Could money actually be /ourguy/?
Could money actually be /ourguy/?
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He always was /ourguy/.
He works out and trains every day. He's a go getter.
>Dis man din du nuffin
I thought this was a meme, they actually speak like this?
This nigga speakin the truth but watch teh otha niggs freak out!
Damn this made me re-evaluate my position on the guy.
True confirmed. Impending chimpout also confirmed.
It's true.
those digits
Based coloured man.
Boring coward broke ass uncle tom
I swear I never had quads before... God damn!
Democrat detected.
UH God
i didnt even notice his ID
that's pretty based, but he still ruined boxing
>UH God
Sounds like he's saying sort yourself out desu.
Nice quints, God
Have no choice but to agree
And he can't read. He has to be /ourguy/
>tfw you shitposted with the Almighty
There's no such thing as a based black g-
>uncle tom
bless kek
>Quints of Ultimate Truth
The wokest
Floyd Mayweather is a man. The other people in that room are baboon niggers.
he a G. right is right. even a fucking moron can understand america should be for americans.
>Sup Forums loves someone who doesn't understand politics and can't read
Quints of truth, niggers on chimp watch.
Lmao the punch faggot leftist guy got a frog cartoon
Floyd Mayweather jr middleweight G.O.A.T,
Floyd defense is best ever in boxing, though
I bet he leads with most missed punches thrown against if there's a stat on it!
You don't need to be literate to see past lefties bullshit
Good post Leaf Man
As he retires, pillow hug dies forever.
Lol jewEPN tried to promote this last Carlo vs ggg fight so hard and it was A FUCKING DRAW lol
Oh and reminder Conor turned him into a Mexican and the ref should have let Floyd actually put his lights out.
>quint 7
>literally a godly ID
Holy fuck.
Sup Forums likes people who are redpilled
Fight was over, Conor was completely gassed
that cunt at the end trying to make him check his nigger privilege...
baka senpai glad he put her in her place real quick
checked and wrecked
ooh man
Only because a fucking WOMAN judge fucked up her score card because she is a stupid cunt who has no business scorekeeping a boxing match.
Always has been. That man kills himself in the gym. That is why he wins. Liberals know nothing about hard work. Liberalism and hard work are mutually exclusive.
Godlike Quints confirm
...and it's rigged user...
niggers, wogs, kikes and gooks can't be our guys
You have to leave Australia
meme this in into the maga hat instead
all the rich successful blacks love trump.
>Uh God
Praise KEK
He definitely always was /ourguy/. Fuck the shills. That man has taken the redpill, did you see how he directed the conversation effortlessly?
Include me in the screencap! It turns out God was on our side all along.
>That man has taken the redpill, did you see how he directed the conversation effortlessly?
Thats bc he's successful. What the fuck are the others going to say to a guy that could buy thousands of them
He was basically telling them niggers to clean their room.
They're to stupid to take his advice
Sup Forums likes redpilled people, reading and politics can be taught.
Can anyone tell me if this is actually redpilled? The man can't form a coherent sentence for Christ sakes.
>id: U Have God
based god bix nood muhfugga shiieeeeett
Floyd is an illiterate jackass and a nig but he appears to be capable of seeing some things, which happen to be important things, in a way which is respectable. There are alot of smart agreeable folks that can't wrap their heads around certain things, and there's something to be said for that in Mayweather's defense.
Fuck you. That guy made it. He's one of the greats.
yes, very much so. Even more so than you think, surprising in many ways
kek is evolving
Well for one he honestly is more of an /ourguy/ than that potato nigger, boxing is a gentlemen's sport, while MMA is just nigger among sports. Having said that, sage, this is not politics.
>Inb4 Hur Dur everything is politics don't you know?
Nice try
Except people were calling him a racist before he became president.
People were calling him a racist during his campaign.
People called him a racist when he pushed the birther issue for 5 years against Obama.
People called him a racist when he called black people "the blacks" like ten years ago.
People called him a racist when he and his father were sued for denying housing to poor black people.
The difference is back then he was an innocuous cartoon character. Now that he is president, his racism (or at least courting of racists) is causing tangible damage to the American community, to the world community. It's serious now.
ID confirms you need to go to bed
this post is truth. quints have spoken. kek wills it
Uhavegod...holy shit
My issue isnt that hes 50-0 vs men, it's that he's 3-0 vs women
Hes an asshole but not a coward. He found a way to jew the sport but getting in there 50 times isnt a coward action
guten tag reddit
They're all uncomfortable because they know theyre about to get an earful from their corporate masters at the next break for allowing him to say that. They know whats not supposed to be allowed to talk about and they knkw they get in trouble if the wrong stuff is said
>Cant read
>Worth $475 million
>Only undefeated fighter to retire 50-0
>Did it with a style that wont leave his body destroyed and give him brain damage
>Can read
>Shit posting on Sup Forums
Shut up and praise the quint God
nigga has always been my guy
Aw dayummmmn
>I Love MayMay now!
But that doesn't mean in not still a Ms. Pac Man
It's kind of a curved spectrum
Those too stupid to understand their excuses for why things are the way they are, and those smart enough to know those excuses are bullshit and youre being manipulated.
Both see through the illusion for different reasons and come to similar conclusions, because the conclusions are actually rather similar when you take out the brainwashing filter
It seems like common sense to someone that hasnt been indoctrinated
love how the cunt tries to dismiss him as lucky by saying he's "blessed". Blessed would be like not being born black
>his racism is causing tangible damage
Yea? What exactly is the tangible damage?
The more I hear this shit, the more I turn into a racist.
>it's that he's 3-0 vs women
>implying those women dindu nuffin and ass kickings just magically fall out of the sky
i dont really know what happened and neither do you, but only white knight beta faggots let a woman get physically violent without it being answered for. ladies get treated like ladies. dumb violent cunts taste the back of hands. this is the natural order.
>don't you know
It's related to politics because he's talking about Trump, the POTUS, and it's a hot topic related to politics to the normalfags because leftists believe the lie that Trump is racist dontcha-know?
Simple* not similar. The conclusions are simple for any actual free thinking suspicious individual
For example, if you never had it hammered into your head that "racism is bad mmkay" then you wouldn't think it. You wouldn't filter your thoughts thinking that it was bad to notice those patterns. You'd see things for what they are
>Boy those dark humans do steal a lot from my experience. Better not leave my shit around them
>Boy those asians sure are smart
Wisdom and intelligence can teach you that racism and prejudice does have a place in natural human reactions by overriding what you were taught but lack of intelligence can also teach it to you because you never understood the teaching of "racism is bad mmkay" in the first place