Other urls found in this thread:
Wow he's never kissed ass this hard before in his life.
Wow he's never kissed ass this hard before in his life.
BASED "we started this organization to defend Israel" Breitbart-endorsed POTUS ftw
Benny got trolled! #Winning
America loves BIBI!!!
Netenyahu family all love from USA!!!!!!!!!!
>Irony impeded Sup Forumstards.
The kike wants more of our money.
>what is Poe's law
Well his son does post Sup Forums memes
Drumpf is such a good goy
Shareblue thread. Sup Forums has always been a pro-Israel board. Based Bibi hates the real enemy Jews like George Soros (who collaborated with the leftist Nazis)
Benjamin seems like an ok guy.
This, leftist anti Semite scum need to fuck off. Sup Forums proudly stands with Israel
>teehee lel le based israel Sup Forums not hate j00s
fuck off shill and/or faggot
>on a right wing board
>hates Jews
lol. I think you are looking for r/politics
no subvertin goyim for you today
Israel is allied with the v4, and they do hate soros, but I do believe a lot of it is for political support.
Rocketing may may man
To be honest, Sup Forums is not one person. But zionists hate the globalist jew, so they are OK in my book.
>coin the term round earth and GLOBEalism
>against it
>imported brownies and "sacred" vaginas
Nationalist Jews vs Marxist Jews...
What about our based Muslim brothers, Drumph? How fucking dare you put the lives of these peaceful ambassadors of the religion of peace behind the global (((designs))) of the fucking kikes! I'm burning my MAGA hat, just like every other based user in this thread will be. Because obviously, every other Sup Forums posting here was an ardent supporter of Trump up until todays speech. Fuck Drumph and fuck Christendom!
>blamed Assad for false flags
>praised Saudi Arabia
>sucked Israeli cock
inb4 magapedes screaming SHILL, we are fucking doomed as a nation and the white race will be no more.
Here's your (you), kid
was just watching the speech, when trump called out Iran, Benjamin got the biggest hard on hahaha could barley contain himself.
You guys are such larping faggots. Whenever some kike gives Trump a good goy seal of approval, you dicks turn in fucking giddy females about greatest ally just to fuck with people who are already fucking with you.
Only good kike is a gassed kike. That is final.
There's a special place in the oven for low energy lazy Jew tricksters like you.
You fucking Jews are taking over BASED right wingers to make them
into walking zombie Zionist rape babies because the lefties started asking too many questions about Israel genociding Muslims.
Fuck off, fight your own fucking wars you pieces of shit. No more Americans will die for you.
I enjoy this meme
...something something broken clock yadda yadda twice a day...
What a joke
Fuck off kike-lover. Jews are subhuman and need to be annihilated
>hes never read the Talmud
there is no good Jew, all non-Jews are considered enemies to be eradicated.
Well, I am not American, so I don't care about nationalist jews, on the other hand, globalists are trying to swarm my country with shitload of brown scum, see?
You must've never listened to Qaddafi.
Actually, I know for a fact you didn't.
Bibi is a nationalist. Trump is a nationalist. The real problem is Jews in our government and globalist transnational Jews. Hitler worked with Zionists too in case you forgot. Only a shallow understanding of history or depoberate dishonestly would produce your response. The end if Israel right now means a flood of Jews to the USA, in case you misunderstand the stakes.
"i don't think we should go full nazi retard"
There are many jews in the world that are a better person than you.
>The Virgin Prime Minister
>The Chad President
I'm glad to know Sup Forums will change its viewpoints to whatever Trump says next.
Worst part is this is probably true.
>Fuck off kike-lover.
Where did I say I love, or even like kikes?
/our goy/
deliberate dishonesty*
It is good to see Israel sucking up to USA instead of the other way around.
you know you cant fight the entire world at once. ask germany.
not compared to Ahmadinijad's Holocaust denial speech.
There are many different factions of organized Jewry. It's amusing that otherwise intelligent people ascribe to this notion of all Jews being connected to this singular Borg mind.
I hate American media and Hollywood Jews, I'm aware of the Frankfurt School and what they did, how they were all Jews to a tee. But Israel, as long as the Jews there mind their own business and don't interfere in our politics, they can carpet bomb all the Mohammetan inbred subhumans they'd like.
I have no problem with the existence of Israel; I mean they basically came to exist by leeching off of the US but it seems like they're finally starting to grow more independent. Hopefully that trend continues. I actually wish they'd do more to incentivize more Jews to migrate there so that ethnic Jews would have less of an interest base in the west.
True, Israelies are bros. They have exactly the type of country we want to create. They kill mudslimes and fuck their shit up right in the middle of the desert. Based.
That said fuck leftist jews and cuckservative jews.
