A-are Sam Hyde and Camille Paglia correct? Is Dunham really "a big pile of pudding" or is she a true feminist hero? Do you guys think Sam could really take her in a fight if she were to violate the NAP?
Is Lena Dunham a Neurotic Masked as a Feminist?
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>Is Dunham really "a big pile of pudding" or is she a true feminist hero?
those aren't really mutually exclusive, user.
Lena Dunham is a garbage bag of shit posing as a human.
Really wanna suck on that stomach fat poking out
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen
who? a what? who again? and who again?
violating naps?
fuck are you on about?
why do fags keep posting this pat nigger bitch
You haven't seen shit apparently.
>most disgusting thing ever seen is a woman
Story checks out
I've seen nicer tits on a bitch bird dog.
She looks like a mildly retarded 14 year old boy.
she molest her sister. Absolute trash. Parents look like cult members
it wouldn't be a fight, it would be sam defending himself by killing her IF NEED BE
who cares. all feminists are neurotic
You mean to tell me you dont rock stuff your sister OP?
she never misses a nap or buffet so this thread is stupid.
Damn this broad is smart. 5:00 she's talking about how tolerance of homosexuality and transgenderism is symptomatic of a society about to collapse.
Is Camille /ourgirl/?
No idea.
Hide all meme flag threads.
She's disgusting, I found out after 2 months of dating this chick that she watched Dunham's show. Asked her if she knew what a repulsive little goblin she was supporting and she got all pissy ay me for telling her about the shitty things dunham does, told me I was being negative. So I dumped her ass and told her never to call me again.
For the best I think, found out she also thinks Amy (((Schumer))) is funny. Likely a complete amoral whore.
I like thicc girls, but they've gotta have some big fat tiddies too.
She's fat so what, she can lose the weight
She can't fix her busted ass face though
Who wore it best?
idk but I love her hips
She also hates Hillary and has defended Trump, although she voted for Sanders.
i have bigger tittehs than that
I didn't know Camile Paglia was still alive, she seems pretty clued -up on Dunham... anyway, I like chubbers, but Dunham looks too much like a Downs Syndrome to consider getting to grips with.
You have to go back to Mexico Jose
urrmmm... does she have a cock?
Fucking lost it at that pic
i mean...
What else did you dream up in your mommies basement?
You wish.
What's with that face that Jews always have?
my girlfriend sure as fuck isn't pretty and it kills me inside, but at least it seems I could have done much worse
Women are a waste of time
Breath into your balls
her right nipple is way off in left field
.....And now I understand the need for trigger warnings
But her nipples are fucking perfect, god damnit
Bitch looks like Chris Chan.
i prefer nipples to look like milk duds
That's just a sack of fat (like the rest of her).
Also she molested her sister.
Like anyone on this board hasn't fucked something this bad or worse.
Meme all you want, but this is Sup Forums, not ChadsUnited.com. If you're here and you've gotten your dick wet, odds are you've fucked scarier shit than this.
to be fair, as far as MtF transitions go, it seems to be going better than others
>Is Lena Dunham a Neurotic Masked as a Feminist?
that's feminism
thanks for not including me
> imply Lena Dunham is not literally at the bottom of the attractiveness food chain
Seriously I would be sad if anybody FUCKED someone as unattractive as Dunham. At that point it isn't even worth the physical pleasure (or lack thereof) of the sex.
I dreamt about being the African bull impregnating your girl tonight while you're shitposting on Sup Forums, Sven.
why does it kill you? average looking/unpretty girls are usually pretty cool personality wise and completely willing to satisfy their man in any way he wants.
take it from an older user, butterfaces are where its at if youre interested in more than pump and dump
yes, but I'm worried about the kind of genes I'm passing along to my (potential) children
I unironically would. Lookit that cute lil belly. If she grew her hair out a bit she could be a qt :3
>Lena Dunham could be hot
She has grandma face. Even if she grows out her hair, even if she loses the weight, she looks like a grandma.
Also she molested her sister.
dont, if you feed them quality food and keep them active they should develop fine unless your woman has a hereditary deformity, if thats the case then yeah there may be an issue.
all good looking people i know take care of themselves, the uggos make zero effort. teach your kids to take care of themselves.
>implying you wouldn't.
>you wouldn't
I said she could be a QT, not hot. She has potential to be very fuckable and you know she likes being choked with a cock and fucked in the ass.
thanks for the advice
>snek flag
You haven't fucked anyone, so your input doesn't count here.
