When will it fucking end?

When will it fucking end?
Now they have Morgan Freeman out here talking about how we're at war with Russia


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To be fair, Freeman was never /ourguy/ He supported Obongo and Hillary.

the question now is how much evidence do people (((NORMIES))) need to see this is an actual min-virus zombie infestation.


He'll read fucking anything. Millenials are fags.

I thought that was James Earl who did that.

Don't blame Morgan. He just needs more freckles

This is just flat out sad. The Anti Russia rhetoric is nothing more than Boomers who lived in the Cold War era and has no connection at all with modern day Russia. This is absolutely a stunt by Hillary and Soros to undermine Trump and to blatantly lie to prevent the world from being redpilled as our Eastern Europe friends are.

Typical nigger he cannot understant what is coming.

Fucking pathetic, fear-mongered nation. Russia isn't fucking paradise but this is reaching the point of actually attacking Russia itself.

it continues to amaze me how liberals laughed at romney 5 years ago when he said russia was our greatest adversary

Not surprised, he shilled hard for Hillary last year.

Nigger-god talking woke shit son.

Boomer fags know the USSR is dead, the only Communists running around are the Democrats and Antifa.

>Morgan Freeman.
>Everyone just trust and believes him
Finally. Shit I was getting worried it wouldn't happen and Trump would go free. Wooo. Exhale everyone.

>Russia plan to undermine US
Russians will show you facts. You must ignore the facts and believe our lies.

Russia didn't attack US election then tho. Yes, it was shortsighted from Obama to believe that russian savage asiatics can actually change for better and not just stab in the back whenever they smell vulnerability, but that just part of being civilized Westerner and trying to see others as humans, when in reality most of them aren't. But I'm sure Americans learned their lesson and will never trust Russian, or any other non-Western subhuman, ever again. And they also will not give Russia a second chance to live like they did in the 90s, this time it will be dealt with completely. Russia had lost their right to exist in the civilized world.

Russian government spreads pro-Soviet communist propaganda as a part of their official policy. The way the government operates also hasn't changed that much.

Absolutely this.

investigateRU btfo

He's a senile old man who knows his pedophile paradise is coming crashing down and wants to ruin the future for the rest of us. Also all of these.

>there are unironic idiots who actually believe Russia had a hand in the US election

I still don't understand. Hillary basically makes a baseless accusation out of desperation and it's stuck since.

they'll believe whatever you want if you pay them enough

90 yr old kneegeer...who cares?

Stop talking about it

I didn't get a check from Russia for voting Trump

>go around destabilising countries
>arm terrorist groups
>exploit millions
>it happens to america
>"b-but we're the good guys!"

dammmmmmmmmmmmm even Morgan Freeman got bought off by the jews thats impressive.

They must have something on him. He was on Sesame Street for years. I bet they have photos of him touching kids or something.

Take that back. James is based and not a liberal.

fuck r*ssia you stupid diaspora commie faggot. shoot yourself.


fuck off. we hate you. just because some fat faggot losers post > muh based putin! online doesnt mean anyone actually likes him. youre a joke.

oh look its the larping commie faggot talking about jews again. hahahahaha piss in stalins face. commie pig.

But Russia has been undermining the US via espionage tactics for at least 50 years.

I still haven't seen any proof Russia did anything

investigate russia was started by another movie star and nyt journalist

If Stalin lived two years longer there would be no Jews in USSR.

>not wanting a hot war is an endorsement of leaders in said country
wtf I love all the dictators we haven't killed yet!

This year has been utter dogshit...all people you used to like come out as absolute asshole, blue pilled, useful idiots and retards.

Except James Woods. He is fucking awesome.

What about Israel? Why does no one ever, ever mention the tentacles Israel has in our government and country, and the many, many duel-citizens in our government, and the many, many traitors to America that have been either an Israeli citizen or a duel-citizen. Why? Russia has nothing on Israel when it comes to compromising our government.

Holy shit how much did they have to pay him for this? The guy has more money than GOD.

look at all the jews on this photo


>investigate this shit for almost a year now
>still literally nothing

>m-m-mm--mm-mm--muh democracy

>meanwhile the democrats whole platform is focused on importing and farming votes, and making voter fraud easier
These people are so shamelessly ridiculous

> be negro millionaire movie star
> believe u are free
> receive call from ((manager)) who says you have to do a Russia PSA
> be enslaved nigger no matter what

Let me guess, the only way to fix this is to jail Trump and give Hillary the presidency?

It's extra especial because the black guy with the nice sounding voice is explaining it to us! Sorry bros, I'm With Her now!

It also serves as a distraction from all the collaborator's numerous crimes.

The AWANS and this here Open Secret. youtu.be/aKTDqqLoVf0
Extended Clean Up Crew working. 'Nuff said.

>need to hire literal hollywood actor to try to sell their penis envy bullshit
democrats are pathetic

I thought Morgan was based. Oh well, like I watch movies/TV these days anyway.

Thanks. Great, informative image.

But user: it works.

Politics and media never were about evidence and truth, but the most convincing and emotionally capturing lie.

