So....why aren't you all "winning" yet? It has been years since this whole pepe, kek thing started...

So....why aren't you all "winning" yet? It has been years since this whole pepe, kek thing started. It has been even longer since "red pills" and "wake up people" videos started popping. Why are the "jews" still in power? Why are your countries still being filled with people you don't like? You people think you are starting the next Riech all the time any time some minority or "race traitor" is attacked by a Neo Nazi. Yet nothing is changing, you aren't filling the world with enough Kool Ade for every to drink it seems. All the race baiting infographs in the world doesn't seem to penetrate the minds of the average person who is able to judge people by their personalty instead of their race.

So why is it? Why aren't you all "winning"?

Other urls found in this thread:

The mere fact you're making this thread means we're winning.


Because the angry manchildren posting here are retarded, weak faggots.

(((Christianity))), (((Alt-Right))) and (((Conservatism))) = the majority of people who know Communism is a world cult. But they're controlled by Jewish thinking.

Winning what?

When isn't everything jews to you?


If liberals were winning ANYTHING, they'd be happy and gloating about it instead of making shit-tier "DONALD DINDU NUFFINS YET GUISE" salty garbage threads like this.

Kill yourself, OP.

>Kill yourself, OP.

Make me.

If you were winning, you'd have what you wanted by now.

So, when anyone points out how retarded you people are, it's a sign that you're winning? Here's a coupla red pills for ya - Donald will exit the oval office with no worthwhile legacy, racism will not win anything; perhaps separating us would bring peace, but the world will never let it happen. Lastly, you will all die without ever having sex.

Don't insult the people I am trying to have a conversation with.

>When isn't everything jews to you?
When Jew are no longer in power, moron.

Fine, where are the headquarters for jewish high command located?

Not insults. Truth.

If we weren't winning, you wouldn't be here.

If you were winning, I wouldn't be here.

Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a movement. Clearly Sup Forums is doing something right when every mainstream media outlet has to push daily articles against us in fear.

So... never?

The White House, of course.

Causing a fuss isn't doing much.

Hahaha. It's not fear.

You people aren't a force to be reckoned with; you're viewed as ignoramuses and shallow-thinkers, but because your ability to critically think for yourselves is so limited, you're seen as dangerous, like retarded gorillas set free in a hospital's nursery. You're just too stupid not to tear all the babies in half before you realize it's not necessary or beneficial, but as long as it's a change, you think it's ok. Besides, babies can't hold jobs. When your entire perspective is anger, you lose the ability to think objectively. How about coming up with some solutions instead of just getting mad?

In other words, you're less effective than the dirty muslims and even less respected.

>newfag: the triggering
>implying I'm not winning in every aspect of life save an ingrown toenail and my favorite Aryan meanie literally runs your life and your country
Just go away dude nobody likes you here

I don't need people people to like me. It isn't winning exactly for Donald J Trump to be President when he hasn't done anything yet.

You come across like a teenager who has never left Maryland trying to preach to Eskimos about how they live. You are uninformed my euphoric, closed minded dude. You can stop ebarrassing yourself now or carry on being free entertainment

>it isnt winning
If you're whining, clearly I am winning

Your comprehension isn't that good, is it?

We've made a lot of progress since Sup Forums started. The right is stronger than it's been since Reagan and fascism is the most popular that it's been since 1945. I honestly never thought we'd make it this far or gain this much influence.

So if we're not winning, why are you wasting your time here?
Shouldn't you be out enjoying your successful campaign against us?
Oh yeah, because we own the presidency, house, senate, supreme court, and youth culture is rejecting your stale worldview.
Try to catch up before posting next time k?
k bye.

Always a fucking leaf.
1. I'm older then you
2. You can't grasp my perspective because it's above your ability to comprehend
3. I've never been to Maryland
4. If you insist on attempting condescension, get an adult to help you next time - you sound very stupid.

>watch Trump's speech late last night before bed
>wake up this morning
>"time to mine some MSM salt"
>search Trump in news
>the butthurt is already obvious in the headlines

If this isn't winning I don't know what is...

>why hasn't an imageboard on the internet launched a worldwide revlution
fuck off, faggot. In the very least, the election of 2016 brought public discourse significantly to the right, both on the internet and in real life. Sup Forums influenced the culture of a broad swathe of the internet, which is just about as much as a website can hope to do.
>Donald Trump will have no legacy
see pic related
>racism will not win anything
Already won in Poland, Hungary, and other eastern Euro countries that are holding firm against Islam. As for America, the most that can be realistically achieved is shifting the overton window.

