home suburbs to the niggers so they can TNB out of site, and out of mind, if it meant that we could turn every Detroit, Baltimore, or Saint Louis into another Seattle, Vancouver, San Francisco, or Boston.
Gentrification is the wrong path, we need to figure out how to keep housing prices low for young working class whites.
>in b4 low prices attract shitskins
This is why we need segregation
I live in Seattle, you do not want to emulate this place.
Lots of property tax there. Also, you would probably have to pay the previous nogs tax bill before they would let you take ownership.
Don't turn St. Louis in to San Francisco. Please, for the love of god, don't.
How can we actually fight crime?
I would pay 100x that and live in a shoebox before i would ever live in Detriot or some ghetto
Not necessary. We need to treat the niggers the way the pioneers treated the Indians: with bulletproof Texas-style property defense/castle doctrine laws, constitutional open/concealed carry, and Florida-style stand your ground laws. Like with the injuns, once the niggers realize that they can get Trayvonified just for walking across the wrong lawn, they'll learn to leave the white colonists alone.
>What is stopping people from doing this on a massive scale in Detroit?
It's because the *neighborhoods* are still terrible. You're a prisoner in your own home. You'll have to drive 20-25 minutes just to find a somewhat decent grocery store.
That's what's stopping the changing of Detroit.
It's really sad too as a LOT of Detroit has beautiful architecture from the 1920s-40s, but so much of it is either badly damaged or virtually unliveable / incredibly dangerous, all thanks to you-know-who.
No, see. Big cities used to be a place that people moved to for comfort. Because the small cities in comparison had nothing. This is not really the case anymore, as most cities have all the amenities that most people want. Almost any city has supermarkets, nightclubs/danceclubs, restaurants, and etc. We don't NEED big cities anymore except for vacations, and keeping a few parts of those cities in bad shape for containment purposes.
It's got nothing to do with pride and everything to do with comfort, and it always has.
>MFW being white raises the value of land
there is fuck all to do in detroit proper aside from GM/Ford and the literal ass-end, worst office in the country for big city law/accounting/consulting firms, all located downtown. zero jobs.
this was a town built for high school grads who worked in car factories and steel mills. that shit is all gone now. the homes were built like cheap shit to begin with and it's not worth saving, otherwise the market would have taken care of it by now. also if you buy any of those dumps you are going to have to pay hazmat remediation because they were all built with like 2 tons of lead paint, plus back taxes for the previous owners who got out of dodge.
the nice suburbs are still nice and are all full of GM/Ford people, along with supporting workers at other companies.
FWIW, I merely meant in terms of racial mix and economic prowess, nothing more.
Bullshit. I live in a suburb of a major city in New England and the property tax is like 6.000 a year
15k is like a 6 bedroom mini-mansion
oh and the schools are all shit, outside of private schools and the nice neighborhoods. if you move into one of these crap houses have fun never having children, they are going to go to school with the hellspawn of drug dealers and hookers.
school quality is basically the #1 influence on home prices in most cities.
The airport is in ROMULUS
So you purchased some land for the price of a Craigslist car
Now you have to tear down the existing structure
Now you have to build a new one
Now you have to get someone to move in
Now you have to do the same thing for the whole neighborhood
It's too big of a shit storm for individuals to take on, and with no gainful employment why would anyone move there.
My mom basically single handedly raised the property of a black ghetto in NJ. it was becoming a shanty town with black low lives trashing yards with abandon cars and trash heaps and my mom set to work calling the mayor, calling bussiness, arranging for trees to be planted, side walks repaved. The black neighbors hated her but they couldnt do shit cause my dad was a cop. over 10 years the value did eventually rise and what used to be an all black street with us being the only white family became 50% black 50% white/asian/latino
I appreciate your contribution, but stop posting trannys already, faggot.
In my state the threat of getting shot works better than a fence. That said I live in a rural area
To actually buy most of those properties you will have to pay 10 years in back taxes to remove the tax lien from the deed
Property tax is dependent on what the home is valued at. 2k for that house? like 20 dollar property tax niggitynoggity.
Here is the catch: Detroit has a lot of shithole properties for sale / whole neighborhoods in fact / priced super cheap / prop tax has to be low / HOOK: You must fix up property - building - house within a year or so of purchase!!! All to code of course.
>I checked into this a few years ago when I saw some abandoned office buildings for dirt cheap; would cost millions to get up to spex.
Good luck.
Detroiter here.
Buy land. Immediately. Property values are only going to go higher in the downtown surrounding areas.
I've pushed out several broke bastards from a neighborhood and banked on the idiot white hipsters moving in.
Bing makes everything shit.
>Ayo Tyronne
What up my nigga?
>That cracka ass whitey paid me 2 gee's for that house I don't own
shieeeeeet, he really fell for it?
>gave the cracker a fake key and everything
sweet, let's score some.
>t. lifelong renter
so are people dumb enough to buy property, just to the government.
Made this one myself from Google Street View. There's lots of broken houses that you can see are "urban fields" where they tore them down.
That's something I've been seeing a lot of, white hipsters moving into these places for an "art renewal," especially with College for Creative Studies. Lots of liberal whites from rural Michigan that want to move to a big city but don't have lots of money to move states will settle in Detroit. (They'll also praise it for being """multicultural""")
>What is stopping white people doing something akin to what the Chinese are doing in Vancouver to a city like Detroit?
Taxes mainly, but blacks have a little something to do with it too.
wait until the city appraiser comes around and sees that it's not a crack-addicted nogfest anymore.
