Joe Biden just put Trump in his place Sup Forums
HAHAHAHAHAHAH Joe Biden is going to prison too.
Literally who?
Are we in some interconnected consciousness where memes are blending in with reality?
what golf swing tweet?
Muh chilluns
Leave it to Biden top bring up children.
>Pls Mr.President dont put me in jail I BEG U
I think he is a nigger advisor.
>our children
your children are dead, faggot
My little brother is 10 and he laughed and said "Donald Trump is so cool!"
Ya I'm sure Biden is really worried about the children
drumpfs america
I love how twitter promotes everything liberal, degenerate and gay.
Yeah, and everyone was watching the way Biden was molesting and kissing that kid on television.
Our children are also riding your cock you old fucking raisin.
Biden has Trumps tweets printed out and mailed to him?
Just had the chance to see Vice-President Biden's child molestation video. Enough. This has to stop. The goyim are waking up.
he knows what the children are watching because he looks them in the eye when he forces them to fellate him
> The children are watching.
Not his.
why are kids paying attention to adult things?
gotta be 18 to vote, biden.
LOL Biden doesn't have the intellect to put anybody in his place. Biden is the dumbest white person in America.
>Our Children are watching
Joe Biden says as he molests children on private airplanes
post the uncle biden child molestation pictures
Dirty Old Joe can't stop thinking of children. Sad!
Just had the chance to see Joe Biden's cancer face. This has to stop. Our children are watching.
Anyone who has a twitter needs to flood his page with this vid. I didn't believe it until I saw it.
Children shouldnt be online or on social media for a fucking start.
an 11 year old would find this funny af. doesnt he want to make kids happy?
He sure has a soft spot for the children...
Sup Forums is where losers congregate to project their flaws and insecurities onto the rest of the world. This is evident from the culture of almost every board. Normal interactions are shunned and replacing them are accusations of "autism" and cheap insults designed to extract "kek"s from the anonymous ocean of permavirgins and wizards. Mental illnesses and personality disorders are the norm here. From the schizophrenic ramblings of /x/ to the racial pseudoscience of Sup Forums, no board is free from the jibbering idiocy of a certain class of self-appointed intelligentsia. I hate you all.
Uncle Joe is a titty grabber
joe biden the pedo?
he loves to get touchy with little girls a boys doesnt he?
>youtube "biden girls"
>multiple events of this in public eye
It's like, after "enough." he was thinking I need some more meat to this tweet, and then he added "this has to stop" and he just had to top it off with the kids.
Reminder, Italians were lynched more than any other race.
>Kendrick Lamar was invited to Biden's WH
This girl has to have Twitter by now. Has she ever said anything about that encounter?
Tl;dr colgate
This coming from the guy who talked about how he would like to beat up Trump
>still alive?
Drumpfs America indeed faggots can't even hang a child.
>"Do you know how horny I am?"
>Want to star in a movie?
>Ask my daughter about it later.
t. biden
If there's one thing Biden does consistently, it's look out for the children.
kek do they really think their kvetching comes off as genuine?
Uncle Joe really """""cares""""""" about children
the pedo who gropes kids who comes to the white house
Joe "I could have beat Hillary in the primaries and been president but I was too sissy to run" Biden?
Old news.
Now that's a diddy fiddler If I've ever seen one
I hope biden runs in 2020 so I can get more use out of his creepy gifs and webbys.
Here is a (you) autist.
Old Joe always thinking about children. Fuckin creep.
This video is what is going to keep Biden from being president.
Yes, soap on a rope, and rope to hang his neck. Rid these pedophile fks, day of reconing is coming
don't worry user, you'll turn 15 some day
I just googled the trump Golf tweet and it was hilarious
Liberals need to kill themselves already. They can't laugh at anything. Not even Hillary getting hit with a poorly shopped golf ball and falling
How is this child molester not in prison??
I truly believe that stuff is what stopped him from running in the first place. I had all my pedo Biden memes ready to go if he announced his candidacy. The controversy would be unavoidable and he would have to address it because we would spam it everywhere. And there's no way to justify these tapes. He's a sick fuck.
Link to tweet that Trump retweeted
Trump retweeted this gif
This. Idk why he thinks he has any credibility talking about "think about the children!!"
Came here to post this.
My god, imagine pizza gate happening concurrently with a Biden presidential campaign. Still wouldnt be able to get (((news))) to take it seriously
Still not as funny as Stephen "Kiddy Kiddy Bang Bang" King being upset about it.
Biden Bro is so based! Creepy Uncle Joe was definitely never a widespread meme or anything, so just forget about it! Subscribe to /r/BidenBro today!
Say it with me boys - BASED BIDEN BRO! BIDEN 2020!
Yes, all of children locked in Joe Biden's basement are watching, Trump. What kind of monster are you!
and Biden is watching our children
your 8 year old has a rash from wearing poor people clothes.
>I think he is a nigger advisor.
lol, everyone knows that niggers don't take advice no matter how good it might be!
is that the girl's mother behind her? if that was my kid biden would get a swift knock upside his pedo head for touching her like that.
he's a pizza partier confirmed
Hahahahaha THIS fucking pedo freak
Why does the girl look like a tiny grown woman though
Great swing.
Anyone have the Trump football gif
>Joe Biden talking about children
I have a feeling she's been dead for a while now.
This looks like a screenshot from the Sims
Yeah, the news wouldn't cover it but you can't deny that even your average liberal soccer mom would be disgusted by that and probably change her vote.
nah, he's too stiff
you don't resist the club on backswing like that
he's trying to snap it but just showing poor form instead, his poor shoulder.
t. golf pro
oh fug, Obama's a lefty! How sinister!
>Pedo Joe
>Joe "Where's she hidin" biden
>Joe "Cunt Widen" Biden
Joe "Hymen Colliden" Biden
Yet you post this every day
how are you supposed to stop the club?
I love the part where Biden was making a move on Jeff Sessions' granddaughter and Sessions flat out told him "Don't touch her."
They all know, those filthy fucks.
>Our children
HA! Joe Biden FUCKED "our children" and their financial futures when he helped push the 2005 bankruptcy reform act, which made it almost impossible to eliminate PRIVATE (non-federally- backed) student loans in bankruptcy. This industry has now become a $300 billion bubble. Funny how the media never mentions this about him...
Kids don't give a shit and probably find it funny
>Reminder, Italians were lynched more than any other race.
We Wuz Worse than Negroes and Sheeit.
It's ok, just a little worse than negroes.
The golf ball gag is one of the oldest jokes in comedy. It's appeared in things ranging from children's shows to adult humor.
This is the fakest outrage bullshit I've ever seen