Why does Sup Forums still cling to the male superiority meme when it's been debunked time after time?
Men are more likely to racemix, break the law, and are the cause of family breakdown. An ideal nation will be composed of LESBIAN FEMALE ASIANS.
Why does Sup Forums still cling to the male superiority meme when it's been debunked time after time?
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other than allowing themselves to be completely consumed by their emotions and act totally irrationally you're right. Still it's only the top tier of both sexes that build and contribute to society, men may be more likely to commit crimes but those are low iq dindu types that act impulsively (like women do anyway)
How are women more likely to act irrationally? Provide evidence.
this is purely speaking of anecdotal evidence but women generally tend to not think things through like a nog. Not to say this is all women but people in general are shitty.
I'm persuaded by the statistics that show men are more impulsive. Crime and bad driving
>An ideal nation will be composed of LESBIAN FEMALE ASIANS.
And it will die out in a generation. Actually it would probably die sooner because some nation with men in it would simply destroy your dogshit "civilization".
that has nothing to do with women contributing next to nothing to society. I openly admit most men are shit but you have to admit it is basically the top tier men with a few women that have created just about everything.
There should be some small percentage of men at the very top of the IQ distribution that are left alive to breed (I would count myself part of this)
Also, women do contribute and their contribution is going to increase.
yep, women are so smart, they go for sub 0 IQ tyrone
>(I would count myself part of this)
97.9 % of white men marry white women in the USA.
We commit more crime because society puts more responsibilities onto us.
Feminism is the cause of family breakdown.
Lesbian female asians would get brutally raped by white men and they'd probably become white dick addicted cum swallowing bimbo sluts.
Citation needed
It's true; I'm in the top 2%.
safe drivers?
Still waiting, you daft porky cunt.
How many women have been to the Moon?
>I'll wait.
>We commit more crime because society puts more responsibilities onto us.
But it's women who are raising much more children after men abandoned them. So that's just not true.
>Feminism is the cause of family breakdown.
Single mother rates are actually lower in Scandinavia compared to the UK and the US. Yes, you need feminism and sex outside of marriage / divorce, but you also need to have nasty irresponsible men
>all men are white
this mame seems a bit racist, sweetie.
>safe drivers
Tippity top kekerino
>my cherry-picked pics and people aren't cherry-picked, I swear
Remember to type 'sage' into the options field if you reply.
I need to do more research about this. But since men drive faster than women I think men will be overrepresented in serious accidents especially
you really should factor niggers out of that equation
What equation?
>Implying women actually do anything productive
A society of lesbians wouldn't even manage mud huts, because they wouldn't have men to do it for them.
You're doing the same thing on the other side to prove how self righteous you are.
Women aren't safer drivers, they just drive a lot less. It makes sense that a man commuting 2hrs to work each day is more likely to die in an accident. He has a higher level of exposure.
Per mile travelled women actually have way more accidents, its just that most of those are in walmart parking lots or suburban streets. Their mortality rate is a lot lower.
Not like their stressed husbands who get caught in a highway pileup
Women are very capable in the modern economy. In the past you might have had more of a point, but not anymore.
That is true, the meme will need to be changed. Men are slightly safer on the average mile. But there's a difference between a small bump and rocketing down the roads at midnight pumped with alcohol
The best of men are far better than the best of women. And the worst of men are worse than the worst of women.
Men did everything good in the world, and everything awful.
It is also hard to say if women would be more awful than men if they had the capability and technology. Much like how there were no genocides numbering in the millions in Sub Saharan Africa until recently because the Africans lacked the technology to do so on a large scale. just because women lack the capabilty to do violence at the same level as a man(Women are weaker, and less adept at using weapons) doesn't mean that they won't commit mass atrocities, just look at the negros.
>lists jobs that don't produce anything.
A society of all women would collapse very quickly as women are always a net drain on the economy. As a man, you are forced to be productive or you become homeless. Not to mention without men innovation would slow to a complete halt.
The good news is that a man who doesn't drink drive or speed is a far far better driver than the average woman.
Partly because of spatial awareness and reaction time advantages, but also because of experience.
By the time you hit 40, the average man has over 100,000 hours MORE driving experience than his female peers.
This is reflected in insurance rates.A 40yr old man with a clean record pays waaaay less for insurance than a 40 year old woman.
single mother rates.
