Why would you guys hate arab refugees that come to Europe. Imagine living in a country that's a warzone for at least 5 years and there is litterly a whole beutiful advanced continent just telling you to come in. What would you do? Wouldn't you do it to safe your family or yourself?. Why blame the refugees insted of blaming the jews that control your countries and start wars in these places and then open your countries borders? Why would you fight the enemy of your enemy? (pic unrelated)
Why do you hate arab refugees
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I don't hate refugees. I hate our leadership for using them to destroy our country.
>Why would you guys hate arab refugees that come to Europe
i dont think so, people just hate muslims not arabs.
pic related.
fuck them all. they should have stayed and try to make their home countries better instead of fleeing like cowards and faggots to turn other places into the shit holes they ran from. the enemies of your enemies are just that; enemies.
Many Muslims (ESPECIALLY Arab ones) are fucking crazy uncultured pieces of shit who unironically think that marrying your first cousin is an okay deal. Jesus Fucking Christ, just be chill like Tatars, everyone will love you.
there are 40 countries in the world that are muslim, muslims should go to them, not non muslim countries
and if they do come to non muslim countries, they need to drop pisslam and adopt the local culture .. no muslim names or cultures or gods...
can't do that? fuck off to a muslim country
Why can't I hate both? I'm not going to start liking Muslims until they actually start doing something worth liking, and so far they just haven't. They just have a shitty, entitled attitude about everything and aren't grateful in the slightest.
1) They are not refugees at all, just parasites.
2) Independently of 1 they are low-IQ, tribalistic bio-weapons that the Jews are importing to our nations to destroy them.
Zionist-imported bio-weapons OUT OF EUROPE and Europe out of other nations business.
>Wouldn't you do it to safe your family or yourself?
In western society we send young men off to fight wars, not leave old people, women and children to thier fates
If the enemy of my enemy is an arab, I simply have two enemies
Until you realize jews and arabs are the same side of the used toilet paper
Stay in your country.
None ever had a problem until the jews started displacing you.
Remove the jews, and return to your countries, and you all will be redeemed.
There's already a report of Syrian complaining that he didn't earn enough and less than Egypt and Syrian to sustain himself as a Man and Portugal earns less than the other European countries.
Better go join the ranks of Assad's armed forces or the other gus
I don't hate mosquitos either, they can't help what they are, but I prefer them dead rather than sucking my blood.
sage all roasties shilling for feels and gibs, fuck shitskins and their shit countries. they must go back and u must pay the toll
Because they bring their conflict here, their shitty religion, monkey behaviour
Dont integrate well, most are on gibs
Want more?
>are fucking crazy uncultured pieces of shit who unironically think that marrying your first cousin is an okay deal
said a r*ssian
>Goes to Korea
>Doesn't think to go to a bordering nation
wew lad
>Why blame the refugees insted of blaming the jews that control your countries and start wars in these places and then open your countries borders?
We DO blame the Jews, for starting the wars AND opening our borders??
Not sure what you're getting at, by your very logic we shouldn't let a single "refugees" cross our sovereign borders.
Well I know a guy who married his first cousin too, so maybe you have a point.
That would be so fucking stupid. The rest of the muslim countries are so so far from them or they won't accept them like saudi arsbia or they already have wars like iraq
Well you know its kinda hard to keep sending all these ppl every fucking year cuz your zionist government starts a new fucking war in these places
how is that our problem goat fucker?
How are we gonna get rid of them while every fucking major country in the world supports them
Well don't fucking let them in. Letting them in and than hating them for it is just retarded dumbass
Cuz you let them in you fucking hellbelly
So you hate muslims, blacks, Hispanics, jews and most of the fucking Asians. So goid luck with surviving dumbasd
I don't blame them but I still don't want them in my country. Does that make sense to you?
They follow a primitive and old religion, they bring crime, they rape and kill the local population, they refuse to learn the local language, they do not integrate, they build favelas etc etc etc...
man up and stop blaming other people. fight for your country instead of running and leaving the women and kids.
Because it literally was the same Arabs that turned their countries into warzones.
Like, the fact that the Middle East is a shitty warzone is for the most part due to Middle Easterners. Those same Middle Easterners who want to move to the West. No thanks.
>muh Israel
>shiites and sunnis are killing each other because of Israel
>muslims in Pakistan are massacring Christians because of Israel
>turks are fighting kurds because of Israel
no, it's just you arabs and goatfuckers being shitty yourself.
i feel for them about their situation but i dont trust them or want them in the country
>litterly a whole beutiful advanced continent just telling you to come in.
But thats not the case at all. It was literally just Germany and Sweden. Two countries which also just happen to make serious money from the conflicts in your region.
