with blatant foreign propaganda?
How do we deal
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shoot it.
We make our own:
>our own
hmmm no vladimir, russian propaganda is still very blatant propaganda
the servers or my computer?
Hey look, the Brazilian kike is back. Are you mad that Aljazeera exposes your kike Rothschild owned state.
Who will Trump choose next for the Supreme Coirt?
Some of the best art is blatant foreign propaganda.
Wanking Ted
Russia is the only white country that aligns with Sup Forums. If you don't realize that you're bluepilled.
Wait holy shit AJ+ is owned Al Jazeera.
No wonder they share so much garbage anti-cop propaganda.
>Goyim's first blue pill
>Realizes MSM is lying
>Believes in literal Sunni Arab propaganda instead
It's like you learned smoking is bad for you so you started shooting heroin instead.
this one is my favorite of all time
>millions of native muslims
>import even more muslims and 1 million chinks
>arrest nazis
>ukraine is evil because they're nazis
>most islamic country in europe
>high abortion, divorce, alcoholism, etc rates
>most violent country in europe
>poltards would already be in jail over there
>harsh hate speech laws
>government is anti-nationalist, puts nationalists in prison
Fucking polish kike back here again, looks like I forgot to gas your neighbourhood.
I don't have to believe "Sunni Arab Propaganda," I already know the on-ground facts before they even broadcast it to the masses. They expose the kikes the majority of the time.
>I already know the on-ground facts before they even broadcast it to the masses.
Well shit the rest of us don't ""know"" things by dreaming them up while sitting in our basements.
Like some edgy contrarians who learned MSM is full of shit actually think al Jazeera or RT isn't because it's not Western MSM.
That's funny.
pic related
Why do you even keep coming back here kike? No one wants you here, go back to r*ddit with your kike JIDF brethren.
Reddit is boring.
This is not what is means you retard. He points out the piousness of muslims saying "Christians must step up", and he's 100% right you catholic degenerate.
He raises a good point.
You don't, It's embedded in modern civilization.
>ignores all the cuckoldry of russia
ok sweetie keep pretending russia is not turbocucked
Russia is an multinational empire, not a nation-state. The only one who benefits from ethnic conflict in Russia right now is (((Jewmerica))), and both the Ukrainian and Russian "Nazis" are led and financed by Jews.
Russia is the only hope for Sup Forums, if you think you can fight your (((government))) by yourself you are naive. Only Russian pressure from outside can bring about political change in the West.
>>ignores all the cuckoldry of russia
Russia is THE ONLY white country where WHITE birthrates are above replacement. Everyone is cucked but Russia.
who benefits from islamic immigration, letting chinks colonize the far east and having some of the most strict anti-"""hate speech""" laws? Do they arrest holocaust denials because they're the jews' enemies too?
if you wanna put your hopes in foreigners, put your hopes in Chyna
vid related
>who benefits from islamic immigration
There is no islamic immigration. Muslim where in Russia even before the Russians.
>Do they arrest holocaust denials
What does Russia have to gain from Holocaust denial? Many Israeli Jews are from Russia and have good relations, why should Russia ruin it's relation with Israel for no benefit at all?
>if you wanna put your hopes in foreigners, put your hopes in Chyna
Chinese are non-white and non-Christians. They hate us.
>There is no islamic immigration
fake news. There's quite a lot of islamic immigration to Russia.
>le russia is (((their))) enemy
>but le russia is OK with jews tho nothing wrong with arresting poltards
Also fake news en.wikipedia.org
0/8 Weak kremlimbot would not respond
Aljazeera is just the son of the old BBC Arabic after it was shut down in 1995.
Dont be dumb. Russia is a cesspool.
They get immigrants from Central Asia mostly former Soviet republics - cultural / ethnically muslim majority - one at least went to Civil war with islamists.
It's actually quite smart. They push social liberalism for the west because they know it eventually destroys it from within, while social conservative will help their civilization expand and take over the west.
Thanks for the info.
Not a chance. Poland and Hungary are closer in my opinion, even though they are in the EU.