Gf found out I go on Sup Forums and shit post all day at work

Ah shit Sup Forums , I really fucked up this time.

>act like a normie 95% of the time
>have a normie gf, normie friends, normie job
>been going on this always shit website since i was 13, hang out here on work all day if im not actually working
>be having a sorta fancy dinner party at my apartment tonight, make gf and friends dinner
>i drink too much because it chills me out when i cook
>normie friend works for government
>"yeah so word on the street is the feds are watching those alt right guys on reddit and Sup Forums after charlottesville"
>gf and friends talk shit about how "horrible" the nazis were at charlottesville and how we should punch nazis and blah blah
>im drunk and getting annoyed
>finally awkwardly chuckle "well you know those Sup Forums guys have a lot more influence than you think"
>"what do you mean user?"
>autistically explain the meme war, shit posting for trump, pepe, the whole canole
>gf is getting upset
>"you do this at work?"
>"fuck yeah, the jews never sleep, so we can't either!"
>awkwardly change the conversation, friends are a little freaked out
>after a few more minutes tho everything is back to normal
>gf leaves, on the way out drops "i don't want to hear about any of that Sup Forums shit ever again"
>leaves, still mad but at least talking to me

What the fuck Sup Forums, I'm trying to keep this all on the DL but alcohol and my deep seated white nationalist beliefs did me in again! Or maybe I should listen to her and finally get off this shit website, what do you think?

I think you're a funny guy and contribute a lot to this message board.


Always hide your power level user.
Probably fake and gay anyway

should have said voat.

"i never want to hear about any of that vote shit ever again!"

Quit LARPing the normie life and get working maggot. We have a war to win

Nice blogpost

>tolerating the presence of women other than your gf

kys literal retard

You should have known your gf better. Or better yet, wear the pants. How can you stand spending time with and investing in a normie partner? I met my current gf around the whole clockmed thing. She was "cool clock, Ahmed" - tier.

Now she sends me links to threads here and sees jewish influence in everything and tries to beat me to pointing it out like it's some kind of competition. Try harder, user.

Why can't I just be normal user??

>"fuck yeah, the jews never sleep, so we can't either!"

>the jews never sleep, so we can't either!"

>this happened
>not having a redpilled gf

Bad post

she's texting me right now saying "sorry for getting upset"

G-g-guess I won guys??

ITT things that never happened


I too have issues hiding my power level after heavily drinking, gotten in a lot of screaming matches with normie friends

Don't worry she'll soon see the power of the autistic. That's when the fun begins.....

>not being alpha enough to tame your GF
>not dropping subtle hints to her constantly
>not redpilling her

Come on, user. women follow their mate act strong and say you will do what you like and she will start to come around.

See you tomorrow.

If you had not told your gf before that you're a coward.

Keep the conversation to Sup Forums, MAYBE some of the idol /m/ stuff (basically just Macross) and you'll probably be okay. Don't waste your life being miserable with some ditzy cheerleader type you have to play a character for.


let her know that pussy can be bought and that she is easily replaced.