Why has fascism failed or been defeated on every occasion it has ever been tried?
Why has fascism failed or been defeated on every occasion it has ever been tried?
because it's a leftist ideology.
When statism starts taking off, all the smart people move to a place where they won't get gulag'd.
>Implying everyone on Sup Forums, including you, is smart
>Trump is a facist
>facism has never worked
Pick one.
three of them were part of an alliance that lost a total war and underwent huge purges by the occupiers and the others had to survive in a post war global climate where fascism was defeated by liberal, multicultural, globalist banker corporatism.
>Republic of China
What did user mean by this?
Good point. Same can be said of Communism.
>inb4 it wasn't real Communism
It was REAL Communism promised by a REAL Communist. If your COMMUNIST dictators keep lying to you, why do you keep following their mistakes?
Because a giant war started and hunted down all real fascisms.
basically the leftypol shill is butthurt that the RoC fought against Mao and didn't want to participate in ritual murder of millions of it's countrymen.
The fact they think the Republic of China is fascist is already proof they have no idea what they're talking about.
Every single government in history failed at one point. That's how it works.
It makes no sense including the brazilian "Integralismo" there, they never got to power. But many consider Vargas a facist, including him would make it more plausible, though he was a great president(so he didn't really fail) and was against the "Integralistas" who were the real facists
>Failed on Spain
>a country in which it not only won the war by a country mile forcing tons of commie rats into France, but where it lasted 40 years leading into the Spanish Miracle and being the foundation of the 90s accelerated growth
Hell, the fucking neirghbourhood I live in WOULDN'T be here if it were not for Fascism.
Because it's a nationalist ideology which advocates for a state's self sufficiency and for heavy bureaucratic control which does well for war and if you can expand your borders to encompass needed resources. Their need to expand and political mobility in warfare however makes them everyone else's enemy if they begin to expand, which in history has led to fascist states that try to fail (Germany, Japan, etc.) and for those who didn't try to slowly deflate and eventually reform to a more capitalistic ideology like democracy (Spain).
Correct, whoever made this is a retard.
Spain, Portugal, and Chile were all great successes.
Portugal, Chile, China and Brazil were never fascist.
But to answer your question, because the three main fascist powers got into an unwinnable war
As for Spain, Franco gave power to the King after dying who instituted democracy
Because SLAVE MASTERY is the real power in this world.
B-b-but, cruelty! Yes. Torture for disobedience. Get fed and housed if you complete your task. In the modern world, you get wages for work or fired for disobedience instead of whippings and beatings.
That's your Black Pill/Red Pill for all eternity.
As cruel as it is, Master/Servant relationships get huge amounts of work accomplished to a degree that the other methods of organization can only dream of.
Portugal was fascist
fucking straya
Where they fuck did I imply that?
Plus, Chile is the most successful country in South America because of Pinochet.
I feels like the japs have a bang bot or something running on Sup Forums.
Fucking japs are trying automate humor.
Well I never really thought the Estado Novo regime was fascist but I am no expert
Most successful is debateable, i mean, last time i read about it, Brazil was the 6th or 7th biggest economy in the world, but for Chile's size and terrain is definately impressive
I mean quality of life. Life expectancy, gdp per capita, infant mortality...
>Republic of China
>Pinochets chile
whos the tard who made this?
>national socialism
pick one
Brings a tear to my eye
Ah, yes fully agree with you on that, but Brazil is so big that generalizing the country doesn't do justice to some regions. We can be compared to Congo and to Finland, when it come to quality of life, depending on the region we're talking about. Chile is much smaller in area, and that makes it easier to attend to the needs of the people all over the country, while getting a medic to an isolated village in the agreste or up north on a tribe in Roraima is really hard
this thread needs to be put on a spam filter
>Implying he was talking about Sup Forumstards
"fascism never worked"
-takes the whole world to stop some sauerkraut, some linguini, and some sushi
Watch out user, they might have not won for the past few decades.. But they might win the war this time.
lol wut
But fascism wasn't defeated in Spain. The fascists beat the communists and ruled for 40 years until Franco died and the king of Spain introduced constitutional monarchy. Same goes for Portugal, and Salazar is still a respected figure there.
Brazil had a military regime even after 1945.
Also it is gay to call Sun Yat-sen a "fascist", that's literally Maoist propaganda
Because it has been tackled by the capitalist system, because it's a non-marxist socialist system and represents the only realistic threat to their world order.
(((Socialist))) states however have been laughed at as they collapsed on themselves.
Facism breeds Communism, Communism breeds Anarchy, Anarchy breeds...
muh dick.
fascism and communism are diametrically opposite thing you dumb kekfaggot
objectively didn't it work in spain and chile tho?
>get defeated and banned immediately worldwide, also tabooed unfairly after the war for years
>"has failed"
You wanna talk about failure? Look at communism. over 60 years, tried in different countries, races, cultures, and still failed.
because it got shoad by the materialist ideologies of communism and capitalism. International finance and international communism CANNOT allow fascism to exist at it is diametrically opposed to both and offers and alternative to both civically speaking.
In Portugal it worked out pretty well. The GDP went through the roof, and only lowered when the republic was installed.
Unfortunately after Salazar's death the regime was very weakened and was fighting a proxy war overseas against every superpower in the world (which we were actually winning). I'm still astonished how the Portuguese army was able to get a 6-1 K-D ratio against guerrillas that were supported by the US, USSR, China, Egypt, Tunisia and like 5 other countries.
Wow, truly
>american education
It's not right or left fuck off with your bullshit dichotomy.