Why should my country take in Arab refugees when we've never done anything against you. Same applies for most Euro countries.
Any male under the age of 60 that came to Europe is coward that should get a bullet in the brain or be sent back to fight for their country.
Why not stay and fight or die? What ever happened to that? Fucking parasites.
>Implying mudshits don't start their own wars
You retards fight over which KIND of Islam is the "right" one.
Why not take your lamentations to Saudi Arabia? The UN definition of a "refugee" is someone who has left a warzone etc to arrive in THE FIRST SAFE COUNTRY. What we're seeing is economic benefit shoppers seeking gibs.
Europe is for whites only. I don't hate arabs though.
Think of it like this: If someone was shoveling a pile of shit into your house you wouldn't hate the shit, you'd hate the shoveler.
Italy will accept all Arab refugees
This is not my point my point is you shouldn't blame them for coming you should eather kick them out or let them stay don't just let them stay in while hating them. Hate your government and tell your government to kick them out. Right now the situation is like me letting you stay at my house while bashing you all tge time
>1 post by this ID
because they don't assimilate and they rather come to infidel countries instead of going to their Umma brothers even though they constantly brag about Ummah solidarity. And they only come to countries where the taxpaxer gets forced to pay for them. They don't come to contries where it's cheaper to afford for them. They are greedy.
And they commit too many crimes
1st.jews created wahbi sunna which is the reason shia and sunna fight each other
2nd.turks and kurds are not arabs and only isreal is supporting kurds which is creating a lot of shit
3rd.i wasn't talking about Muslims
>who unironically think that marrying your first cousin is an okay deal.
Oy vey, yes, goy, marry a black woman instead!
Because you are trash sand nigger roaches. And you will be exterminated.
>just telling you to come in
literally nobody but jewish puppets like Merkel wants you here nigger
Those ppl have been fighting since the fucking abbased caliphate fell don't you think that's too much
I also blame them for coming alone and leaving their families in so called war zones. That's a behaviour that disgusts me in men. In Second World war refugees brought their whole families and walked by feet through the russian winter.
Pic related is the only acceptable way for refugees to look.
The refugees coming to Europe don't look like that at all
Thats is not the fucking point of this thread and ssudi arabia accept no refugees
this is not how refugees look
They already starting traveling into the "war countries" and the countries they fled for persecution for holiday.
Guys fir fuck sake am not talking about fucking Muslims i am not a fucking muslim
Yes it's too much. but why should we import that shit over here? stay the fuck in your shitty place; there is nothing worthwhile in you coming over here. you haven't fixed since the caliphate fell because your religion and people are fucking morons who can only destroy everything you touch.
Muslims are the single most destructive minority on the planet. They cause 20 fold the havoc of niggers.
but why does everybody tolerate that and Europe has to take them? Why not forcing Saudi Arabia, they belong to the Ummah after all. Why not walking to Saudi Arabia and entering wit or without permission since the way is much shorter, same language, similar life style, similar weather? Why does an infidel country have to take them? Why are infidel countries not allowed to say no? Feels like an attempted islamistic invaion covered as refugees.
Since your countries have laws for reuniting families a lot of these families send the man to go because there are big chances of death on the way thas they send the man to invite tge rest of the family to come safely
only muslims are coming. The christians are too afraid for they get persecuted by muslim refugees
I never said I blame them for coming but its still wrong that they abandon their country. I don't mind helping refugees (i.e women and children) who go back when their country is stable again.
I hate cowards and all men that abandon their people and country in its time of need are cowards.
Why don't you start telling your Arab brothers to stop hating us and blaming us for everything too? Maybe then we could work together against the common enemy and stay the fuck out of each others territory afterwards.
How is that my fault?
First am white 2nd most of them go to Germany fucker
If you think they're all running away than who the fuck is fighting wars in iraq and syria for 5 years and no arabs don't blame white people alot of us are white they blame jews
No just no you're so wrong iraq is running out of Christians because of immigration
Because saudis will fucking shoot them down ppl already know that
still no excuse to leave your family in a war zone in danger of getting killed by ISIS
It's like if the Germans would have said
"Wife, Grandparents and children, you wait here with the invading Russians. I will make the way alone and take you later"
It's a lie.
Dude your country supports wahabis those guys are the terrorists. And your beloved trump boy sold a shit fuvking ton of weapons for their biggest supporters saudi arabia. Show me one crime that a shia muslim did in Europe or America i dare you
The Media made them out to all be savages.
No its not ppl do it successfully because it doesn't take long in Europe
you act like i give a fuck if your shia or sunni. you are all terrorists. stay in your own country goat fucker.
