Not everybody hated Trumps UN speech
wtf i love kikes now
he's taking the piss rite?
Based JEWS will MAGA
every good goy deserves a compliment
my reaction as well
inb4 who's jewing who
zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog zog
A shekle fo' the good goy
After dealing with Obama for eight fuck years, the Jews are just happy to have anyone else in the White House
What did he mean by that?
Nevertheless pres. trump continues to be literally Hitler
Wtf I'm a Zogbot now
Lmao Jews are such fucking brown nosers, is there a more pathetic race of people?
>USA is on both sides
fuck me.
holy shit lately Bibi is proving himself to be a fucking connoisseur
Melania regularly consumes 100 gallons of Jewish semen + 100 gallons of African semen per day. True fact.
Is he /ourjew/?
oy vey
that's quality shit right there
Selling arms to both sides is the American way user.
This is how it should be. Business shouldn't pick sides.
Who is jewing who now?
>kikes publicly siding with their enemies to weaken them
Trump went to Benji and told point blank to stop committing crimes against humanity against the Palestinians
within the week Israel stopped the abductions, and allowed supplies into Palestinian communities again
within a month, the knife attacks stopped
jidf: you have bigger fish to fry:
oooooooooooy veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
Israel is our best ally because we are the jews
>Trumps speech
Who wrote his "speech"?
Who the fuck hated it? Commie-degeneratepill me.
Nobody else really likes Netanyahu do they?
use your geo flag in a thread about zionism. it's an unspoken rule and really you should be banned forever. benji? did you mean bibi? fuck off
People like Bernie Sanders gathering funds and sending financial support & military weapons to Communist & left-leaning guerrillas had been a thing since McCarthy's fall from grace up until the collapse of the Soviet Union.
I did
>this is what the mentally ill actually believe!
Why would (((they))) put secret messages implicating themselves in crimes?
His son is a Sup Forumslack. Idk what to think but i still don't like jews.
You should quit your job then.
>I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech
What a Jewish piece of shit
its extremely common. Different factions in CIA funding different black site projects without each others consent.
>lol Jews have been thrown out of every major civilization in history and continue to be hated by most
>is there a more pathetic race of people than the Jews?
And the gold medal in mental gymnastics goes to...user of Faggotstan!
America is a jewish colony.
Not exactly, they are extracting everything that suits them from the Trump administration as best they can and at the same time they are undermining him.
Donald Cuck may make them throttle down a little bit on the construction of Globalism but at the same time Donald Cuck allows them to conduct a more aggressive policy towards their enemies because Donald Cuck sold himself as the "tough guy" and talked nonsense at Iran and North Korea in the campaign to balance out his anti-interventionism talk (most of his voters were retarded Cuckservatives/American patriotards let's not forget it)
>mfw Sup Forums got tricked by the jews into supporting their checkmate piece
wheres your 45th multi-dimensional chess now faggots?
Reluctantly crouched at the starting line
Engines pumping and thumping in time
2 choices
I feel like they had Netanyahu say that to try and get "Nazis" (weebs with rat tails and swatstika posters) and other "alt-right" people to stop liking Trump, but instead I feel like it is bringing Netanyahu and other pseudo-conservatives closer together in hating liberals and all-progress-is-good-progress'ers
they just make you think you have a choice the kikes will get their way no matter who is president
the only way for trump to make things right again is to fuck ben shapiro in the ass
retards here thought they had a choice, they never did
People still haven't realized there are globalist and nationalist Jews and lump them together.
It's the same shit literally everywhere. The Marxist disease has spread and a lot of powerful and prominent Jews in Europe and America are pushing it. For the most part the nationalist Jews in Israel want to be left the fuck alone.
Americans are cuck faggots and you deserve the replacement by mexicans, niggers, gooks and jews. You are a disgrace to this planet, a laughing stock and I now fully support anything that's against "White America". Statues toppled, cops plotting against "alt right" faggots, media scrutinizing you and ruining your lives...all that.
Fuck you faggots. The UN speech is the final straw. Trump is a full blown kike faggot. I thought he would be moderate, I got fucked again, I thought he would be at least sensible to play the game in tune to some of his campaign promises.
So far you faggot Burger slave goyim idiots, ZOG Israel jew cannon fodder, have seen your degenerate orange fag president;
> suck up to wahabbi Saudis
> suck cock to America favorite circumcised cock, the Greatest Anally (that's not a surprise, but still)
> boot his entire entourage and replace them with Kike Warmongers that need fresh dumb goyim USA Burger flesh
> talked smack ooh wow on UN
> threatened powerful military might of NORTH FUCKIN KOREA
> no wall
Fuck you, I can't believe I fucked some of my friendships standing up for Campaign Trump. You fuckin goy dumb flouride cultureless football celebrity worship nigger worship useless cuck scum. I pray antifa and BLM and all others kill as many white americans as possible, inflict pain, rename schools, destroy history, erase history, and shit on all of your faces. By the way, just because he talked "smack" on UN, don't think UN Agenda 21 won't get in full force, you stupid, pathetic, cuck faggots.
he is sucking Trumps cock for siding with Israel and condemning Iran
a pair of shills
Consensus Crack in progress.
newfags get educated:
The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies (jews, spooks, feds, etc.)
If Trump is so courageous why is North Korea still firing rockets? Fuck Seoul, go in there and take care of business.
so trump listens to faggy elton jon songs... that d d doesnt mean anything. he isnt using the NSA to watch some jew fuck his daughter. you cant possibly prove that
>a Sl*v shills for communism AGAIN
Hitler was right, you really are an inferior race