Thats called being a reactionary, not a degenerate fascist
>Spain enjoyed the second highest growth rate in the world, only slightly behind Japan
Spain was almost close to being the Japan of Europe when it was fasicst. Hmmmm
>dat Brazil flag
I came.
That wasn't real fascism. Real fascism has never been tried.
they were trying to prove their own point.
and how are his policies and executive orders working out for him
chile under pinochet wasn't fascist u absolute mongoloid he opened up the markets
Triggered lefty. Sup Forums is a capitalist liberal democratic board!
Short answer is Jews.
Franco wasn't bad.
fascism is far right what are you talking about
This confuses me.
>One dimensional politics
You Americans really need to move on with this.
>I crashed two semis into your sports car, therefore it failed and was a bad design
They truly are fucking stupid. Look at this thread. Every time anything is considered outside of their autistic left/right meme they literally cannot comprehend it. It's like trying t describe red to a blind person.
>the only solution for European peoples
>jews go into hyper overdrive to shut it down, get the anglo shabbos goyim to kill it for them
It's the most dangerous political ideology tbqhwy.
>Why has fascism failed or been defeated on every occasion it has ever been tried?
>We will put our country first, we will not surrender our culture or values for capitalist or marxist degeneracy, we will not allow our country's future to be determined by internationalist and corporate elites behind closed doors
>"OY VEY" THATS RACIST. Time for sanctions, boycotts and funding to your domestic terrorist, communist and "democracy advocate" groups until you change your mind.
>didn't work! Goy super powers, crush these evil fascists at the same time, I don't care how many die!
Where would you put an ultra-capitalist globalist? How about right wing death squads? Are these the same people?
HQ for you
Probably because a war broke out and they lost. Germany was doing great until then.
Hi Dinesh!
Fascism is far right, at least socially. Economically it is pretty mixed.
Portugal wasn't nominally fascist, but let's be fucking honest, it was fascist. Centralized government, a strong leader figure with a cult of personality, powerful aesthetics, a strong nationalist focus, a pride in past national accomplishments, self-sufficiency, and military strength, a corporatist economy, conservative social-engineering, a conscious effort to marry tradition and modernity...it checks all the boxes.
Almost no communist regimes failed. Many exist today, many evolved into something else, very few have actually fell.
Almost all that fascist Germany was doing, was gearing up for war, and they still failed at that in a most pathetic fashion.
Man I bet leftists feel their brain expanding every time they say this dumb shit lol.
Because the Roman Empire totally wasn't fascistic at all lol right senpai?
>powerful aesthetics
Also not a mass movement with popular support in the streets. He also ruled together with the previous army and establishment, instead of trying to revolutionarily reshape society, and arrested actual fascists and degenerate syndicalists
he was a reactionary, he wanted a rural traditionalist society
He also never encouraged a cult of personality, and even raised chicken to eat so as not to spend too much money.
if he was a fascist, so was Dom Miguel 1 century before, and so were the carlists
Tell me about the Vietnam that exists today. If the success we see really thanks to communism?
>failed at that in a most pathetic fashion.
why do communists always act so terrified of muh nazi boogeyman but then they think these little snarky one-liners are effective? Is it because they're autistic, or is it because they're retarded? Or maybe both?
What? We never implemented integralism here.
This pic is a lie. They tried a coup and got rekt by getulio, which then became a dictator on his own.
Lol. Salazar was one of the best things that ever happened to this land.
All the old folks will tell ya.
Both my grandparents from mother and father's side were in the "Portuguese Youth" (The equivalent of Hitler's Youth) And they said that it was the best times of their lives. They made REAL friends, got to know the value of hard work and family and generally felt their life had a purpose. That life was worth living. And now they look like Sup Forums. Mad and bitter at this degenerate world that they once saw as almost perfect.
Whenever i hear any of them say "In Salazar's times this didnt happen!" the biggest smile slides into my face.
Some youth here is starting to value him more too.
>hey think these little snarky one-liners are effective
I simply state the facts as it is. The downfall and decline of the Third Reich is almost unprecedented in history.
Success of anything is thanks to the people who created and oversaw it. These people were communists, who utilized that theory, and still do.
maybe because they were, you know, fighting the rest of the first world.
really makes you think huh
You'll have to define it. I don't see any Fascism in our plans or policies of the United States.
>fighting the rest of the first world.
Wowsie! Really? And how did they end up with that, exactly? I really wonder how they manage to provoke a coalition between communists, English monarchy and liberals, that was so devoted to their alliance that it held until total and complete annihilation?
I mean, to do that, you have to be a legendary tier terrible diplomat and strategist.
Anyone know where the upvote and downvote buttons are? I am seeing a lot of hate on here.
and so how was that a monumental failure in ability to gear up for war buddy?
NK still going strong.
They ended their country in 10 years, that's how.
for the same reason as communism
a central government does not possess the cognitive ability to oversee and manipulate everything that goes on within a large territory with a large population
just like communism, the complete control of a population can only work in small communities
this is why North Korea still "works", because it doesn't have that many people to manipulate and oversee, once the population and the size of the territory surpasses a certain point, the logistics become impossible
north korea is far more populous than portugal tho
The only communist country that it could be argued worked is China, and china under communism has a pretty fucked up history. It only really got better when they embraced more capitalism
how is Trump a fascist
Vietnam is more successful than China. Much fewer genocides. Results might be a bit more limited, but not that much.
The only countries where communism fell outright would be Albania and Cambodia. In the other places, it was beneficial one way or the other, and with the exception of the puppet states of the Soviet Union - but they were puppet states.
nice one buddy, maybe come back when you have an arguement. shitboi