Red Pill me with any reasons as to why this would be an ineffective way of ending the war on drugs, crime, violence, overdoses, and the opiod epidemic.
Legalizing and Regulating All Drugs
it would create a nation of welfare zombies
If the "bank" gear touches the "cia" gear, this whole thing will stop moving and probably break.
Deepest lore.
Assuming there is no welfare, other countries have decriminalized drugs and saw little no increase in usage.
What rock have you been under? That has already happened.
Whites work and pay for minorities while they outbreed us and destroy our race + culture.
The ship on welfare has already sailed - you're not going to undo that, all you can do is stop the shit show that is universal pay coming to pass. Scotlandisahn is talking about trialing it.
decriminalized =/= legal
I don't think there's a country that has made heroin legal and safe to buy, or is there?
CIA taxes the international drug trade and allows it to continue
It's true. The problem is that people think everyone would start using if they were decriminalised. As if your nan would just go out and start smoking crack. It's really fucking stupid.
No fucking way it happens.
It would help bitcoin incredibly
Or just the fact that many natural drugs themselves (like cannabis or shrooms, coca) have intrinsic value in them and it's easy enough even for the average goy to manufacture, sell, or buy them even when they're illegal is what scares the Jews
they can manage the pharmaceuticals, but not this
alcohol and tobacco is pretty epidemic though
>It would help bitcoin incredibly
Not necessarily, the reason bitcoin is used for drugs is the anonymity and lack of centralized bank freezing your account
if drugs were legal, you could just pay in cash or with your card...
the war on drugs is useful for the US Government, why would they end it?
>What rock have you been under? That has already happened.
And if I remember correctly, it's illegal in about 99% of the world.
>why this would be an ineffective way of ending the war on drugs
>if you legalize murder, the police won't need to catch murderers.
Hmm, maybe you're right.
But still, the intrinsic value point stands.
Drug war is about keeping niggers in jail as a population and crime control measure. Just imagine if the jails were emptied of these low IQ reprobates
Are you upset with the stoners emerging in big quantities after the legalization or something?
no it wouldn't.
the concept of drugs being fun would
lose its luster because you'd see your old
dips hit teacher coked up at a bar then
get grossed out
Meh, legalization didn't really enable anyone anymore than before.
When it was still sorta illegal (ten years back or so) you could see people smoking at squares or the beach. no one really cared then, no one really cares now.
it's easy to get onto the drug and hard to get off of it
this is a bias that strongly favors drugs
not everyone is precautious, especially when they're still young
Meth and heroin should never be legalised. Weed should be, other stuff should he debated.
Sending the addicted to medical help or to boot camp would probably be a better investment by society because you have a much higher chance of getting a useful citizen back.
Jail / sentencing makes it harder for drug addicts to be anything else by removing opportunities as such it is a bad deal for tax payers
Tobacco needs to be gassed, admittedly. I just can't see heroin or crack being consumed at that level. Fair point though user.
literally billions would be saved yearly
Sweden or switzerland, forgot which one. It basically was more effective to legalize and help junkies with safe inject sites along with legal heroin than any other method. rates of rehabilitated people was surprisingly high.
it's definitely better for the user. often society tries to sanction behavior and when you get hit with that it's not good for you. But it's a control mechanism to stop others from following you.
Weed is more cancerous than tobacco m8.
And edibles aren't safer.
>he thinks government debt in fiat dollars matters
such Jewish thinking
Do you want the City of London and the CIA to lose their profits?
>you absolute monster
wow yeah you're right, better send people to jail so they can't give themselves cancer while harming absolutely no one else in a measurable way
also way to cite the US government as a source on why drugs are bad