White Trash, Yah, or Nah?

>Fashtopia Springs up
Are white Trash breeds(Irish, Gypsy, Slavs) allow to join Fashtopia?

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There is no such thing as white trash, panjeet.


Sage thread

fuck yea fuck it


I'd have to see her naked first.


>>> Irish
If the British raped and enslaved your population for centuries, you'd be pretty subhuman too.

Romanians and Albanians are not

>white trash

You mean Scots-Irish and German, pal. Irish Catholics are the most urban people in America.

Trashy women are like roller coasters:
Fun to ride, but you don't want one in your house.

Better then niggers so I don't care

I'd breed it.


My stepdad is Romanian and he's the whitest motherfucker I've ever met. He's welcome in Angry-white-men-istan.

She not white trash she's cute you just used a pic of her screaming.

Romanians are honorary
They started the Iron Guard, they rose before Hitler did

Angry delusional romanians


>t. doesn't come from a bloodline that removes the Jew

Deserving of digits. That guy is a boss, I hope he rails that trashy qt nightly and twice on Sundays

Fick ja!

Fucking delete yourself rumeno di merda

Irish Catholics are the opposite of white trash.

But German Protestants, Rural whites, Evangelicals, Ulster Scots, and some Dutch are basically the niggers of the white race in America.

Irish Catholics are on top of all white ethnicities

Every race has its plebs. Compared to the others, ours are relatively benign and amusing. The worst the

Jew divisionary thread. Fuck jews burn israel to the ground and let the goat fuckers rape their woman. One trashy white person = 1 million jews.

>Are white Trash breeds(Irish, Gypsy, Slavs)
you forgot the trashiest of them all, the Brits

Are you for real?

Neon nazis are literal übermensch

At least her dad loosen her up for you to make the slide easier.


No one even mentioned Jews in this thread.

You stormniggers have a bigger persecution complex than professional Holocaust survivors.

Mate, she looks pretty trashie here too.


Yes. The world needs ditch diggers and they're still capable of producing intelligent white children.

>tfw have scots irish last name
>tfw might be a part of the pleb group

How do I know if I'm a good or bad irish?

Potato pride. The Chadest of all tbe whites.

Yeah you're supposed to want to jizz in her cunt because of that beautiful swastika.


How dumb are you?

You think German Protestants are successful in this country? Show me the data? Please.

German Protestants are the whitest.

There absolutely is.
Niggers come in all skin colors.

They look happy so what's the problem nigger

White trash are going to be the only people in Fashtopia you fucking retards. Far right idealogies for low IQ beta males.

>Irish Catholics are the opposite of white trash

absolutely. "white trash" are just normal people who are not so well off.

Nothing to lose = willing to say fuck off jew.

>captcha: wood carefully

Why's that spic bitch larping as white?

those are some fine nigger stompers

Lol at this coping.

White trash are low IQ and violence which explains their low socio-economic status. They will be wiped out.

Whites aren't trash. Whites are normal. There's nothing special about being white. Niggers, sand niggers and abos are less than normal. You don't have to glorify one race to see the problems within the others.

You're here, so bad Irish.

>Fake tattoo

Staged fake image

White trash? Sure

White trash with drug problems and frequent criminality? Sure, with the stipulation that they are sterilized.

Irish Catholics are the urban high IQ Irish.

Scots-Irish are the rural (Appalachian) lower IQ group.

Scots-Irish were great settlers/frontiersmen, but have largely been abandoned by their Anglo "friends" to suffer in poverty. Irish Catholics stood up to Anglos and eventually pushed them out of cities and took their spot at the top of white America (unless you count kikes as white, that is)

When you're working a rally so hard, you gotta bring a sack of tangerines to prevent that scurvy.

actually they are white niggers, not to be confused by wiggas who are whites who want to be black

That's the same logic behind Asian race mixers.