>blindly insulting the intelligence of your enemy
you sound just like a demoralization shill, or possibly a lefty that assures themselves of their own beliefs by assuming the stupidity of other ideologies. But please, stick around, you'll be one of us before you know it.

(forgot pic)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OH MY FUCKING REDDIT just kill yourself. You are pathetic.
>I'm older than you
How old are you? I doubt it
>you cant grasp my perspectivr because it's above your ability to comprehend
>I've never been to Maryland
I don't care where you prefer finding cocks to suck. In your wave of dovine intellectual euphoria I suppose you chose not to comprehend the perspective that was implied in my post.

You're a living, breathing joke. You are literally playing Net Nanny on an imageboard and you think you're engaged in political warfare. An anti human meat puppet. Honestly, I feel bad for you.

>being this desperate for victories
>a bunch of them aren't even real

Because these faggots aren't willing to die for National Socialism

which ones aren't real? Please elaborate.


Didn't the kek thing start like a year at most ago?

I found OP

>isis in full retreat(???)
>a bill that hasn't even been passed
>a bunch of them are just "expressed an opinion I like" or "started talking to someone" or "investigating"
>the "wall" is being "built"

I was winning when Trump passed the DAPL and didn't continue treating guns like it was some menacing niggers.

The memes are winning. It’s not about race, except for the greenskinned. It’s about barbaric insanity being curbstomped. Go back to sucking your shit-skinned kike’s half transitioned penis.

Jews are like, really smart man, it isn't to hard to see through their tricks but the tricks themselves are brilliant. Normies are still dumb. We are outnumbered but growing. I think it is very mature of you to save your panicking for later.

I have exactly what I want. You butt hurt making sad threads about how we should be mad at the guy you are mad at.

Not really, but you response is so typical of a misinformed, stereotypical anti-liberal. It's like you forgot when the liberal "messiah" as (Hannity STILL refer Obama as) was elected, there was jubilation and yeah, some gloating, but there were plenty on the left who were angry Obama didn't do enough, and he regularly recieved flak. At best, people like you only see what you want to see, or at worst, what someone else wants you to see

This. We are acting as the spiritual brakes on the progress train. Society needs checks and balances, as with anything in the universe its story is pendulous. We're just the beginning of the swell of gravity that will eventually swing the pendulum.


Stay mad kikes. Truth will out, and there's nothing you can do about it.

But you aren’t here. None of us are.

If you think psychoanalysis of an individual based on an imageboard post will provide you or anyone with insight into who the individual is, you would never have found this place without joining a fantasy brigade. Because you are too fucking stupid to think without being given instructions.

Don’t forget Japan.

They are winning because you take every joke and post as seriously as you do. The raid of Habbo was a joke. The Shia flag capture was a joke about him being an obnoxious crazy pick. Sure there are people who take it seriously but the majority are playing it up. OP you're an idiot. That's why they will win every time.

>a bill that hasn't even been passed
It's only been a year, remember how Obamacare repeal was "defeated"? Well there's another repeal active in congress right now. Anything is possible, and reps will want to virtue signal to their base before the 2018 elections.
>implying public discourse isn't important
And on top of that, the opinions leaders hold are important. I can only see that applying to the Poland thing, and affirmative action investigation. So if investigations don't matter I guess you're admitting the Russia investigation is a nothingburger?
>the wall
Prototypes underway, contractors all lining up for the government deal of a lifetime.
There's still a long way to go, but to say that nothing has been accomplished is just foolish.

To elaborate: even one more nomination to the Supreme Court will dictate US law for the next 30 years at least, hopefully you at least understand the implications of that. The travel ban was upheld by the supreme court as well, meaning that travel bans can be placed again in the future. Trump also barred lobbying within the executive branch, and pulling out of the paris climate accord is a sizeable blow to globalism. Then there's the rise in deportations, and the increase in ICE agents. Illegal immigration dropped off for about 5 months, but sadly the 'Trump effect' has worn off over the past few months.


I'm winning right now, made enough money to do nothing all day but sit here and shitpost all day here while you slave away at the gas station and your stupid whore girlfriend's womb gets pumped full of tyrone's retard seed.

>racism will not win anything; perhaps separating us would bring peace

Not really - separating means forcing a whole bunch of people off their land, which they will want to fight for. The end result of a successful war of separation is a whole lot of people who want revenge for the friends and family lost in the purges.

>It has been years since this whole pepe, kek thing started
it has been one year
ONE year

kill yourself