White supremacy violates NAP necessarily because it forcefully segregates populations who would otherwise associate...

White supremacy violates NAP necessarily because it forcefully segregates populations who would otherwise associate freely.

There on the same basis of "justified" aggression and violence one can also justify punching a nazi in the face.

To put it more simply:
There's freedom, liberty and libertarianism on one side and EVERY OTHER IDEOLOGY.

Thank you

>There on the same basis of "justified" aggression and violence one can also justify punching a nazi in the face.
So can I go around KOing commies and socialists because I'm Ukrainian?

>otherwise associate freely.

oh man

show me one instance of someone going "man i want to live with people who aren't physically like me" as opposed to "look at the benefits i can reap if i live there"

According to OP yes!

>leaf education
>what are ex-pats?

>an unenforced concept is a physical threat because my feels are hurt and therefore it's all bad and my violence is justified because my college professor told me so

This is why leftists and centrists should get the fucking gallows, you're all worse than subhuman scum.

Alright, if ancapistan brings me one step closer to watching a "kill commies IRL" twitch livestream, where donations go towards ammo, then sign me up.

Freedom, liberty, and libertarianism allow for absolute freedom of association. You're telling me that such a society would not see whites self-segregating to be among whites? Blacks wouldn't be able to use the state to force their way into white life.

believe it or not some white and black and brown people like living near each other.

And they would be free to do so. Whites would also be able to form "white only" communities without the state intervening. This would 100% happen.

So fighting words are a thing against?

Excellent I can't wait to beat the fuck out of faggots for trying to destroy my Christian utopia...

Ohh it's just more bullshit:
>rules for thee but not for me.

Yes, everyone wants a nigger to move in next door.

>because it forcefully segregates populations
no, it allows whites to freely associate.

>F A L S E
>F L A G

I though you niggas wuz smart

He did Nazi that coming

>speech is segregation
>armbands are segregation

umm, sweetie....
*clears throat*
*adjusts bowtie*
*sniffs deeply*
*raises eyebrow condescendingly*
*leans into mic*

He shouldn't have been assaulted, by god damn, did no ones parents on Sup Forums teach them that if you go look for trouble your gonna find it? Why would anyone subject themselves to this?

NAP is for faggots. Do whatever you need to do to ensure your survival.

So being a libertarian is the only way to not violate the NAP?

>Look at she was wearing, she deserved it.
>I couldn't handle my justified aggression

>..forcefully segregates populations who would otherwise associate freely.

Just like postmodernists do. Except they can do it and be defended by academia, media and government.

>how do you do fellow neo nazi?

i can smell the latkes in that screenshot.

>the same people that justify attacking people over their clothes are the same people who disagree with raping people over their clothes
>sexual impulsiveness: wrong
>violent impulsiveness: good
really makes me think

Fuck your big brain lolbertatian shit

I am not a nazi/white supremacist, and have little sympathy for the guy with his stupid armband, but think for a minute here:
So the American Natives needed a good ol' punch in the face too, is what you're saying? But what about people who forcefully try to introduce non-integratable populations into the native ones? Punch in the face too? Or did the Poles deserve a punch in the face for not wanting to integrate with 1939-era Germany, as Austria & Holland did?


How much did you freedom protect you from the Jews?

Goddamn it is there anything worse than Canada?

Jews like you want Americans to be dumb easy to control Goys.

Any state is wrong yes...
But fuck niggers and the other assorted races.

Betcha this whole thing was staged. I'm calling it now: fake nazi.

Actually, whites don't even have freedom of association.
We're literally forced to integrate with non-whites in virtually every single facet of our lives.
The federal government has actively pushed minorities into predominately white suburbs with section 8 housing in an effort to enforce diversity.

Whites don't have the option of living exclusively among other whites. If they try to do so, they're labeled white supremacists and Nazis.

Nazis get punched. Pretty simple.

That would be a non micro aggression pact

>White supremacy violates NAP necessarily because it forcefully segregates populations who would otherwise associate freely.
Not necessarily. Propaganda and shared values don't violate the NAP. Self-segregation doesn't violate the NAP. Preferential employment and school segregation don't violate the NAP.

A libertarian model of white nationalism is perfectly feasible.

Ouuui Pierre, it's only a justi man-a-man contact with the moose up yur arse, eh?

Pissy fascists should fight like men instead of bitching like Jewesses on their periods about people BEING MEAN TO THEM.

Why are you so selfish and possessive of your life, what kind of price of shit life is it anyway? Fight back.