During the War of Independence General George Washington held in high regard his troops of Ulster origin. Throughout the War a large proportion of his troops were men of Ulster origins In tribute to them Washington said: "If defeated everywhere else. I will make my last stand for liberty among the Scotch Irish of my native Virginia." The great Civil War General, Robert E. Lee considered the Scotch Irish to have made fine soldiers because they had the courage and determination of the Scots with the dash and intrepidity of the Irish.

protestants work ethic founded america the cathos came latter and are the reason "irish need not apply"... /endthread

italian american > irish american > british american > dutch american > german american

Fuck off potato nigger, Irish are literal subhuman retards

Just like yourself,commie cunt


That's because the Scots actually knew how to fucking farm, they didn't die off from starvation like a bunch of fucking retarded potatoes did

why is american waving a romanian flag? i don't get it...

>producing white children
>same as Asian race mixers

You have to stop smoking the grass peacebro

Learnt the hard way

Rank low on educational attainment? So you're saying because they don't drown themselves in debt to go into an oversaturated job market, they're low?

She does look mildly castizo, but at the same time if she was raised in a higher income home and was able to get braces, and elocution lessons, and piano lessons, and was taught to read....she just might be cutish

I'd rather live around white trailer trash rednecks than niggers. Any. Fucking. Day.

well i mean the high kings of ireland conquered lowland scotland and fought with many northern pictish tribes during MacAlpines rule. you could argue the scots that were planted in ulster were returning home but they were actually welcome by neither side as a result and were among the first to volunteer for a fresh start in the dangerous new world.

Oh yes there is

so are russians and slavs

also she looks like a gypo

One high IQ Jew is worth more than every white trash sub-human to ever exist.

I love how Nazi dogs completely forgot about IQ when it comes to low IQ whites.

Yeah I'm an irish Catholic and that's bullshit. We're definitely white trash, not that there's anything wrong with that. True joy and enlightenment is realizing there's nothing at all wrong with loving beer, fighting, and redheaded women. Also the blessed mother.

German Protestant Average IQ: 95

Yep, definitely the "whitest"

>according to no information

White trash detected.

You ain't going do nuttin big fella. We will wipe out every single one of you low IQ whites. Solidarity and unity always wins against division and hate. Didn't you learn from WW2?

Nice try Anglo

>fucking degenerates

She could use braces desu, I like her tattoo though

>random bag of oranges



this whole post
why even take the time out of your life to write such weak bait

>implying that fashies don't have teh most /comfy/ lifestyles
tell me for one second you wouldn't want to be in this picture

I wondered what happened to Keira Knightley...

Neo-nazis are no better than juggalos

>The world needs ditch diggers and they're still capable of producing intelligent white children.
Squinties can produce intelligent children, and are white when there blood has been mixed in white blood.

crucifiction was only done for crimes against the state, such as assassination or rebellion. In the bible, when Jesus is crucified with the "theives" that was probably a mistranslation. Jesus specifically was crucified, because the Romans saw him as a rebel leading attempting to start a revolution. And the other two, were not "theives," but probably hired assassins.

That's a fake tattoo


>Oh sweetie
Laughed. It's a great shop.

Take it from me user.
Sitting behind your monitor and looking an an aesthetic image is a nice thought. But that's all it is.

It's like looking at a picture of a man on a tropical island, you imagine coconuts and fresh fish and sun, but if you were really on the island you would experience harsh rain and cold, lack of food, loneliness, and disease and diarrhea.

The kids in that image are very, very stupid and trashy.
You would not want to hang around people like that.
Those are untermensch, what kind of animal lives in his own filth and writes on their walls? Underdeveloped children with bad parents.


>hides flag


Kek. I had a few of these in my junior high/high school. The weird thing was, all of them was besties with the only nigger in town. Really got my almonds moist.

One of them went to a hockey-game dressed like that, got his jaw punched off, when he came back to school, he looked like a choirboy, hahaha.

It's pretty easy...
>Gonna be a racist, dress and act like the übermensch you are.
>Gonna be a pot-head and don't wanna get caught, don't dress like a nigger

pretty easy desu

another interesting note is the man Barabbas whom was freed over Jesus Christ. was also named Yeshua, Yeshua bar Abba. bar abba translates to Son of the Father....

Pontius Pilate freed Jesus bar Abbas (Son of the Father) that day and convicted Jesus ben Yosef (Christ). Food for thought.