Has massive immigration dropped the IQ averages in countries like France and Italy?
IQ in Europe
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>irish at 93
I don't believe that. I would be more willing to believe Canada has a 93 IQ average
>Sweden 101
France dropped 4 points from 1999 to 2008
93 isn't that low either considering how low Iq is out of Europe
All Europeans have a really alike IQ
>Italians aren't whi-
Post sources, these numbers are totally off form Richard Lynn`s research.
Who exactly is conducting the testing in all these IQ claims?
Also - 98? Can you even tie your shoes with a 98 IQ? Genuine question - I've never been even remotely that limited, so I don't know what it's like - maybe if I smoked an ounce of grass, I'd come close.
Can you imagine how smart Italy would be if they didn't have a bunch of shitskins in the south?
In one map I remember Italians being at 98. Guess it varies slightly based on sources. But don't expect it to drop it and have it show any correlation of migrant importing and IQ dropping. Do you think (((they))) would promote or even allow migrants to get tested? LMAO.
Cuckolding is an intelligent man's fetish
Shouldn't IQs be like 110+ in western nations considering how many retards there are elsewhere?
>Can you even tie your shoes with a 98 IQ?
This question is so weird it should come from someone with a 52 IQ
t. Euphoric cuck
Unsourced thus invalid.
Iceland is pretty high too
There is little to no difference between countries like Spain, France, Belgium and England talking about IQ
You seem surprised
Did you have a stereotype about Italians being dumb or something?
Does that mean self-genocide is an intelligent woman's fetish?
What tends to happen is that the IQ of immigrants rises when they arrive. This is because poverty reduces IQ.
Keep posting old maps (as noted under). At least when having these threads you could use most up to date data.
His map is better than your meme parroted maps, which are all old themselves.
Responder's IQ = 51
Let me ask you this, brainiac - do YOU know what it's like to be stupider than you are? Granted, you'd have to be a slug or a pebble to reach that level.
In what way is his map better, using 10+ sources and all pre 2012? Mine is 2012 and latest we gotten and its far more balanced and realistic. It has 500 pages in the book explaining the process and details on how everyone performed and in the end gave us these results i posted.
His is much better detailed than your meme maps that get tossed around here like salad 24/7.
Kill yourself.
True, but their avg IQ won't rise enough to match the native population due to genetic differences (and also because many of the migrants are low skill).
Some European countries are experiencing a negative flynn effect already.
Your trolling is average and boring. Even among the moron-i-est of morons who occasionally try to be clever on here, you're ineffective and lame. Romania is gay.
I might need to repeat my self due to your own low iq. In what way is it better, you do know i could just post the pages from the book? You are literally using same exact research just done from 2002-2006 by same exact people and im using 2012 update. Are you truly that stupid?
The 95 IQ of Portugal was made from a mix of IQs from adults and children, while some of the ones of some other countries were not.
Same for the IQ researches that point 94 IQ for Ireland and some Balkan countries.
High IQ guy here. You need more than IQ to be happy and successful.
>muh 2012 meme map updatez
>muh book pagez
Do you realise how much of a butthurt autismo you come across as?
Nice argument mr low iq.
Reality check - no one conducts IQ tests en masse on adults anywhere, ever. Even youth IQ tests are uncommon. All these stats are fun to consider, but not a single one has ever been accurate.
t. buttblasted mememap fag
wow need me a man like this
Sven, gimme links to a couple Swedish broads who run their mouth on JewTube about politics, English-speaking, of course. Like how here we have the Millie broad and the Southern broad, surely you know of a couple over there who aren't lefty dipshits.
Oh, and blondes, if they exist.
>94 IQ
Yeaaa. We smarter than Turks!
The median IQ is 100 by definition.
Provide evidence that IQ rating is based solely on a 200-point scale, or your statement is false.