Kikes hate it when we point out the reality of niggers. Post even more proof that niggers are literally subhuman farm animals. Niggers do not deserve to live.
Nigger hate thread
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Reminder Sup Forums shills are working overtime
Make the threads you would like to see, the one thing these faggots do well is drown this board with spam threads and bullshit.
>even niglets have no empathy
All niggers are soulless filth who should be eradicated.
The catalogue is a fucking mess right now. Why are the fucking kikes so triggered today? Maybe it has just gotten worse since yesterday, but damn the shilling is off the charts today.
Reminder that pavement apes rape human beings. Human males won't even rape niggers, that is how animalistic and disgusting niggers are, that even filthy, degenerate rapist filth won't touch them.
thread is being slid hard
>kikes hate it when you point out the degeneracy of niggers
this was in the original thread that got shoah'd about the nigger babysitter
>kikes love nigger dick
>kikes are fucking degenerate
This is not a surprise. Kikes and niggers deserve each other.
Something big must have dropped.
The only threads I have seen are glaringly obvious kike shill threads and a very few genuine threads. What's going on? Fucking kikes are trying to ruin my news source!
I was in this pol/thread/142128773 thread earlier.
Could be it, who knows.
>imran awan
that would make sense, the kikes hate it when people talk about hillary's laptop boy
thanks user, i haven't seen that one since it happened. i miss the election battles
>Sup Forums
>your son get brought home by the cops.
>you ask whats going on
>they show you this tape
What do?
das rite
Video gets funnier the more I watch it
the more they do this, the sooner they degenerate into non-existence
killing them at that point would be easier to justify and execute
These dipshits then go and claim white people are incestuous
key word is "acceptance".
Any shot in the neck area like that will disrupt the blood flow temporarily, which knocks you the fuck out.
let's call it what it is: DEGENERACY
Blacks look the other way on this shit all the time.
aint no thang
One of the only things that blacks have on whites is a healthy distrust of authority. There are things that can be learnt from everyone, not necessarily because they understand things better, but because their experiences are different.
>having a black babysitter
I blame the parents
tribalistic "culture"
OC sucka
>Kikes hate it when we point out the reality of niggers.
I don't care at all, in fact I agree, keep posting.
They don't deserve to die, though, they should just get sent back to Africa.
Girrrl they probly jus glad dey foun where da stench was comin from n shiet
Obvious troll accounts are obvious
>Racism is worse than child abuse
>tfw white men are more likely to get raped by a black man than rape a black woman
Doom is one of the last remaining uncucked games.
it's hard to explain the second one away with 'simply trolling'
unless you're going to claim it was shopped? please do. for me.
Pewdiepie called Obama a fucking nigger
>Calls out racism.
>Goes into racist mode.
You can't be racist to white people. They changed the definition.
Also, remember, whites don't have a culture or identity.
Bitch bettah have muh money
>London - EU
>NY - Mexico
What does this mean?
Also puts me to mind about BLM.
"Stop killing black folk" your racist white cops!
BLM says kill all white people.
probably meant to trigger drumpf supporters
It is a metaphor for those of us abused as children that never submitted
We are literally too angry to die and too determined to let our will break
>"All white people are racist"
All black girls are fat pigs?
but NY - Mexico? How does that even make sense?
That shows how stupid he is because most of the Mexicans in New York are from Puerto Rico.
Felt good, Sup Forums has become a den of redditors and neogaffers.
he means
>international clique
Absolutely this. Violent tendencies among blacks are no secret. This shit has been proven time and time again.
If a white caretaker did this to a black kid multiple cities would be on fire and there would be protests for days.
Sure they are nigger in England, sure they are.
Outnumbered, sucked punched and then ganged up by a second guy, wow. Poor guy didnt even want to fight. If the roles were reversed Sup Forums would be crying.
us vs them
our side/race is always right their side/race is always wrong.
Learn to fucking think.
it's almost like there's dickheads on both sides of the issue!
>5 grandchildren
i can't participate. i'm already racist enough. this will just probably tip me over some threshold i haven't already reached.
If the races were reversed the white guy would have several brain injuries or be dead
Is this some holistic remedy for life?
This is a good way to expose niggers. Show their normal behavior while decrying racism.
He's the guy the alt right say literally who over.
Here's the thing Chilean, there is no such thing as a fair fight, from the lowest level "boxing" contest, to the largest battlefield.
There is always some degree of unfairness, where an individual's level of training/will/natural strength for the specific fight they're competing in will be different to their opponent's.
Therefore it is apparent that the only true chance of assuring victory is always achieved through preparation before the fight even happens.
If we take this into consideration, then it certainly makes sense to outmatch your opponent, whether with superior numbers, training or support.
Even for infantry battles, an attacking side requires three times the number of troops (not considering force multipliers like air/armor/artillery) in order to assure victory.
So tell me. Why should the white man not make the same kind of preparations when there are niggers to be beaten?
>because most of the Mexicans in New York are from Puerto Rico
I know what you meant but that sounded a bit stupid.
we need more of this. niggers and muslims already fucked up europe guys lets stop them before they fuck up the rest of our shit
> Mona
> Monkey in spanish
Are you retarded? Niggers thinking that way is exactly what made them Niggers.
This "my race is always right" shit is fucking Brainlet tier. You telling me people like Carl the Cuck or those other White Liberals are right because they are White?
Those digits along with that message are beautiful user
NNigger hate thread let me check if I got some shit
Niggers could argue the same fucking way and you would be there calling them Niggers.
Ganging up on someone means you are weak. If you need your fucking friends to attack someone you're fucking weak. If you cant do it alone dont do it, it's honorless and should be seen as something Whites shouldn't do.
> Mona
> Monkey in spanish
In a north Italian dialect, literally, it means pussy.
It is used with the meaning of stupid or idiot,too.
1) Mi piace la mona
I like pussy
2) Sei proprio un mona!
You are an idiot!
3) Ma va in mona!
Fuck You!
>didn't want to fight
He literally squared up, then immediately bitched out.
Also, if it was the other way around, the second guy would have proceeded to punch/kick the guy who already got knocked the fuck out while screaming WURRRRLSTAAA
Interesting. In spanish means "female monkey", so it's very accurate in this case.
Why do niggers handicap themselves with sagging pants?
Clearly they screwed him twice in 5 seconds
He wasn't ganged up by a second guy you fucking retard. No one else hit him. The other guy was just shouting something in his face.
Literally sat next to a nigger at work today who thought everything was racist, while blasting hip hop in which every song was about slavery and how niggers are oppressed.
>dropped red pills
>he agreed with my arguments
>saw SOME error in his ways
>stopped playing nigger music
>but I know there is no hope for him
90% chance the second guy was shouting the quote from Friday
>let me show you the dance of my people