Every day Sup Forums moves a little closer to just being outright neocons. You cowardly bootlickers.
JIDF, wow so nervous?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
go go israel
No one is advocating for wars for Israel on here, or neo-conservatism. I actually think repatriation to Israel would be the ideal solution, and they can have all the Moozlem clay they'd like. I just don't know whether the Israelis would even want our decadent, shitlib Marxist Jews, which is why Zyklon B can always be a backup option.
From this angle, being Jew-wise and a Zionist are no longer mutually exclusive.
OK "drumpfkins"
Since this thread seems to have gained traction, I just listened to his full speech. First half made me want to clap and buy a MAGA cap. 2nd seemed like more of the same.
"..Some of them, are going to HELL"
"The problem in Venuzela is not that Socialism has been poorly implemented, but that it has been faithfully implemented"
WTF pls explain this
*sips cider*
(31/42min btw, so there might be some more "gems")
You should write down an action Trump could take that would genuinely make you give up on him, just so that when he does it in three months you have a better glimpse of your own complete hypocrisy.
links please
Jews should have a choice between a death camp or a one way ticket to Madagascar. Israel has too much strategic and spiritual leverage over white countries. Jews have to be deprived of their power so they can never rise again
bibi is /ouryid/
Second sentence, first para: *Same old.
Shouting off the neocon shit.
I liked the natty first section of his speech tho. And R O C K E T M A N -- this man is going to go down in history regardless. He dun changed shit.
His son posted a merchant meme, I shit you not. Google it; I don't have a pic
I always loved Bibi
just watched a video netanyahu says the iran deal needs to be changed or canceled
watch trump
This. Bibi's son even shares pol memes and is called anti-semitic by (((hareetz)))
look at me, im the puppet master now
He's also said don't worry about white nationalists, antifa and blm are the real threats
Israel has nukes now. They ain't going anywhere anytime soon.
OK he actually closed up on a nationalist note.
I also really appreciate the homage to the Truman and the Marshall Plan (i.e. fair distributation of success/wealth & a different model of trickle down) at beginning and end..
Is this...
..Dare I say it
A shit sandwich?
(Neocon tripe between Nationalism and Hope) Or is.. As most (but not great) sandwiches are.. Focused on the filling?
When did I say anything about Trump? I was right back on board when he backed the RAISE Act, but now he's waffling on DACA. I'm a right wing shitlord just like you who had Trump's back on account of him being the one to talk about borders and immigration with the most conviction during the primary, and that is the core issue which I vote on.
Strategetic and spiritual leverage? So what, Christian holy sites would be better cared for under the Mudslimes? Were the Arab Muslims to take over, watch every church and pilgrimage spot get burned to the ground. As for strategetic leverage, Israel maintains a balance of power in the region, Jews, Sunni, and Shia. How would letting Hamas take over benefit the West in any way, or Hezbollah? Both groups despise us.
this fag was jumping in his seat. jesus christ..
I kind of like his attitude though. I do somewhat agree with Spencer that Zionists will eventually realize, writ large, what they've done to the West and apologize for their crimes against us and work to help us as ethno nationalists.
See: Netinyahoos son's social media
>arab countries finally dealing with terrorism on their own
>talking shit about Syria and Iran but not threatening them
I don't really see what the problem is. Yeah, sure, he called out Israel's main enemies but he's dealing with it by empowering Arab and Israeli forces to deal with problems in the Middle East on their own. This wasn't a "more American blood for Israel" speech. Trump is reshaping the world in a really significant way. After 8 years people will marvel at his achievements.
t. jew with vpn
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
God damnit Sup Forums there was a time when I would've bought this shit without a second thought.
What the hell do I do now no one can live like this
Thank you
Will revisit.
>you wouldn't put me in a gas chamber, w-would you, user?
Oldfag here, fuck Israel and kikes
Is this Bizarro Sup Forums timeline leaking into regular Sup Forums?
G-guys! Jews did nothing wrong!
is Isreal...../Ourguys/
Misspelling Israel
That's why all the big Zionists and seven million Jews live in amerifatstan. Letting you separate from the Soviet Union was a mistake you drunk fucks.
idk dude it was pretty good.
Bibi is a nationalist that builds walls to keep Muslims out.
He's ok in my book.
>Jewish nationalist
lol ok shlomo.
>But Israel, as long as the Jews there mind their own business and don't interfere in our politics
Too late, faggot.
Maybe we don't have to gas them? Maybe we can just *encourage* them all to fuck off to Israel?
Sending (((them))) to Africa is a better option.
>all these replies
Yet again, I do not care about you country, not more than about my own.
>Letting you separate from the Soviet Union was a mistake
Well, It's not like you laid your hands on it's collapse.