This is a real ad by a Democrat running for Virginians 10th Congressional District
This is a real ad by a Democrat running for Virginians 10th Congressional District
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This is above and beyond anything
>Obamacare, Planned Parenthood
>lame motorcycle
dems do have a penchant for tossing money down the toilet
I'm so confused
>Complains about not voting for planned parenthood and obamacar
>Wants her to be a centrist
What the ever loving fuck did I just watch?!?!
decent production value. color me impressed. i hope he breaks his neck ejecting from a cockpit
would unironically vote for
This dude is just memeing hard. 10/10 would not vote for.
I'm not sure how to feel about this
top gun is my favorite movie
Why the fuck did you make me watch this? I cringed so hard I nearly threw up.
They subconsciously try to reset the narrative all the time. It's in the degenerate's nature to do so. They act offended and bewildered that you aren't 1% less morally grounded and then they repeat the process as infinitum.
It is the slippery slope and it isn't a fallacy.
Is this Dems attempt at creating a meme? I'm confused.
What was that handshake at the end? Did they have multiple takes and that was the best one?
As if a WHITE MALE could be a Democrat now.
ok pol
up until this very moment i was an extremely strong advocate for a white ethnostate, Trump deporting some blacks to Africa etc
but after watching this video I have come to the conclusion that we literally NEED to kill EVERY SINGLE WH*TE "PERSON", including myself
who's with me?
exterminate wh*tes
Badass, would vote for him
Even the Jews are not impressed.
Fuck off baby killing faggot
Anybody wanna Badup Badup, Ba Dup Dup Dup?
Wow, it's a fucking liberal making a complete cuck out of himself. What else is new.
What does pic related think about this?
democrats are delusional. We've been through this
I actually had to stop watching when he started singing because I was too embarrassed for him.
What happens?
wtf I love the Democrats now.
Spector is liberal; pretty sure he voted for Obama.
t. I'm friends with his family
The comment section is savage lol
This is what appeals to your average couch dwelling loser democrat voter. They literally can't read or follow an argument so little jingles and dances are made specially for them to remind them of what the democrats want.
oy vey did you see how he approaches that lady uninvited,
towers over her
violates her personal space
And the makes her depend on him to get a townhall meeting as if she is incapable of doing it herself?
That was hilarious
>state congressman for one of the smallest hick states
who cares
America is honestly Japan-levels of batshit crazy
she looks snobby as fuck
I love American Politics
We also have retarded politicians
You still cant beat this guy
Who felt like they needed to make a painting out of that video?
dem teddies doh
>last minute tshirt acquisition to show "veteran"
>tshirt has fold creases like it's brand new
>creases in a tshirt
>parody of top gun
>calls his sidekick maverick instead of goose
>all those noses
my state is fucked, I hate those liberal fuckers. McCauliffe, Richmond, NOVA, please know they don't represent VA.
>complain about cucks
>forget that cucks STILL have sex with 8/10 massive titty, peach ass women; even get to be pretend to be dominant and fuck 3/4 times when she is drunk and feeling lonely
>meanwhile youre a VIRGIN
wow, really makes you think