Ethnic nationalist here, Civic nationalists and ethnic nationalists must do better to maintain and improve relations with one another. Why? Because a victory for civic nationalism is still a victory for nationalism in general and will move the ideological goal posts in the right direction making ethnic nationalism a more acceptable viewpoint. Plus it's often a gateway redpill. I'm by no means saying you should agree with civic nationalists but we have a better chance of gaining power if we can cooperate with them.
Ethnic nationalist here...
you mean a faggot?
Sounds dumb. National socialism is the pure truth, if people are worth anything then they'll independently come to that conclusion as we did.
>worth anything
You see the problem here right?
I unironically agree but for whatever reason people here seem to be cool with going down the "all or nothing" accelerationist route.
They seem to forget that converting normies is the primary goal at this stage.
The best conversion material seems to be acceleration itself. You can't live as a normie when being white is a serious economic and social handicap. Civic nationalism has promise, but if it can't deliver on repealing affirmative action and disparate impact, bare minimum, it is an entirely pointless endeavor. Why strengthen a nation that's quite literally got the legal deck stacked against you?
Nationalism is fucking collectivism.
>deliver on repealing affirmative action and disparate impact, bare minimum
Most civic nationalists talk about doing those things all the time. See Pjw and Milo.
yeah so?
Serious question, why do you use the fasces? If you are an ethnonationlist, why the hell would you use Souerthen European iconography in you own flag?
I am sure there are some other icons relevant to American history. I don't want to fall into conclusions regarding Roman wewuzzing, but the way Sup Forums just appropriates the Fasces for germanic ethnostates is quite retarded.
Civic nationalism on a federal level, Ethnic on a local level.
If civic nationalists win they lose.
I am of southern European descent
it's a universal symbol of unity
Fuck that. It's a Roman icon.
Then how could you have an ethnostate in the US?
Americans have been using them for hundreds of years
I know, and it's retarded as fuck.
Perhaps ethno is the wrong word. My endgame and hopefully the endgame for the rising nationist movement in the United States is a sperate country formed for white people of any ethnicity. So it more about racial nationalism.
He's right you know
Why is it retarded? Should Spaniards not have the cross on their flag because crosses didn't originate in Spain?
Civic ethnonationalism is entirely possible, USA has enough land for ethnostates of every conceivable ethnicity
There should definitely NOT be a cross in the flag of Spain.
And in any case, the flag of Spain is not my flag, pic related is, and it is 100% Castilian.
Why isn't Canada called the United States of Canada, or the Canadian United States, like Mexico or USA?
is an ethnic nationalist when u want 2 kill all the jews and dykes and niggers
no it's when you want to raise a white family and grow wheat without worrying about being armed in public