why are most of americans dont respect/care their veterans? soviets care about them, we care about them, balkanshits care about them, why murica?
Why are most of americans dont respect/care their veterans? soviets care about them, we care about them...
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because most probably got addicted to illegal drugs in 'nam or some shit after fucking 12 year old gook prostitutes then they come over here expecting the average american citizen to pay for their drug addiction and shit livelihood because they fought in some bullshit war for Israel and rich kikes
that's how jews display their gratitude, or do you think any US soldier actually fought for US in last few decades if not centuries?
progressive libtard fucks couldnt be bothered when it comes to those who fought for the same flag that they oh so love to disrespect and burn.
it's like a german soldier of ww2. they cannot wear their medals in their homeland because of "muh racist nazi"
>Hurr durr American society is structured around my obsession with Jewish conspiracy theories and persecution complex
Because America has a weak social safety net, is the correct answer.
>Can't take care of himself
>Has an animal that depends on him
You know what really grinds my gears?
>professional beggars
>got dishonorable discharged
Why does he have to rely on guilting people into giving handdouts instead of using his military training to live innawoods?
or you know, just get a fucking job
I'm not saying all soldiers are this way, but this guy had problems from the get go
>instead of using his military training to live innawoods?
Because living in the woods is great for a few days but terrible in the winter.
>or you know, just get a fucking job
Idk, maybe PTSD and drug addiction.
still better than shelter 2bh, also i bet that dog is eating shit tier food so it doesnt cost much to him
>soviets and their heirs care about veterans
Veterans are made into a meme to advertise militarism, nationalism and anti-european ideas. In fact, most of them are now dead so at 9th may celebrations authorities who set them up bring fake veterans for a pretty picture and to entertain people.
>why are most of americans dont respect/care their veterans?
I think Americans by and large don't understand or respect the commitment some of these men and women make....In peace or in war. 4+ years away from your home when most of your peers are getting smashed and pregnant....But even the worst soldiers after 4 years are still better than most of USA's best civilians.
oh look, its a bunch of subhuman shitskins and communist sympathizing faggots telling us how it is here.
hahahahaha ahahahahahah
Because america is the most kiked nation on the planet.
Speaking personally I tell you that they don't care about their veterans. No country does until they are mostly dead and then they stick the oldest last survivors on TV and everyone claps.
>he must be a veteran because he is holding a sign
I am sure a bum would never lie to get more shekels
Vets who were drafted I have a lot of respect for and would give my heart to. I think MOST Americans agree with this.
Vets who didnt pay attention in high school and decided it was easier to get a payday by voluntarily going around killing people and participating in wars instead of learning a trade or pursuing higher education, those people I dont have much respect for. Im not saying they dont deserve to be respected, but its not even on the same level.
A homeless American veteran still has a higher standard of living than anyone in Turkey or Eastern Europe
>better conditions than turkey or east europe
home is the basic standard of living. we are shit but not that shit
the horrors of war break veterans worldwide and they become homeless because everything they believed in was torn apart in front of their eyes with their own hands as they saw the pits of hell beckon and the Devil laugh as he wrote their names in his ledger it has been written about since the ancient white people began writing war is hell
Would you give your money to a homeless vet or a homeless child? m.youtube.com
Because they are straight white men
>soviets care for them
>literally deported veterans who had limbs blown off because mayors didnt want them to ruin the look of their cities, only to drag em out once a year for a parade
Soviet life expectancy is like 60. They don't have crusty, crazy 70 year old vets like pic related
It's an unavoidable flaw of Crony Capatalism
you sound like a literal retarded faggot.
> instead of learning a trade or pursuing higher education
if you are trained in arms- you do know a trade you stupid commie faggot. thats "security" and is a profession just like going to some trade school. you sound like some loser who never did anything cool and probably never even touched a pair of tits. either way it seems like you were cucked by one of them and are such a loser your eternally butthurt
Because the US is terrified of anything even closely relating to a socialist policy, even if that means taking care of their veterans.
They fought a war that was and is always on the wrong side. Starting from WW2 until now.
>If you are trained in arms you know a trade
>Implying the vast majority of military service personnel learn jack shit along the way.
Friend joined Navy. Shot a gun like once, got some vaccinations, learned how to use excel, fast forward 10 years.
