Find a flaw
Find a flaw
Character design
Their eyes are too close together, they needed to go wider!
Best girl lost
Cockroach infestation
First season was pointless
Sorry, accidentally uploaded the wrong img.
Tomoyo was a very, very close second.
The humor was never funny, first season was cheap feels. Only the last half of season two was good once they graduated, which was very quality feels.
Why do Kyou and Tomoyo look near-identical?
Inter-ocular spacing.
Over-reliance on contrivances to generate emotional torque rather than establishing meaningful conflicts that developed character.
I don't hate it, but I gradually became desynthetized and unable to emphatize due to the endless sequence of drama bomb after drama bomb, it just felt too artificial. Heck, even the MC says so ("I feel like this town is just messing with me").
my nigga
These 4 girls just aren't positioned well. The simplest way to fix the picture would be adding another girl on the upper left.
That abomination called Torch playing after Nagisa and Ushio's deaths. Very very inappropriate song. They could have switched to Dango Daikazoku even in only for those two episodes.
Also, what's with all the Clannad threads lately?
This guy knows.
But best girl Tomoyo won my heart, and she also won in her VN.
Agreed. I got to the point where I felt MC should have just killed himself because clearly his life was just constantly robbing him of any happiness.
Is this series worth continuing? I'm halfway through season 1, and I get that it's supposed to be really good, but so far it just seems...really meh. Nothing has struck my feels, and it was funny at times, but that was mainly due to me watching the dub since I found it immensely more entertaining instead of slogging through 22 minutes of bland moe characters crying. Is it gonna get better within the next few episodes? It has already improved a bit once they moved on to Kotomi, but not enough for me to really want to continue.
After Story is far, far better, though the best parts of AS aren't until the second half, after they graduate. Such a shame AS didn't adapt Akio and Sanae's arcs from the game, since those two arcs were heartwarming and gave insight into their personalities.
Stop posting with a trip you colossal faggot
But I'm guessing this is one of those things where I can't just skip to After Story, right? I need to watch Clannad so I get back story and stuff?
Art style creeps me out. I've tried to watch it twice but can't get past the character designs.
Game-wise? Sanae's route seemed tonally dissonant, at least until the flashback stuff. Kyou's route needs less Ryou, because she's awful in every route that isn't Kappei. Akio arc is... in a really weird spot. It's still good, but y'know. Odd.
Anime-wise? Yukine's route was awful. First half of AS isn't that well-paced. Exclusion of Kappei, Akio, and Sanae's routes is a shame. Kyou/Tomoyo OVAs are (obviously) too short. Kyou OVA in particular makes both girls seem awful due to how brief it is.
Fuko and Kotomi arcs go on for way too long, Yukine's route wasn't too great either.
Best parts are near the end of each season