You people are only good for edgy memes and nothing more.
You people are only good for edgy memes and nothing more
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What are you asking of us?
React to this how you normally react
the map i mean
I just did.
Good, they don't deserve anything from us. Also national unemployment is at like 4.5%, you don't think a nigger could be working as a health aide in pennsylvania?
here you go Dan
Good thing we have immigrants to work the shitty jobs white people don't want to do...
>most people work shitty jobs with low skill floors
this probably looks pretty similar for any demographic
Thread sucks and OP is a faggot?
for a second i read "homosexuals" in texas
so retarded
it'd be nice if those jobs could sort of support a man and his family like they used to, but they can't when there's literally an endless tide of human meat sucking up those jobs.
Those just look like regular jobs to me you sheltered cocksucker.
>Across the south and west uneducated illegal Mexicans work meaningless jobs that can be filled by anyone
>They fall under the same category as highly educated European and Asian immigrants work in higher education and healthcare
Really makes my corn pop
very nice map did you make it yourself?
This map is a fabrication. Everyone knows all immigrants are doctors and scientists.
OP is a faggot
>filthy spic hands
I will never eat food in Nebraska or Iowa then.
haha.. I don't think many people would choose to be a housekeeper or janitor given any decent alternatives
found it online looking for maps of alternate history, this info graphic about immigrant jobs came up b/c google is weird.
gave it to Sup Forums to see what comes of it.
also it's
why do you need to archive that? it's from 2015, i don't that it's going anywhere.
Janitors! Cashiers!
What is your point anyway?
We all know 3rd world immigrants are brought in to provide cheap labor. The right doesn't like it because of the problems they bring along.
The left likes it because they're mostly comprised of said immigrants and lack self-awareness. Their political leaders like it because of votes, and because, well, cheap labor. Keeps the economy running for the big industries that need cheap labor.
if you archive it, the site gets no clicks, therefore no ad revenue.
but what about the niggers?
>college lecturers
Have fun learning statistics from a gook you can barely understand.
>God Tier:
Software Developers
College Teachers
>High Tier:
Home Health Aides
Personal Care Aids
>Mid Tier:
Construction Workers
>Sex Worker Tier:
>Shit tier:
Misc. Agricultural workers
>What the FUCK are you doing Tier:
Packaging Machine Operators
This list is IRREFUTABLE.
wow these are jobs blacks should be doing
Get your facts straight Adolf. They are doctor/scientist/lawyers.
>React to this how you normally react
You're fucking weird, kid. Go away. I don't like you.
And even the memes aren't that edgy
It's a map of immigrant jobs. Not illegal immigrants jobs. OP your a Tuesday night nigger.
>unemployed, drunk driver, and rapist aren't listed
Based archive bro.
I'll have you know I'm also a snappy dresser
>Misc. agricultural workers
Q: When will farmers ever fucking automate?
A: When the gubment stops subsidizing their shit practices with rent-a-day labor.
We also know a lot about hydrological engineering..
"lemon pledge"
"ok i steal now"
>Latino immigrants stay closer to west coast
>Field Workers, Janitors, House keepers
>White immigrants head towards east coast
>Educators, construction workers, home aide for elderly/special needs.
Be right back guys don't want my almonds to over activate
Oh wow jobs that could be worked by people of actual wages.
Lower American Wages Tier:
All of them
That's who works in all meat packing plants... I mean every meat packing plant in the US. The only exception might be a few smaller ones and maybe kosher/hallal.
Those gremlins swarm all over any area where they're able to get these jobs but they seem to hate them. Very odd people
from maine, it is true, none of the college teachers could fucking speak english
What am I replying to? Is it the fact that those low skilled jobs pay less because we've flooded the labor market with low skilled immigrants
>they do jobs americans won't do
because the jobs pay shit because there are so many low skilled immigrants willing to take them.
>Meanwhile pre-1965 every state had "entrepreneur"
pretty sure it's a bot bro
I've been saying for years that the fact that democrats can be both the party of niggers and the party of illegal immigrants is stark evidence of the idiocy of our populous.
you are kidding right?
they will fucking steal everything in your home
I somehow have to get over this too.
gotta fill them diversity quotas
op is a jew that is mad because we don't want illegal mexicans coming here to clean is toilet for him for 5 bucks per hour
clean your own toilet you kike op
I feel like everyone at OP's high school has said this once or twice to him.
most college teachers are quite illiterate as it is
>southern states
>no farming/agriculture
Obviously doesn't include the illegals
nice ID, gate-fuckbag
College Teachers? Seriously?
So, you could literally say, "Give me an A in this course or I'll sic La Migra on you"?
fuck yeah cooks, the local mexican place is my go-to choice when eating out
Former Georgia construction worker here,
pick your own fucking Grapes and fuck the DNC slave traders!