>Friend joined army
Spent a decent amount of time learning how to make a bed, eat regularly, and stay physically active (AKA something expected of a regular man). Got some vaccinations, learned how to drive a humvee, sprayed ammo in various directions in a desert.
Literally kill yourself, voluntary military servicemen at almost all levels except for the top are giant welfare babies. Guarentee if the military didnt exist in its current size because of muh military industrial complex at least half of them would be drug addicted burnouts who cant do better than mcdonalds.
>that female nigger police officer
holy shit even i dislike americans i got triggered
Those ones on the streets aren't victims. They receive $3000 a month if they are traumatized from theatre. The ones who lose 2 legs and get $3000 a month are never on the streets. And the Road of Benefits for that amputee is still chump change from Zionist interests.
This thread is still weak, roach. Mustafa Ataturk and every member of the Young Turks Regime were CryptoJews. Enjoy being the Jews' bitches while they sell your women on the Arab markets and cause you to war with your non-Islamic but non-Christian heathen neighbors, the PKK.
You laugh at international racial problems to feel better about your 3rd place slot in Asia minor behind Jews and Arabs.
>complain about kikes
>worshipping a sand religion
atatürk was based af and he was a literal fedora, deal with it goy.
The inner Jew in every Turk is the intro character in Alladin.
Sorry faggot, you clear have had to much cock in the ass today to comprehend that picture is actually evidence that America takes care of its veterans.
Every worthless piece of shit bum claims to be a vet because it gets donations, because americans in general have great respect for their vets.
keep memeing goy.
So Edgy. You have borrowed the cowardly private renunciation of Faith from the Eternal Jew too. To pretend your flag doesn't represent a nation whose overwhelming majority believe in Adam & Eve is deceiving to American and other non-Europeans.
Turkey believes in Islam so much it used to hospitalize and refit Islamic State fighters on the Eurphrates. I was there.
All the people that passed that man by should feel a deep shame, WTF is wrong with your countrymen?
Americans hate each other.
He fought for this.
Because Republicans are too busy trying to take away his health care and lower taxes on kikes while still funding the Israeli war machine at the same time. And the Democrats are too busy trying to subsidize hormones for transgender six year olds and plastic surgery for elderly black lesbians.
>christfag goes 404 as he sees someone out of stereotype.
color me suprised.
also im not turkey, im an individual. hope this info helps your autism.
It's simple.
Rat = Roach
You are of your father, the Devil. Your flag represents you, you rep it, they are ISIS-child-murdering-sympathizers and have been ever since they traded the honorable Turkish woman into the Muslim Arab Sex trade on the Talmudic Dole. Turkish men are mindless bulldogs with a struggling Muslim identity shadoeculture(of Arabs).
Did I say bulldog? I meant mindless roach.
>y-you are my imaginary evil guy
>bunch of sandbook mumbling etc
okay lol
I'm talking about you handing control of your empire over to Jewish interests aka the Donmëh, to commit the Armenian Genocide, and to this day still deny Donmëh. Jewish cucks. Turkish whores are kidnapped girls because Turkish men can be entertained and distracted with coins. You're beta cucks, heathens.
they spend all the money on nigs and beans
>m-muh armenians that tried to rebel at the weakest point of empire as sneaky kikes they are
wish we killed more. enver could've done a lot better
>I'm talking about you handing control of your empire over to Jewish interests
it already happened after ii.abdulhamid. read about his dialogues with herzl and the offer ii.abdulhamid rejected.
> You're beta cucks
even i consider all sandbook followers as cucks, christfags got no right to call anyone cucks as they are leading the cuck race.
anyway keep chimping. too tired for sandtales.
Didn't you guys just finish beating the shit out of a bunch of your military?
There's nothing to respond to after
>"I wish they killed more Armenians."
Those are death words. Jewish slips of the tongue. In the name of Jesus Christ release that soul, demon.
>posts a screenshot of a movie scene
top lel, kike tier as expected from a sandbookfag. unlike kikes are smart enough to not send screenshots from their kike movies.
>In the name of Jesus Christ release that soul, demon.
anyway, here is your last (you) keep chimping christfag
Most homeless are insane drug addicts that won't accept help- only hand outs. They are a blight on society no matter what their background.