Was giving women the right to vote a mistake?
Was giving women the right to vote a mistake?
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Of course, how does a woman voting make her better at cooking, cleaning, raising children, or riding dick?
Is stuff her ballot, if you catch my drift
Biggest mistake in the history of man
Hello no. If women didnt have the right to vote, the USA would not be the greatest country on earth right now.
Fucking obviously...
Their retarded child-like mind is "Emotion>Reason" and the Jews sell their agenda thru retarded emotion. So of course it was a mistake.
Letting them out of the kitchen was the mistake. Everything came after that.
Of course, what a dumb fucking question.
A better question is how much did this escort cost for the night?
t. virgins
You wot?
Lol, nope.
This desu.
t. Sharia law
God you people are so fucking backwards. No wonder you're a fucking joke outside of your little alt right bubble. Look at yourselves, you're literal cavemen. Fucking disgusting.
t. reddit
t. newfag
I'm sure excited to see OP's response.
Any day now...
t. Beef flaps
No, it was the follow up for granting them employment and taxing them.
Are you familiar with the concept of no taxes without representation?
t. sand nigger
Universal suffrage was offered 40 years before they got it, but a string was attached, selective service. They did what women do. They nagged, complained, threw a tantrum until they got it free of responsibility.
LITERAL SHARIA LAW. Why do you fucking alt right hypocrites always act like the people you hate? I mean for fucks sake. This is literally what the radical morons over in the middle east believe.
Is this a high end escort?
t. 500 kg burger fucking faggot
Demonstrably and with no rational doubt.
Letting anyone vote but white men was a mistake.
Men got to drink and women got to vote.
i use to not think it was a mistake, but i've done research and it was absolutely a mistake. our society has somehow turned into this cannibalistic nightmare in the past few years and i completely blame women for it. like seriously what have women accomplished by being able to vote? they literally have backwards thinking when they have their feelings hurt. men are turning into pussies and women are becoming renegades at the detriment to their own happiness just to try to teach the patriarchy a lesson.
t. Future isis suicide truck driver
you tell me
I wish she were my property...
I'd eat her ass, but never let her do anything important.
Thas how nature works.
It boils down to this.
Its us or them.
The fact is even if we werent better looking, more intelligent, physically suprerior and historically relevant, say we were equal in achievement to muslims.
I would still want MY side to win. And heres the shindig, and we have all argued it a million times and won every time so ask some other user to explain this, but its like this.
White women are dumb subhuman animals who should be dragged into the street and beaten to death and replaced with artificial wombs.
However if they want to live these literally worthless parasites should be slaves at best.
And that would be generous.
The joke is you. Show us your tits sweetie, or GTFO.
i love how people blame that for poor economic decisions made by boomers and shitty legislation passed by republican corporate stooges. yeah, it was women who ruined things and not your idiotic, anti-science machismo.
t. lebenese cuck
"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it"
>Ancient people - women are fucking stupid, take away their 'rights'
>Why did the ancient people take away women's right? I forget, let us give their rights back to them
>Societal collaspe
>Take away women's rights to rebuild society
>Old wise men die off and horny betas hear the cries of women and give them their rights back
>Society collapses again
>Take away women's right AGAIN.
>This time religions are made so that people don't forget.
>Despite going further than normal, people still forget
>Society on verge of collaspe
>Bout to take away women's righ....
>wait a min
>Why not just build womenbots with artificial wombs and kill all women?
>Even if we forget women's right as long as we don't create exact copy of biowomen's brains they can't collaspe society!
Women's rights/liberation was the mistake we keep making. Women's rights is similar to socialism, we keep trying to implement it but it keeps failing us.
Democracy in general is a joke
Mad online
Giving non-taxpayers a vote was a bigger mistake.
t. dumb roastie
Over a century ago, anti-suffragists knew what would happen if we gave women the same voting rights as men. We are now reaping what was sown. I will list some of the early arguments made against women voting. Its scary how accurate our red pill fore fathers were, back when politica correctness was considered a bad joke.
•All government rests ultimately on force, to which women, owing to physical, moral and social reasons are not capable of contributing.
•Women are not capable of full citizenship for the simple reason that they are not available for purposes of national and imperial defence. The effect of introducing a large female element to the electorate would undoubtedly be to weaken the centre of power in the eyes of these dependant millions.
•Woman Suffrage is based on the idea of the equality of the sexes, and tends to establish those competitive relations which will destroy chivalrous consideration.The physical nature of women unfits them for direct competition with men.
•Women would be corrupted by politics and chivalry would die out
•If women became involved in politics, they would stop marrying, having children, and the human race would die out
•Women were emotional creatures, and incapable of making a sound political decision
•“Women’s role is in local affairs.”
•Women are already represented by their husbands.
•It is dangerous to change a system that works.