The fact that males "oppressed" women is proof that men are superior. If women are superior, how come they let themselves be oppressed?
Women wouldn't even realize if they had a close call with a cyclist or pedestrian
useless jobs that wouldnt exist in a proper society
Okay, which crimes are men more capable of committing? I think a women with a weapon would easily be able to rob other women, and old people. But they chose not to.
I also expect women are less likely to support war in general. Though I'm familiar with the study that says female monarchs were actually more aggressive.
Women raising children is a big part of this. A society of all women would be different.
i want to know more about this society of asian lesbians, OP please
>abloo le autism
Not an argument.
There would be no poverty, hunger or disease
>Implying women can use a gun as well as a man
As for all of those crimes, someone who is faster, more technical, stronger will have an advantage in all of those crimes. Men have a clear advantage in speed, strength, and technical ability.
is that Robbie Rotten on the right?
You are fucking stupid. Even if there is any difference, I'm talking about people committing crimes on random people with no weapons at all. The person with a weapon will always have an advantage.
And why would women understand themselves to be less capable of using a gun? This theory makes no sense.
Finally, England / Wales have hardly any guns...
Wrong replies
There is autism in suggesting that service sector jobs are unproductive just because they aren't literally producing tangible 'things'
producing or able to produce amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.
Which of those jobs produces something? None of them. ipso facto 'women don't actually do anything productive' has not been refuted.
A service is an economic good
hookers provide service
>Implying guns being illegal stops criminals from owning guns
You also do know most crimes aren't random, they are calculated and planned out.
You state Lesbians are superior, but use statistics that include straight women.
which still doesn't change the fact they are not productive.
Gun offences MUCH lower in England. Only a tiny fraction of crimes in the pic.
But it does. They produce lots of economic goods, like education and healthcare
Lesbian households are literally no. 1 in domestic violence by a mile.
shifting money around still doesn't produce things. women are leeches on society and always will be. you can't add words to change the base definition.
Women always lose.
brock turner did nothing wrong
Providing education / healthcare =/= shifting money around. Nurses and teachers aren't leeches senpai
holy shit, fuggin sauce me
If you actually believe women don't "Drink/smoke/do drugs" whoooo boy...
men have higher brain volumes than women in every subcortical region, including the hippocampus (which plays broad roles in memory and spatial awareness), the amygdala (emotions, memory, and decision-making), striatum (learning, inhibition, and reward-processing), and thalamus (processing and relaying sensory information to other parts of the brain).
>more likely to racemix
For every male racemixer there's a female, this makes no sense
>More women are going to college
>Still get paid less
huh...so this is the power of a liberal arts degree...
>knows that science shows equal male and female intelligence
>turns to brain volume instead
Yes, I realised that afterward. What is true is that white men show more interest in race-mixing than white women.
what do they produce then? what's that? nothing! holy hell, go figure. they gravitate to jobs with a high social aspect then pretend they are useful.
I wouldn't count you in that. You're not even smart enough to get rich
If you think education and healthcare aren't important you have a lot of growing up to do
Is this irony?
I'm in the top 0.05%, I still wouldn't put myself in a group required for human existence. IQ means very little.
>safe drivers
The fuck is that shit?
IQ is a good predictor for some things. You could use other indicators as well if you want
Evidence is not pathetic, don't ascribe an emotion into science. Males have larger brains, as well.
If a lebsian amazon society is the optimal and men are inferior then why isn't there a female only nation yet blooming and all. May it be because men are not only physically stronger but also more technically and mentally advanced as a sex? Also do you want lesbian relationships when it has the highest rate of domestic violence in the world?
>implying pushing feminism and multiculturalism on youth is 'education'
>implying nursing is the most important aspect of healthcare.
Yea. I think we can do without.
>some faggot with a hippie flag and no evidence makes a thread
>one gorillion replies
Women are more likely to have mental illnesses and be addicted to drugs. Source linked below.
Women make up, historically speaking, a majority of minor offenses, with a steady rise of major crimes as time passes.
As far as accidents go, women are less likely to drive than men are, which is why they get into fewer accidents. Especially when you factor in jobs that require driving (taxis, truck drivers, etc). When you factor in how many women actually get behind the wheel with their number of accidents, it's actually much more than men. Men drive 60% of the time, with women at 40%.