The Heidelberg Project (Detroit)
If it ISN'T a crack-infested nogfest, prepare to be boarded by crack-riddled niggers. Moths seek the light.
I have a 3000 sq. ft. ranch house on 8 acres and am 20 minutes from the outer belt of Columbus, OH. I don't think there are any black people living within 6 miles of me. If there are they are very few. My property taxes are $2800 per year.
you need a based black guy to present those laws for muh community THEN you can move in and capitalize on it, think about it
I posted this in another thread asking the same thing mentioning I literally wanted to do this, but backed off when multiple properties by the city/county wanted back taxes for the last five to six years or however long they had failed to be paid. This always exceeded the price of the property and made repairs impossible considering the extent of the damage (pipes completely stripped, needs new drywall, etc.)
This is not a lucrative investment. I suggest you flip houses elsewhere.
Let the digits decide. Trips or better we take back Detroit.
>Seattle, Vancouver, San Francisco, or Boston
Liberal shitholes being slowly submerged by immigrants?
For people that've claimed to built up the pyramids and the most powerful nation in history, they do a whole lot of destruction- in both their lives and community.
The house is $2000 but you will immediately owe at least 10 times that much in back property taxes. That's the real reason why Detroit is so abandoned.
>buy house
>start reconstruction
>niggers come at nigh break windows steal tools and building shit
> walk around your destroyed property in disappointment and sadness
>nigger shoots you
Faggots in Atlanta started fixing up nigger infested neighborhoods years ago to a positive effective.
Buy up the whole block before you move in.
Why doesnt the city government just forgive those taxes on new owners willing to take on and fix up the property? Do they really think someone is going to show up and fork over the tax obligations the government says they're owed? Literally what reason do they have to keep such a huge disincentive for investments in place?
>you will never buy a craftsman/victorian style house with real glass windows, solid wood floors, and real brick masonry
feels bat man
If they're all that cheap, it wouldn't be that far-fetched to get 10 or 20 families together, pool their money, and buy an entire school district or something. Start running grocery stores out of garages, ordering from amazon or something. Start your own school in someone's living room. Have rotating shifts of armed patrols.
It's a blue state. They will never forgive the gibs me dat money.
that's literally what's happening to Detroit right now lmao
t. white detroiter
You wouldn't even need to start businesses in garages. Just rezone lots for commercial and erect stores and offices.
There are no jobs to properly intice people to take such a huge risk. And prepare to deal with the city/local government for daring to upset their feifdoms.
If you want a real wild west experience better to settle your imaginary clan of 10-20 families in Siberia or Montana.
>no jobs
You don't understand. You /are/ the jobs. Businesses are not magically drilled from the earth, people just decide to start doing shit.
You could do some sort of tech start up, anyone with brains is working upstairs, anyone with brawn has a longarm downstairs.
Someone'll need to man the corner store, the gas station, etc.
The main reason Detroit and similar cities are in the state they are in is because of a cycle. Poverty begets crime, crime begets property damage, property damage prevents investment into businesses, no businesses means no jobs, no jobs means poverty.
Detroit is in equilibrium, its just shitty enough that nobody enters, but not so bad that everybody dies. Its a horrible equilibrium, but its a stable state. You need to create a disturbance to catalyze change. If you were to get a few of these "clans" (your words, not mine) dotted throughout, they might have enough of an impact that jobs started to come back, and the cycle would reverse.
>And prepare to deal with the city/local government for daring to upset their feifdoms.
Great change demands great sacrifice. It is strong men who create good times, remember.
>What is stopping white people doing something akin to what the Chinese are doing in Vancouver to a city like Detroit?
Pic related is stopping us, you ignorant fuck.
There is a fucking race war that has been going on since '67 in Detroit. It might not be televised, the media does not highlight the manifold fucked up shit that happens here, but this is a fucking war zone.
Detroit=South Africa= every single fucking nice place white people build so long as kikes are around
You don't understand the situation in Detroit. Nothing has changed with the city since the bankruptcy, the only thing new is that the state of Michigan has created specific economic zones where no real regulations exist. It's these specific areas where commerce is returning, nowhere else.
Try buying one of those $2000 houses and you'll be hit with a ridiculous amount of city interference and tens of thousands in back property taxes.
I live near the city and I know this because we bought a small industrial building. The place was falling down and we restored it. The moment we tried to get a certificate of occupancy the city came down with bureaucratic nonsense and tens of thousands in fees to get the building up and running. It's so severe that it seems like they don't want us to actually occupy the building. It's a machine shop, it's not like we're trying to dump toxic waste.
At this point we're just looking to sell and cut our losses.
That's why Detroit will not come back any time soon.
>The main reason Detroit and similar cities are in the state they are in is because of a cycle.
Yeah, and the 'cycle' is NIGGERS, whom destroy everything they touch, wherever they are on Earth
what if you buy vacant land?
That's what the armed guards are for, just as you had men with guns to fend of mountain lions during the westward expansion.
>What is stopping white people doing something akin to what the Chinese are doing in Vancouver to a city like Detroit?
probably all the violent niggers and lack of clean drinking water
Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of unpaid back-taxes.
Not to mention renovations or demolishing/rebuilding costs.
that place is one molitov away from a burning man festival
>That's what the armed guards are for
You have obviously never been to the inner city in Detroit.
We need more than armed guards.
We need systematic genocide.
I love how the demolished house still has 2 bedrooms by Detroit standards
>what are backed taxes and backed water bills
Politically unpalatable. When the door says pull, trying to push isn't going to help.
This, and the fact you need a blackwater tier militia to remain safe in any of those feral neighbourhoods