•Women do not fight to defend their country
Serious concern about the impact of women getting the vote was quite widespread throughout the duration of the campaign. This concern had complex roots bound up with Victorian views about women’s position in society. On the one hand women were considered too precious and innocent to become embroiled in public life, on the other they were thought too irrational and emotional to make an intelligent contribution. Whatever their abilities, their place was thought to be in the home.
Women's suffrage is the worst thing to ever happen to Western civilization.
Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue and more liberal voting patterns for federal representatives, and these effects continued growing over time as more women took advantage of the franchise. Contrary to many recent suggestions, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s, and it helps explain why American government started growing when it did. Most women, when allowed to vote, vote democrat. Can't get enough of that state assistance. More welfare, more single motherhood. Women don't want to work as hard as men do, but they want more benefits, and they as a rule, will vote for the party willing to spend the most on them, just like they'll beta marry the man who will spend the most on them. Source: papers.ssrn.com
It's confusing as fuck when you guys use "t" in an English board.
t. Pekka
Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. When the Senate took up the bill, one member asserted that "disaster and ruin would overtake the nation." Suffrage would lead inevitably to "government by females" because "men could never resist the blandishments of women." Instead, he recommended that women "attach themselves to some man who will represent them in public affairs."
•Female voters, by and large, will be more liberal with the use of government or military force. This is because they are, even today, exempt from the worst of combat duties and potential military conscription
*It was not only because he thought that women were unfitted by their physical nature to exercise political power, but because he believed that the majority of them did not want it and would vote against it, that he asked the House to pause before they took the step suggested by the honorable member for Merthyr Tydfil. He believed that if women were enfranchised the end would be disastrous to all political parties. He therefore asked the House to pause before it took a step from which it could never retreat. *
Women's suffrage is a more dangerous leap in the dark than it was in the 1860s because of the vast growth of the Empire, the immense increase of England's imperial responsibilities, and therewith the increased complexity and risk of the problems which lie before our statesmen - constitutional, legal, financial, military, international problems - problems of men, only to be solved by the labour and special knowledge of men, and where the men who bear the burden ought to be left unhampered by the political inexperience of women.
"She quoted the words of Lady Jersey: "Put not this additional burden upon us." Women were not equal to men in endurance or nervous energy, and she thought she might say, on the whole, in intellect.
*Funny how society degenerates as soon as women's rights become established. *
Yes i think its obvious even fot pussybeggars at this point.
Hold on there user. Athens was democracy and their slave population was larger than actual athenians. Same with sparta. The u s. Also had many slaves, and gave women virtually zero rights.
Democracy isnt the problem, subversion of democracy and the perversion of it is.
>has dick in her mouth one night
>next day wants to vote on taxes
Top lel even faggits shouldn't be allowed to vote
>the new Canadian flag
Absolutely I'm a woman and telling u men did. Those who voted for it hopefully are paying for it in the afterlife
>Was giving women the right to vote a mistake?
Why is this even a question????
Just look at ancient Rome, egypt, The Incan's, the Myans, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.... Oh wait?!! None of them are around any more...
Yes this was the end
You're drunk user; go home.
It was the single fastest way to destroy the USA and the entire western world, it was the fatal blow, the checkmate.
There is no possibility of recovering from demoralization and dissolution of the family.
Appeasement never works.
Unironically this.
I appreciate your post
>t. Dumb roastie
That's very well argued.
Holy MILF tits, user
the individual vs family argument is completely wrong
if anything it is collectivism (liberal) vs individual/family (conservative)
Is that Roma Divari?
Giving women anything is a mistake because women are themselves property.
No, NAFTA was the great mistake.
colonization was a mistake
Too bad it's that famous guy that decided to have a sex change. Bruce...
This is very interesting. I'm having trouble finding more info though. Can you provide a source?
Having daughters of my own now, I still believe that giving women the right to vote was an enormous mistake.
Everytime there is an election there is some idiotic woman or faggot telling us why we need more coons and these coons need more gibs.
Not too late to rescind the right however.
What if the roasties brain gets transplanted to a robot body and it forces the roasty to do your bidding?
Sweetie, pls
>I hate women, they shouldn't be allowed to vote
>I love Trump
>Trump won the election because votes from white women gave him the extra edge to win in swing states
pol logic
>trump would not have won if women weren't allowed to vote
i love lookin at chicks asses but wtf is this shit? this is the first time i havent gotten a boner over looking at womens asses
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted Trump. I fuck based black man exclusively. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day, and you'll beg to be my beta "provider."
There's internet service in LEbanon?
Reporting this to our Jewish overlords immediately.
If women didn't have the right to vote, there wouldn't be any Muslims or Africans in Europe and shit like BLM wouldn't even exist.
>prove it
What's your favorite sandwich to make?
because twerking is disgusting
fucking larper
I know her.
It was not just A mistake, it was THE mistake.
>Not Sup Forums
>Women should be beaten into submission and strangled for having and opinion.
Stand proud Sup Forums...stand proud
you're probably ugly lol