Post ITT if you're a Person of Color supporting White Identity
Non-whites for White Nationalism
I'm a person of color. I think the white race needs to be gassed as they're inherently genocidial and oppressive. It's like they have innate desire to Lord over others in the most evil of ways so I think gassing them would be a net benefit to humanity.
Historically happened that we live between Germany, Russia, France and Britain. My dad is a music teacher and quite a critical thinker and a nationalist, mother owns musical instrument shop, is apolitical, but dislikes foreigners, religion and jews. They both vote AfD(we moved to Germany when I was 13). I am sound technician at a cinema company, wife is a clinical psychologist. We are value reasonable oversight in economy with the merit-based welfare, friendly immigration for highly-skilled migrants needed for economy with a top-tier vetting system, state support for science, medicine, sport, nature, military and education. We oppose Islam, low-skilled mass-migration, censorship, foreign aid, political correctness, quotas, lobbying and uncontrolled surveillance. We vote AfD, attend PEGIDA rallies and anti-migration events. Have two kids of our own and two adopted girls, one from Nepal, another from Eritrea. In-laws are ok. Father-in-law is German guy, he works for BMW and a dedicated hunter and skier, very much like my dad. Mother-in-law is half-jewish through her mother(she was a Lutheran jew though, culturally and German by surname, family was never bothered during the Reich). She works in pharmacuitical business, protested Turkish migration back in the day and still does now, was critical of guilt inducing culture and Shoah industry. I would say our family is redpilled. Often we go on events all-together. Everyone votes AfD.
Who will provide you with gibs?
they think that chinks won't gass them for some reason
I support white identity, in turn give the world a break and get rid of the Jewish problem please.
>Enjoying living in a post-Industrial Revolution civilization with internet, air-conditioning, and running water.
>Hates white people.
Pick one, Jamal.
Nice copypasta
an hero yourself cuck
I support you so white women can co tinue to exist and hop on this here peepee.
Also because the alternative is a bunch of nonsense. White people are like the glue that keeps the insanity intact, and not in a million shards that fall in your eyes.
have any more
good people shouldn't retype their message every time
I have a FUCKING BASED spic friend that wishes he were white and acknowledges the superiority i feel bad for him
Hey-o i want to say when i was a wee bit lad i looked up the kkk website on it, it said how while not wanting to kill anyone they only wanted to live without any other culture
Like living alone not murdering anyone but having them live peacefully on a different planet while they live on their own
Am a pureblood mexican ...maybe
I support white nationalism because I acknowledge the beauty of white women and it must remain pure. Also a the majority of my people are trash and would stab me in the back at a moments notice just for weeds.
Are you from Africa?
New york
i appreciate it
>I'm a person of color. I think the white race needs to be gassed as they're inherently genocidial and oppressive. It's like they have innate desire to Lord over others in the most evil of ways so I think gassing them would be a net benefit to humanity.
That's the kikes you're talking about, Tyrone.
Come on That Guy T, we know it's you.