Yes yes, they had such a huge problem with this when the Russians supported them...


You will die for challening the empire of THULSA DOOM

this nigger should just die already

Keitai finds a way

Look into the committees which the dems, whose entire systems the AWANS had access to, were on. Military intel, homeland security, you-name-it, the AWANS had access to it and were putting it all on their seperate server.
Right now Liz Wheeler has security contractor, Brad Owens on her show. Going to find out why he's been silenced regarding Benghazi.

Aaaaaaaand now I know for sure it's made up

They are right you know, there is a threat to democracy.
The left is a threat to democracy.
They probably need to be dealt with the old fashion way.


>the only Communists running around are the Democrats and Antifa.

The former Soviet Union's plot to infiltrate the United States with communism has come to fruition.
The USSR died, but their legacy lives on.
American communists need to be sent to a permanent gulag and abandoned to die.



This !
Google the march thru the institutions !

these posts are definitely not made by some assblasted diaspora

Except there's no evidence that Russia "attacked" the US election. The Clintons sold uranium to Russia!

He really is a money whore

fucking based :^)

whats the deal with pedophiles always being lefties ? do they offer protection or what ?

>watch this video of an actor we paid to read from a script
>we need to stop trump from getting the nuclear codes

>I'd like to tell you Morgan fought the good fight, and the kikes let him be
>I'd like to tell you that.
>But Hollywood is no fairy tale world.

>Morgan Freeman
He will read whatever you want as long as you pay him enough.

No one believes in democracy, prove me wrong

It's part of the blackmail.

can't wait for war unironically
western degeneracy should be exterminated immediately

>complains about Russian propaganda
>creates a video that is clearly propaganda

In group out group.

Liberals don't care about what is said, but rather who says it. Just like Jews.

>Now they have Morgan Freeman out here talking about how we're at war with Russia
Get and Morgan Freeman drops the Yuri pill.


Starting in the 90's every portrayal of God or angels was by a black man.

>Family man
>jerry McGuire
>Bruce almighty
>legend of bagger Vance

Etc. etc.

Even today the magical negro motif is strong and every movies with white protagonist often have a Wise Negro to guide them.

Sad really.

>"attacking the election"
>publishing some shitty fake news that convinced only idiots
Maybe if the left was smart they wouldn't have been so hasty to get rid of jim crow era literacy tests

>le epic wise black man!

This is the ultimate shill thread

Check out the rand corp study on ukraine misinformation campaigns. The polish propaganda campaigns. The explosion in anti refugee rhetoric, especially in western europe. Its no fuckin secret that civis in syria were swarming out of that country in droves once russia got involved and entire cities were being leveled from the air. Send them west, let them run trucks into people, and scare the ever loving shit out of white people on the internet at the same time. Check out some of the russian orthodox church's talking points about anything. It's frightening similar to the shit you see being smashed into people's heads in the states. Boycott beauty and the beast bc queers, orthodox propaganda. And the best part of it all is that no matter how you try to explain this to any american you get the age old soviet defence
>well america does it and fuckin sucks too
Exactly, but the american electorate got played. Both sides. It began here (the newest misinformation campaign) post 2012. It hit it's stride in 2015 post ukraine invasion and was everywhere, even cbs sportsline comment threads that had nothing to do with american politics. I'm not a liberal, far from it, and i wrote in a name for my vote, but russias (and yes, china too) effort to destabilize our electorate is so fucking painfully obvious. Did they get trump elected? No, but to completely dismiss it's involvement is retarded. Enjoy my blog! I'd link the rand study but,
t. phonefag

>heres a movie script for you to believe

well at least he comes right out and says it this time

Nigger tells us to take up arms against our fellow race. If roles were reversed we would be racist.

There's never going to be any proof. (((They))) are trying to establish Russian sabotage as "common knowledge" so they don't need to prove anything.

Uncle Morgan's Cabin

Actors are like Ron Burgundy they read and do everything they are told

I will watch and then form my own opinion,
but I don't see Russia killing people all over the world in the name of freedom!

Hey, HEY, HEYYYY! Older than fuck boomer here. We don't give a shit about Russia. Russia is just a shadow existing by dint of low animal cunning. North Korea and China, yes, we hate the fuck out of them because they're commies.

Preventive shilljacketing...
Nice job.

>Now they have Morgan Freeman out here talking about how we're at war with Russia
Just as Hillary planned during the election. If she had won we'd be in the same spot only for different reasons.


They are trying to start a war. See how many stuff they redeployed to Eastern Europe for no reason. Now they need casus belli and It seems they start the game.

Can Amerikeks do something about it? I think no. Most of them like 95% are brainwashed by media and can't do some 2+2 tier logical conclusions.

lol nigger shilling for nuclear destruction at the behest of jews

the south should have won


Which is odd considering he's openly come out against identity politics on national television a couple times. He may have switched up though, not sure.


There it is. The truth staring everyone right in the face, but they will destroy you if you announce it. There are two vital pieces of knowledge on must have to successfully navigate life: the first truth is that the Jews run the world, the second truth is that if you criticize the way the Jews run the world, they will annihilate you.