As far as family issues go, I can't really say for sure. It's definitely a problem with both makes and females.
Bottom line: without men, society would collapse. We build the roads, we ship the products, we make the products, we build the houses and buildings and maintain them, we keep the power on, we handle waste management, we grow the food, etc. And if you think women wouldn't start wars if the world were ran by them, you're greatly mistaken. Women hate other women more than men hate other men. Women can never get along with each other.
Why would anyone agree to committing male genocide so you specifically can lord over women? You can't even competently rebut that women don't produce anything tangible. Fuck your autistic idea of a perfect world. Maybe for your beta ass it'd be nice but losing almost all hard labor hurts halts meaningful progress. Study up on practical vocations and earn some puss you fucking retard
Lets think about this rationally, males take more time to develop, hence, more developed brain. A 2004 meta-analysis by Richard Lynn and Paul Irwing published in 2005 found that the mean IQ of men exceeded that of women by up to 5 points on the Raven's Progressive Matrices test.Jackson and Philipe Rushton found that males aged 17–18 years had an average of 3.63 IQ points in excess of their female equivalents on the Scholastic Assessment Test. Irwing found a 3-point IQ advantage for males in g from subjects aged 16–89 in the United States on the WAIS III test favoring men on the information, arithmetic, and symbol search
If you count crimes that have only recently been "legalized" (abortion, adultery, cuckholdry, interracial fornication, bastard conception) women commit the vast majority of all crime.
Now you're deliberately being a faggot to distract from the fact you were wrong and talking absolutely nonsense. By the way, feminism is good.
Plenty of evidence has been posted in the thread.
Adult men are 2 to 3 times more likely than women to have a drug abuse/dependence disorder. Men also commit around 80% of murder. Men are the majority in some occupations, but not in others.
Your emphasis on facts is obviously serving your agenda
You should really go more into the race of these male criminals.
This is actually a very good point. There are, on average, 15,000 murders in the U.S. annually. Annually, there are more than 900,000 abortions in the U.S. Women are #1 in murders.
As far as crimes go, I'd like to also add bias in our court systems. Women are way more likely to get away with crimes than men are.
Women are literally useless, inept, parasites.
Only use is of forced to breed or esed as sexobjects.
Otherwise they are a burden on society. Plain useless, sheer parasites.
I never tried to prove that education / healthcare are 'tangible' (whatever that means). My point is that you don't need to be be producing tangible goods to be productive.
You clearly were lying about your IQ. Sad.
The link I provided is an official government website that states otherwise. You should learn how to cite your sources. Because you're wrong.
As I also stated, there are on average 15,000 murders annually. Women abort, on average, 900,000 per year. Women are the #1 murderers in the U.S.
Gonna answer my question at or just gonna keep ignore it because it doesn't let you respond in a snarky way?
I'm not denying there's a racial difference in crime rates.
Many women are pressured into abortion by selfish men. Anyway fetuses don't have the same value as human beings.
Drug use
I didn't look at your source, but I doubt they would disagree that strongly. Have you looked at your source?
I just thought it was too stupid to respond to. Creating a women only society has never been practical, because it would require a genocide of men or women abandoning their male relatives. The best way to do it would be with selective abortion, but there are too many people with ethical concerns.
Prevalence of intelligence vs stupidity in men is a downward bell curve. Women it's the other way round
There are far more intelligent and entrepeneurial men than women, these are the men who ruled the ancient world and spent the last 4 centuries inventing everything that makes the modern world amazing
There are also far more stupid men than women, these are the ones who make this chart look the way it does. Useless, brainless men who continuously fuck up their lives and harm others
Vast majority of world-changing inventors are men, and the vast majority of the global prison population is also men
95% of women are average as fuck nobodies who have zero effect on the development of civilization
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Women don't commit violent crime because they are physically inferior to the majority of the population. That's about as impressive as saying someone without a gun has never shot anyone.
>Too stupid to respond to
>Creating a women only society has never been practical
>Original post literally calling for a nation composed of Asian Lesbos
Is this why women have the stereotype of changing their mind every other minute? You gotta work harder on not contradicting yourself.
Honestly doesn't surprise me, just want something to back it up if I ever have to use this fact.
A Women Supremacist?
Where is Dave when you need him to do the only thing he is good for and slay the roastie?
>the one thing women do that I can't rationalize away I'll blame on men
Like clockwork