Let me clear this up:
Fatties are batting practice for guys like Sup Forumstards; both exist for the mutual benefit of the other. You get to take a few swings at some easy, low-hanging fruit, build your confidence, and they fuck you because it's the only way they get laid. This didn't start with Lena Dunham, it started when men and women existed. So for anyone here to front like they have never fucked anything like her in their lives, just because they don't like her, is bullshit. I'd hatefuck her fat ass in a heartbeat and buy the goddamn Plan B, and I wouldn't give a shit what anyone on Sup Forums says about it because you're all the offspring of Sup Forums, which brought the world Chris-chan and cum bottles. Stop acting like this shit is beneath you when at some point, it's been beneath you.
Hate her for being a phony fucking bitch? Great! I do, too. But don't be a phony fucking bitch along with her and pretend like you haven't had pussy at her level. Every man who ever fucked has.
Mine that shit and sell it to movie theatres for popcorn. Mmmm. Butter.
It seems as if you are trying really hard to justify that you have at some point had no basic fucking standards. There is no reason for an average looking guy who has competent social skills and confidence to not bag women who are at least slim and average. Don't sell me this bullshit that you had to start with fucking an ugly chubby bitch in order to practice your game. Just because your sorry ass did it doesn't mean that everyone else made the same mistake.
And i suppose you're some kind of fucking alpha, with your goddamn Star Wars memes posted on the asshole of the internet pushing midnight? Yeah. Shut the fuck up, kid. You couldn't pull iron pussy if you were Magneto.
Honestly, she's kinda cute. I unironically would
Really man? You don't have to claim to be some fucking alpha to fuck a non-fat, average or even below average woman (because that would still be above the level of what fucking Lena Dunham looks like). Again, you are radiating out these insecurities which is why you are relying on personal attacks instead of manning up to the fact that you fucked women you probably should not have fucked if you ever had the confidence to have some basic ass standards.
Camille Paglia was /ourgirl/ before we were born. It's always cool to see young people discover her.
I referenced Paglia for my Classics dissertation. She's fucking excellent, probably the only feminist worth listening to.
Buddy, I'm 66 years old. I don't know who you think you're kidding here. You can post as much tldr bullshit as you want - and bullshit is what it is - but I fucking know better. Wanna know how? I've had a drink in my life. Every other man I've known has had at least one story of some fatty or quick fix. You're as much of a phony ass piece of shit as Dunham and you fucking know it. Grow the fuck up, Vader.
>Sup Forums can't get laid
The fuck are you talking about. This isn't /r9k/, who ever is feeding you retards intel about this place should lose his job.
Danzig fucking rules
>I'm 66 years old
>calls someone a piece of shit phony and the end of a fluffed up narrative constructed around a lie
Post proof of your age right now or get the fuck out of here forever
A Canadian, an American, an Australian, a Brit, and a Kiwi walk into a bar. Who gets laid the quickest?
Pic related.
I only have two hands to hold all this Freudian assblastedness.
>Fucked an ugly chick
>Gave her a TV show where she could show her naked grandma blubber to the entire planet
Only Judd Apatow can claim this status.
I'm beginning to think you and I just vastly differ on how Lena Dunham ranks compared to most other women. A woman who is a 4/10 on my scale is still quite above Dunham who is at like a 2/10. I find her physically and visually repulsive compared to most other women I've seen in my life. And that is including the altered ratings of my friends and I when we are drunk.
Show me in the post where I gave her a show, retard.
I'm pretty sure I know what you are trying to say but I don't think you do or else you probably wouldn't have done it. Post your fucking proof of age being 66 or get the fuck out faggot.
>A young mans visit to popular website ends in tragedy
You fucking faggots are fronting like you're fucking Heidi Klum on the regular when you're really fucking your left hands on a good night. Post proof of your standards, and I'll show you mine.
Hey, Judd Apatow.
holy muffin top, batman
Yeah, keep moving those goalposts. You'll make it to the endzone that way, then you'll really show us who's boss.
Proof of my standards? I dont give a fuck about your standards I am questioning your lie and demanding proof becsuse it is an extraordinary claim. What, you want proof that I sleep with women that look better than anything you could ever get while being such a deplorable meanie? You stupid bitch. Here's a pic of one I hit up the other week. Keep it, it's worth more to you than me faggot. Now post proof of your age or get the fuck out liar.