>mfw a rightist tries to argue fascist ideology against communism
Mfw a rightist tries to argue fascist ideology against communism
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>mfw both miss the mark.
"Fascism" just means nationalism. It's called fascism because it is based around the symbol of the fasces - and what does the fasces represent? A nation coming together, because a group of people is stronger than individuals.
Nationalism is needed. Even in your evil, repressive, communist utopia, there still needs to be a nation. How else are you going to protect yourselves from your enemies? If a bunch of Nazis comes trying to overthrow your Marxist dreamland, how are you going to stop them without a standing army?
Communism is just deluded fantasy. Because you will NEVER make everybody equal. This is what Ayn Rand correctly identified - those who advocate communism are hypocrites. Because they are asking you to be selfless for the state, but they selfishly use their ideology to become the rulers of nations. To benefit themselves.
Fascism is, on the other hand, reality. Nationalism is reality. Hierarchy is reality (and will never go away). Fascism is the same as communism, but without the lies.
i will not even waste my time responding to this post. If anyone who isn't a troll wants to have a discussion by all means feel free to talk to me but otherwise you can make like your precious black/yellow flag and buzz off
> implying the two aren't identical for all intents and purposes
Is capitalism why you've failed in the workforce?
fuck off
holy shit.......... fashy borgies btfo
this post is *sniff* pure ideolgoy
Reminder that leftists slaughtered civilian "fascists" very creatively with bullets, nail bombs, mines and electricity, in order to prevent them from joining "fascist" USA, "fascist" UK, "fascist" France and "fascist" West Germany.
Communists are the worst kind of scum to have ever inhabited the Earth. I bet you are into scat porn. That is the kind of mindset it takes to refer to oneself as
Equality is evil.
lol what do you do for a living real talk I'm not a fascist but this answer should be hilarious.
ii work at a gas station right now but i plan on going back to university soon. i have a bachelors in political science and plan on getting one in english
In australia we call it Bachelors of Politics and International Relations
It's a load of shit, I dropped out it was absolute trash. You would only get some use out of it, if you did a law degree with it like some of my mates did.
But no, you got back and do a bachelors in english. You literally cannot be more of a text book meme communist larper. Do you read what you're writing. I know w
>degree in poli sci
>works at gas station
I know what you think you write is cogent and sane but im serious do you see how much of a fucking stereotype you are. Because it should be painstakingly clear. When you look around and see your 'comrades' that these aren't people who create anything worth having.
That's what you're missing out on, your life is a series of minutes that pass as the day goes, and if you choose to think that being talentless is some genetic diaspora or inherited by whites only. You will continue to visit Sup Forums you will continue to call yourself a communist. You will continue to forget all and any other possibilities and outcomes for your life. Because ideaology has got its hooks in you. You like almost everyone here are an amalgum of meme's and meme course and degree's in meme ideas. Sure they could catch on. But its not catching on that should bother you, what should bother you is doing nothing with all those minutes you had, all those days. Where you acquiesced to the majority and talk this jargon of nothingness. The fascists fall for it aswell because they have no answers for what to do in the event of nuclear apocalypse. They have no prediliction for actually commanding the global sphere and propelling man forward. None of you care, humanity is a contextual backdrop to your superstar ego driven life. You'll hopefully write a book all about yourself at the end of it and millions of the proletariate will read it. Tell me any of the alt-right E-celebs dont want the same.
Your life is void.
okay sniffman
fuck off dude im not reading this psycho nonsense
you aren't. living. You're one of those animals people farm for wool. They make noises babies giggle at. They herd. They seek self preservation like any other animal, and when the wolf comes the lemmings like you are only afforded the protection you earn by getting yourself further and further into the herd. Hoping you can chase run jump, keep up... and master the art of fitting in.
Zizek is lowkey crypto-fascist
So you choose death. Hail the shadow of all time.
I'm hungry
Fascism is [conservative and national] socialism that can lead to Communism.
If you weren't a retard, you'd know that.
After all, one is proven by science, practiced by idiots.. the other is just stupid.
I won't say which is which
Individuals must believe in the individual
I notice that all the threads about communism are at the bottom.
t. To proud too respond intelligently to a reasoned reply
The concept that everything is done for the good of the people is what underpins idealist fascism.
How is that any different than communism save for in application?
>implying fascists like capitalists
Well think of this.. you're in a room full of people and everyone is flinging their own responses at you. Do you pick and choose or do you exhaust yourself through every single person, each with their own little nuances and differing opinions? Gotta push the tired old arguments away. To him, it's not reasoned, it's "this shit again". Same here too.
>punished zizek
>a man denied his dialectic
Especially if you are a fellow burger.
Read very carefully and repost pic related as much as you can while we still can because once the internet starts getting censored we won't be able to communicate any more.
Once ww3 starts, the (((Commies))) will try their final takeover of the US during the confusion. Be ready to defend your country. Between now and then prepare (get /fit/ etc.) and red pill as many people as you can but mainly remind (or if needed, teach) them about our fine history, the only country ever in the history of the world to codify the concept of Natural Rights into it's foundational documents. THAT is the only thing that makes us exceptional. Never forget it.
Godspeed Anons, interesting times lie ahead.
>guide to bluepilling
Check that.
If a bunch of autistic retards calling themselves "commies" decide to do another rally then it's on them, not communism or socialism. If America does something, it's not on America.
You can't talk about these topics with people who use the words in the sense of talking tribes or as if they're talking about parties..
The silence is deafening, you will defend this spineless commie worm!