Arabs are not the ones flooding Europe, its predominantly North African Berbers
I dont think Saddies like Israelis. I dought the weapons were any good
Obviously all of them aren't running away otherwise there would be no one left to fight the wars but a shit ton of potential soldiers have fled to Europe for the easy life and abandoned their women and families in Lebanon and other countries with refugee camps.
Most Muslims and Arabs in Western Europe despise white Europeans and want Islam to take over as some sort of punishment for the wars the Jew created in the Middle East.
Thats why White Euros and Americans tend to hate Islam and Arabs, its because the ones we interact with here are ungrateful for refuge and take advantage of the tolerance shown to them.
Most of these guys are economic migrants. If they were refugees, they would stay in neighboring countries. Hell, I wouldn't even necessarily mind if the West funded that. Italy paid off Ghaddafi to keep Africans in his country. Any bidders?
You fucking stupid motherfucking dumbass i wasn't talking about Muslims anyway cuck
Their running cause the 3rd temple has been built in their beliefs this mean the end is near the dajjal is coming
I don't blame them at all, but I also don't want them
because Arab Muslims fucking suck. I can't blame them for going to rich countries when the government literally invites them in, though.
Nobody actually wants you all here except the government, who never seem to do what the people want, and the Jews. I really could care less about you all trying to avoid the wars. It's not as if any of us actually want to instigate you all into fighting each other, but again, the government and Jews...
Europe was at war for 2000 years. Fuck off sand nigger, your people are cowards
Except we keep telling you to fuck off and the roaches keep coming.
>French fag calling someone a coward
They know a lot more than you could understand the pray 5x a day and fast one to 3 times a week all religions are similar but they are fanatics
I would say a lot of them aren't cuz its been going for a long time and i sgree with you you guys do take the worst of them.
pretending arabs aren't all mudslimes. is this the narrative then? stop blaming everyone else and MAN the fuck up. but you cant. your sad little corner of the world is full of people who are so small minded they fight for hundreds of years (since the calliphaggots or whatever) but suddenly it's the joos fault and the americans are causing it and everywhere else needs to accept you faggotry for some reason?
>show me shia arn't terrorists
>im not talking muslims.
Europe would be empty if whites were like arabs.
Imagine if a bunch of French "refugees" entered Iraq in the past five years. Whole sections of Baghdad, Mosul, Basara are now French, the women don't dress like Iraqis they wear shorts and don't cover up their hair, they speak French put up business signs in French while not learning Arabic, in their new enclaves they start talking about how Catholics are oppressed by Muslims and how Muslims need to apologize for years of bigotry while the Catholics attack Muslims. Meanwhile, one section of Iraqi politics talks about how the French will just become Iraqis and that if Europeans become a majority it will be okay.
Do you think Iraqis would give a shit what war was going on in France?
Their running scared because of the Pharisees. Read their religion..the dajjal is here and their religion is a lot like ours Jesus is just a profit not a,saviors
The difference is the West is directly responsible for the wars in the Middle East and the destabilization of the region
>I never read the koran the post
How about how the west destabilized itself for nearly 2 millennia ?
Their not all bad just people like us had a ton of prisoners that some how got released
Well we actually do accept that maybe not the language part even tho kurds do thst but overall we really are multicultural very very much and btw a lot of girls in baghdad wear westren clothes a looot
Take a mirror, and look into it, that's the reason your country is shit and why any place you go, turns into shit.
Just because i said the truth doesn't mean i'm a muslim faggot
>Imagine living in a country that's a warzone for at least 5 years
Been there, done that. The difference was that I wasn't a cowardly piece of shit with no values.
This is half-truth. Yes, the west did fuck up Iraq but they do have some responsibility in that they can't resolve a 1,000-year-old succession crisis in addition to other various tribal conflicts.
Also, this just explains why people don't like refugees or first generation immigrants.
It's better than the Talmud.the Koran is way better than the talmud teachings up until Muhammed. .its a lot like our bible they dont say mary was a whore like the talmud religion ...idk
>Imagine living in a country that's a warzone for at least 5 years
No. And I don't care for your personal problem. Just fuck off and die.
Idk what you're talking about but as a former muslim i can cinform the last part and for muslims jesus also returns in the end of times
no, you're a faggot because you're advocating running away from your problems and hiding amongst the people you would call infidels. Any claim otherwise; that you are a good person; that you would tolerate Europeans; that you aren't a flaming sack of shit is just taqiyya.
Thats their safe place to get to in their religion is the EU where they will rapture
The bible preach love and kindness while the koran preach convert the infidel ( or make them pay the dhimmi taxes oyvey ) and is totally against science.
Yes but he is considered a profit not the son of God