So what do Sup Forums mods think about the Streisand Effect?
Sexy, where do i sign up?
They 404 these threads like greased lightning. Enjoy your ban.
lmao mods are fags
Fuck my ass i love you
Thanks for the meme
inb4 404
ah ha bump! mods don't like this 'shit' at all
anyone twatting these to mudshark pornstars?
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I used to think it was just a law of the internet. As time has gone on, though, it's obvious that It wears off eventaully and given enough time censorship wins.
Harsh, but true. Evil always wins in the end. When (((good))) prevails, it's just a smokescreen.
Nothing is ever hidden under the sun.
become a Streisand bender
Streisand likes her butthole buttered, stuffed, and roasted.
u cant stop this