Convince me not to racemix with a Negress wife Sup Forums

Convince me not to racemix with a Negress wife Sup Forums

>Will never reject sucking white cock
>Dat ass
>Whitemale/Black female marriages have lowest rates of divorce
>Wants to have kids and play a womanly role
>Ages better than white women
>Likely to hate black culture as much as you

kys amerimongrel


I don't know, do the fuck do you want.

you're a massive beta virgin and it would be a step down for her to breed with you

Get sorted you race traitor fuck.


>Ages better than white women
thats rite honey

This is your niggeress? Got any vids? I bet when you go down on her, it all looks black, but the minute you split those walls, it's a glorious pink road.

No one gives a shit where you spend your genes.

That would depend on a few things.....
>Is she fukkin BASED?!!?
>Does she TRIGGER SJW's!?!?
>Does she make FEMINISTS GET FUXIN REKT?!? !!11!??

But 4 real doe... I heard their pussies taste like burnt popcorn.

They smell weird.

>Would not smash
>Would let smash me
This user has never been smashed by a big black woman before. Sad. Dont knock it til youve tried it.

Roll em! Zeros hold their dicks in their hands


your kids will look nothing like you.

Nice backpage collage.


I want you to degrade you genes with inferiors genetics. Your seedline will turn to shit.


Trolling for dat nigger ass

>Gibs zero
The only way I would get with a black chick is if I went through a bitter divorce with my hillbilly wife and wanted to get savagely even by posting couples pictures with my revenge Nubian on social media for her family to see what I considered an upgrade. It would be the ultimate eternal BTFO.

the only con:

>your offspring will be forever niggers



Ewww...they smelly af NIGGA. Thas why i only go after white bitches coz black bitches are GROSS.

I did it, it's pretty great. You're gonna run into awkward differences in culture though, no matter how compatible you are. Overall 4/5, would recommend.

Colonize that ass with your mighty White cock.

Do you want more nonwhites in America so they can make whites become a hated minority or do you want more whites so we can remain the majority. Bleaching is an outdated method, 51% of all American babies are white and declining.

Just have a friends-with-benefits relationship with a negress. No children, make sure you pull out or stay pretty protected, and have at it.

You can't colonize when America is heading towards Brazil. You need more white children and less mongrels. Most mixed people nowadays have kids with other nonwhites. Bleaching is outdated, this isn't the 1820s anymore this is 2017.

I swear to god, Christcucks are ruining this country more then Marxists.

For what its worth, I can tell you it doesn't user

Your future, nu/pol/ will literally go into full damage control and call this "colonizing" what a joke this board has become.

Your kids wouldn't even look like you.
also rolling

If you hate gibsme Tryones, then imagine yourself raising one.

>Implying Hapas will resemble you either

if you're posting this shit on here, you're not worth convincing. consider suicide.

Oh user, he'll raise him to be a gentlemen I mean it's not like nigs and half nigs are batshit insane or anything.

Hold it right there retard, I didn't say it was pleasant. And I would never breed with one of em. They just fuck better than white women user.

You'll regret everything when you see your sheboon chimping out in public or at your children.

Zero please.

rollin hoping for 3

actual nigger bdsm slav wife doesnt sound so bad

Having nigger kids isn't so bad? You want to know how I know you're a Cuckfederate.

I would but I'd get tired of having to go and get a bag of sugar after she drinks all the koolaid.

Also recurring numbers.

rollin for 8