when did you stop supporting trump?
When did you stop supporting trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
midwest boomer women voted for trump, everyone else here shilling him is a mossad kike agent, everyone knows the government is run by Israel
fack off
When he let the IMF to stay in Greece.
>t. shlomo shekelstein
When he attacked Syrian air base.
not an argument
>deflecting is a female trait so sorry roastie didnt mean to call u a kike
I never stopped supporting him and i never will.
He's the last hope the united states has to turn around before it goes to hell, and if he can't fix things then i hope he burns this country to ground.
I voted for an agent of change, and i don't care whether that change comes from congress or chaos
so you support jewish neoconservatism and amnesty ok
you voted for more kikes though
When he finishes his second term as President of the United States of America.
I thought he'd let Russia steam roll the Ukie mutants. The fuck hasn't changed anything. Fuck Trump!
kek is with us
and also ended fsa funding
if you can't understand nuance, fuck off back to ledit
>agent orange
Bahahah I support a Trump hereditary dynasty for the entire western hemisphere.
>trying this hard despite being set back at least a decade politically.
when do you niggers realize you're going to die if you keep pushing?
I didn't faget. He's doing better than I expected. Watching libtards and storm cucks getting butt blasted is just icing on the cake. So stay mad fags.
If anyone is genuinely blackpilled by this, then you're doing it wrong.
Trump wasn't YOUR savior, you were his. He was one of dozens, and you memed him to the presidency. He'd never have had the power he has no without your cover, your media, your banter. You have the keys to the power, he was just your channel.
You, you alone are the greatest force America has to offer. You are the forces of all the coalesced rage and memetics of being absolutely right, and you don't need Trump to make that happen.
Believe in your power, believe in your race, believe in your past, and use that belief to stand up and say 'I'm not going to be replaced'. Icons may fall, a system may corrode, but you know who you are with; a brotherhood of angry men. Just like you they too scream inside, a song of men angry at the world around them. And it won't go away this time. Not after all this. So listen...
Do you hear the people sing?
Lost in the valley of the night
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light!
For we wretched of the earth
There is a flame that never dies
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise.
I didn't. When did you stop gargling cum?
a-blooh mummy :c
baby need milky
You wish, shareblue.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
this was a proper mad interview wasn't it lad
>close mum
made me laugh
>tfw you at once believe Lenin is as bad as Hitler and say that people destroying his statues are Nazis themselves
>only natalia can turn this into an apparently coherent philosophy
what do you mean by a "mad interview"?¿
Well she went on a proper rant didn't she lad, her eyes looked like they were about to open another dimension in the poor interviewer's soul and/or asshole
God forbid she ever get interviewed by an actual secularist/anti-monarchist, I think she would probably get the FSB to Poklonskayonium their tea or maybe she'd do it personally...
I don't know I don't speak mummy language
PS gif is fucking cute.
PPS moar plz.
I thought he was the man until I watched this video:
has mummy got a screw loose?
Neither do I lad but she is way more than irritated in the source clip youtube.com
Look e.g. around the 22 min mark, she seems ready to summon the good Tsar Nicolas himself and have him smite this earth personally.
>used goods
hmmmm maybe he asked her about the frying statue thing. mummy claimed she saw a statue of tsar Nicolas crying or something and people started making fun of her. this bullying needs to stop
no mummy is fine
delet thiss
mummy says europeans marrys their brothers and dogs
When the left settled down. I have to jack off to anime now.
It is not my place to say lad. I prefer to consider it more as, her screws function on a higher dimension than ours.
In particular one must consider: when a man in Russia appears on the political stage, his interactions in public are similar to those in private, OK he probably has corrupt dodgy deals but they're basically businesslike/politically "rational".
Poklonskaya doesn't/can't really play by these rules. As a woman in Russian politics you may have, by choice or by necessity, relations "behind the scenes" with important figures that can't be seen as purely businesslike/political. This sort of thing could easily lead to her behaving apparently irrationally in public but actually quite rationally from a personal point of view.
See what I'm saying lad?
Same time OP quit being a faggot.
What's your favourite tea lad, Earl Grey? Uranium?
whoops was meant for So do you believe the statue really did cry?
I think you're replying to the wrong person lad
it must be true if mum said it
>implying the left ever settled down
I am indeed, thanks laddo.
Funnily enough I own a watch that looks quite similar to hers. Mine probably cost a tenth as much though.
Election night on my college campus was the best nut i ever had. I wish for that to happen one more time.
show a pic
did mummy swear at 21:59
There is a video on youtube where she refers to the USSR as a great country. And in the very clip that is the origin of anger.jpg, she appears almost distraught at the Maidan protesters' destroying of statues of Lenin. She seems as upset as a lost causer would be at the destroying of a Confederate statue in the States.
She also said Lenin was as bad as Hitler.
>only poklonskaya could make men believe this is a coherent ideology
naughty mummy!!!!!
If you're having doubts read the new hrc book.
he is playing 9d chess
fuck off...
pic: turmp playing 9d chess
Not a clue I don't speak Russian. What do you think she says?
you seem to like mummy alot, join our group in oil if youd like to discuss mummy along with current issues
Could you imagine getting touched by Natalia
Did you not see those digits?
can you imagine being so cute that even inside the State Duma random MPs pester you for a photo
idk something about bandera and nazis
i read transcript of interview and somewhere she says shit and stuff
Jesus fucking christ, all these "mummy" fags are cringy as fuck.
How can you hit the bottom of the river so fucking hard. Worshipping a single mom whore.
Remove yourselves from the gene pool, fucking losers.
When did you decide it was a good idea to shill on pol?
interesting. got a link?
>Trump is a jewish pupp....
actually we are upstanding citizens in our communities
Go away. The Oedipal attitude of some posters is certainly annoying -- I cannot bring myself to use the M-word here. But still, what is it to you? She's cute as hell and pretty interesting politically.
When I realize that he screwed America. Also, the girl in the picture supports Trump so you should've used Leslie Jones.
don't have that app lad, is this group anything special?
did you know that poklonskaya means worshipful
yes we are special
>the girl in the picture supports Trump
I can believe this, but source?
its just where we hang out and talk about mummy and other things
I did not. Fitting.
The stock market is up
Illegals are being deported
Unemployment is down
Salaries are rising
Illegals are fleeing to Canada
Crime is down
I'm still with him.
Yeah sadly no source. Just assuming because she was on Russia side haha.
keep on dreaming hillary.
When did you start sucking jew dicks for shekels shill faggot?
who told we had? Fuck off snowbitch
>cuckistan flag
Just read the link hahaha seems like gold, Google Translate mangles it a bit though
>"I managed to push my sausage there"
tfw you will never be pushed by Natalia's sausage
mummy thought trump was going to recognise krim as russian
i dont think she support him anymore
mummy can push my sausage if you know what I mean
wtf no picture
Drumppppffffffhshshdjdbx cbsbshwurur
"special" in the sense that if I join this group it increases that chance of her maj knocking down my door?
no we just discuss mummy and current political issues
i stopped supporting trump around the 6th straight month of 'drumpf is finished, here is proof he is working for russia' shill threads really do work, keep up the good work guys.
Ok I might join, might not; I have reasons IRL to be pretty paranoid.
Regardless, can we agree on /r/nataliapoklonskaya as the HQ, will post some investigatings there soon.
Who is she
>first time seeing her :/