LOL! Drumpf is such a delusion faggot! He should be burned alive along with all of his retard supporters.
Osama? He did 9/11 right?
> implying Tim Osman didn't die in Dec. 2001.
The negro is a bitch to all races.
As for whatever he has, it's money, power, and pussy.
Let the sandnigs kill themselves. There will be many Bin Ladens to come.
OP is a newfag and a retard and a sad shill.
Alert! Crazy Antifa fucks raiding board!!!!
Che Guevara is a big poopoo head
Why exactly can't the left meme? Too much text? They take themselves too seriously?
Picture or it never happened!
>corpse conveniently never seen or documented
>entire team who 'killed' him nearly all dead
niggers are so gullible
>"got" bin laden
Obama's one and only accomplishment of any consequence.
Nice try, Fox News shills. We all know Barry killed that Osama, yall can stop pretending like he didn't. Go suck Drumpf's cock some more why dontcha sweeties.
Navy Seals got Bin Laden. You did nothing but eat fried chicken.
No one is going to say nothing about OP changing flags while samefagging?
Fucking newfags i hope you all die.
>be Obama
>call Paki leader
>"Uhhhhh...the people are losing confidence in me, can you please let me know where you're hiding Bin Laden right now? I need a favor, you have to let us kill him. Oh, you won't let me? Well, can you at least let us PRETEND that we've gotten him so I can look good to the public again? Thanks, man, I owe you a halal kebab for letting us put this charade on."
The operation was well in motion before obama was elected. All obama did was say go.
>lefty boomers actually believe this
Oh yeah? Where is his body? Oh right we never saw it and buried a casket at sea. What a fucking joke. Try harder
Oh yes, those Bin Laden pics were pretty brutal *rubs hands*
Liberals truly cannot meme.
>Same ID
there's at least one retard in this thread
Thats homophobic
>find Bin Laden
>muhh reelection
>F Laden
Now what?
>we spend the next 7 months finding who's in charge
Bin Laden was nothing honestly. It was just for moral. It had very little real significance.
Implying Obama actually did anything. If Bin Laden wasn't already dead then the CIA had to of known where he was prior to Obama's (((hunt)))
king nigger created isis lol
kys confederate retard
To be fair, ISIS has pretty much been destroyed since Trump let the air force off its leash.
They can't help but talk down to the people they are trying to (((educate))). They are incapable of self deprecation. It costs them sincerity and comedic clout. Why do you think Two scoops and current year man are only funny when they have a laugh track and an obedient audience? It's the same reason they always go for dick shaming. They lack the empathy to come up with something original and that's the level that they operate on.
U Da Real MVP
Nice selfie, alt-right retard.
OP is the biggest butthurt nigger that has ever posted on Sup Forums.
It's weird, our memes about two scoops and Le current year man are funnier than any of their material.
Also I believe our memes survive based on their merit, if we make a meme that isn't funny it dies quickly. The left cares more about talking down to us then being funny so they willingly propagate unfunny memes as long as it says something they agree with. Same goes for their (((late night shows)))
couldnt have hit it harder on the head
>They lack the empathy to come up with something original and that's the level that they operate on
They really define the term 'Soar losers'
actually obama was golfing when it happened
you can check the picture when it happened and his outfit, get fucked
>killing Bin Laden ended terrorism
The end
Game over
Does he have a body to back that up? Oh wait, you dumped it at fucking sea. Guess I'll just have to trust ya, even through you lied about everything else.
hereĀ“s obama killing osama
Bin Laden wasn't even a real person
this...osama was given up by a paki intel official before the 2008 election people not know this or what little a president has to do with such things?
shills being this obvious
Do you realize your ID stays the same even if you change flags?
Obongobummerbozo hate isn't the most boomerish politics of all.
Women have shitty humor, same goes for those estrogen packed nu-males and faggots.
Buried in the ocean...
Any sitting president would have done the same.
shill thread.
Super terrible horrible shit-tier meme by the way.
holy shit dude
>got bin laden
Where's the proof?
Well shit, didn't notice that.
>after 10 years
>because your intelligence agency was too stupid to check physical mail.
2/3 of the land we took back in the past five years from ISIS has been since January 20
>talking down
No, those are bourgeois liberals, and even the populist left thinks they need to be put into labor camps, permanently.
The bourgeoisie have been forcing memes since the Enlightenment. It's their entire function in society, regardless of which ideology they happen to subscribe to.
kek fucking blow your brains out samefag