Why didn't he concealed carry?

Why didn't he concealed carry?

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How exactly would having a concealed weapon have helped him? He was sucker punched.

>not blonde
>not blue eyes
He would have no place in Nazi Germany

>falling for a false flag

are you this retard to believe what your history teacher told you ?

Hahahaha that manlet Nazi pig got destroyed. This is what happens when you spread your hate outside the computer, Sup Forums. I hope the next time this happens one of the guys takes a shit on his head so he remembers it. Nazis believe might is right, so might is the only way to deal with.

i think thats what op was getting at maybe

Neither would 90% of you LARPing Amerilards.

That punch was a cheap shot and uncalled for.

Isnt "sucker punch" only if you get punched from behind?



generally, it's to receive a punch unexpectedly

Get knocked the FUCK out Nazi shitter

this post made me a nazi


You ready to get knocked out too, untermensch?

>He was sucker punched.
he was slow because he was on drugs

said the LARPing Amerilard

Hahahaha! I pity you fools! I am above you all! I am so cool!

Non of you fucking larpers are smart enough to point out his armband is on the wrong side?

its either a false flag (black guy and victim are actors) or this guy wanted to be attacked.
he should never have been within arms reach or trying to communicate with an aggressive individual like this in the first place.
he should have been moving away from the problem immediately and preparing his self defense implement for lawful use in case he is still followed and assaulted.

Antifa is one of the most hateful organizations in existence

even if he had managed to fight back he would have been jumped immediately by the two others.
not a sucker punch

>its either a false flag
A punch like that is no false flag, I tell you that.

He probably lives in one of the gun free utopias that are "may (won't) issue".

>going out dressed like a nazi from a b movie
>physically assaulting someone over words
the only person who isnt retarded in this video is the black guy

well what did he expect?

loved watching that bernie sanders supporter
get knocked out by that american.

It was fake, that's why. Antifags set this up as a false flag operation.

Typical American fat slob mutt LARPing as a European, pathetic. Glad that nigger knocked him out cold. What a subhuman, hilarious.

Kek, I hope that Jew had a dental insurance card hidden under his Swastika.

>Hardcore Swastika wearing Neo-Nazi
>Relaxes around a black, trying to reason with him, like white supremacists are widely know to do
False flag Shlomo got fucking wrecked.

No, its a punch that comes out of nowhere.
They wernt already in in established fight, and the white man of peace was trying to de-escalate the situation.

>he fakes and then hits him
>that fake out prior to the punch didn't alert said larping nazi to throw his hands up to defend himself
he only has himself to blame

what did he even say?




>use your CC on an attacking nog
>cuck judge and jury give you an eternity in the poz chamber because you "intentionally baited him into attacking you"

holy shit a leaf didnt shit post


Come do it fagit

No it wasn't, he made him flinch once, after that he should have known what was coming. He should have known what was coming as soon as that nigger approached him.

Look, he shouldn't have been assaulted.

But jesus christ Sup Forums, didn't your dad ever tell you "If you go looking for trouble, you're going to find it?"