It's the 2020 Election. Who do you vote for?
It's the 2020 Election. Who do you vote for?
Hitler. What fucking kind of question is that
Probably Hitler.
Whoever promises to genocide OP.
the Humanity Party
hitler cause even HE is bettter than drumpf lol
Hitler since apparently he's a powerful lich
Hitler obviously
I vote for President Donald J. Trump.
Trump is a mixture of scottish and german blood, so he's half white, hitler was fully negroid, the choice is obvious
Reminder this board is filled with edgelords, imagine unironcally thinking hitler was cool lmao
Western civilization as whole is on the road to South Africa so i would vote Hitler.
Hitler duh
Hitler knows even less about economics than Trump.
the choices: NeoCon v. Nationalist. it's really an easy choice.
Unless he's been studying in the afterlife.
>less economic
litteraly turned his country to economic paradise and every citizen prospered
Man, how Hitler gonna run shit from Argentina? Come on, man. THINK
Hitler of course. The jew problem and possibly the negro one would cease to exist.
Just need to prevent those socialist tendencies
Trump wouldnt have lost ww2 so i vote Trump
Gotta say, with Hitler we can be sure to get a damned wall, deport the illegals (11 million deportations? Nothing Mr. H hasn't done before!).
He'd also audit, then end the federal reserve, make America really first and not Israel first, and this time have the tools to stop the Globalist from waging war on the US and winning.
And these DNC & GOP-E perverts in congress? Yeah... not going to be a problem.
I think there's another reason why Germany turned into an economic paradise, I wonder what it is.
>18th century Swedes weren't white
Ben Franklin confirmed time travelling Sup Forums shitposter.
>Trump fully institutes MEGA
>Planet under the new banner of United Earth of America
>election time
>2020 Trump vs Hitler
Who wins?
How is Japan so based? How can we hope to compete? So happy I have me a white Hapa qt3.14 raised in tokyo
why isn't Israel a paradise?
even before killing the jews, jews started to being implicated post 37..
Hitler without a shred of doubt
gotta be a jewish redditor to talk shit about hitler right? no way anyone can have legit reasons to think he was a joke right? lmao u guys are fuckin clowns
>even before killing the jews
>imblying imbligations
>who to elect
>literally Hitler
I'll go with the real deal thank you.
I fucking hate how fags have taken the rainbow for themselves. That's the symbolic covenant between humanity and the divine
trump because hitler would NEED to be a democrat to run against him
same shit as hillary
same shit as obongo
democrats = FAILURE
>implying killing the jews isnt good idea
>implying it wasnt perfected if the allies wouldnt get involve
then you're a clown idk what to tell you
Forget the second tag. That's what I get for phone posting
t. Ahmed
>That's the symbolic covenant between humanity and the divine
He saved Germany from inflation and economic collapse and turned it around in the span of 5 years into a economic miracle. It also took the whole rest of the planet to beat him.
Seems like a pretty good leader tbqhwy.
Andrew Jackson
But concentration camps did wonders to the German economy, it is basically free labour.
Aleksandr Rutskoi
>implying Trump isn't literally Hitler
then he blows it all by betraying stallin, getting into a land war in eurasia, and ignoring his generals. Also the Germans were in crippling debt as a result of the economic rebuild, if it wasn't for the spoils of conquering nations, Germany would've collapsed due to debt. Hitler was a complete clown and was not an economic genius as may paint him to be
OMG don't you just love it when the guy you gave supreme power to becomes a meth head? I know I do famalam
He was also only able to do it by canibalizing the economy, deciding that significant swaths of the population were to be removed and their assets siezed by his tyrannical state. When he ran out of political opponents, he turned to Jews. When he ran out of Jews, he turned to neighboring countries. He ran out of those too.
Hitler because at least he gets shit done.
Hitler. Not even a difficult choice.
Hitler 2020
>their assets siezed by his tyrannical state. When he ran out of political opponents,
His political opponents were literally commies with armies of street thugs. Tell us more about how mean to them he was.
all you had to do was fuck off to that most magical, most holy GPS location in the middle east. even after Berlin, the Weimar Republic and new lows in degeneracy, you were still given an opportunity to fuck off. you need to go sit in the corner with a pointy hat on and think about how badly you have screwed yourselves. Adolf had the right idea, but he was an underachiever