Which one of you did this?
>Qayum Mohammed walked to his restaurant, Sameem, Tuesday morning and found a puzzling sticker placed on his doors.
>"Whites only," the sticker said.
Which one of you did this?
>Qayum Mohammed walked to his restaurant, Sameem, Tuesday morning and found a puzzling sticker placed on his doors.
>"Whites only," the sticker said.
Other urls found in this thread:
probably #BLM
>Which one of you did this?
Qayum Mohammed
Hey I want to be a victim too!
Same guy who trashed that hookah lounge.
Schlomo up to his tricks again
>Schlomo up to his tricks again
Translation: 'Da jooz niggaz'
>fbi investigating hate stickers
mein schwartze
I think that a lot of White people, even Gen Z youngings are still used to seeing America as a White nation. So what happens when it dawns on us that that has now changed? What happens when politics, media and culture is overwhelmingly shitskin? I feel like racial polarization will kick off and Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.
Right now we are in danger of White people shifting hard into racism, which is the fault of the regressive left.
So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?
This study worries me alot -> archive.is
This study archive.is
I'm white you're one of me I'am one of you. Are you white like me?
Good. America needs a massive culling anyways.
Was spamming shitty threads not enough for you?
Hello fagbot, stop shitting up this board with you shitty article (protip: it's not a study)
A mass murder?
>anything wrong with my race is a jew conspiracy
>my race is too pure to be degenerate
Sup Forumsacks actually believe this
And literally no one wants your childish edgy baseless LARPing.
>no one wants it
>its on the rise
Maybe you should get your story straight, shill
Its pretty clear you guys are simpletons who are attracted to the theatrics of nazism first and foremost, and then just rationalize your admiration for the regime after the fact. This is why you are conviction less dolts who believe in nothing. You're aborted fetuses of nihilism. So this is the market you're able to expand on.
>implying I follow Nazi beliefs
Sorry shill, your straw is showing
Its pretty funny how stormfags can do nothing but shitpost, post "le epic!" nazi photos or engage in sophistry
It was a laundry sign that blew in with the wind.
>accuses others of sophistry
>creates the strawman that nazism is nothing but theatrics
>strawmaning and shilling this hard
Kek, you are pathetic. Thanks for the laughs, but my dogs are ready to go inside. See you later, shill
Hey mohammed, watcha doin?
That's funny user, because I think that a lot of White people, even Gen Z youngings are still used to seeing America as a White nation. So what happens when it dawns on us that that has now changed? What happens when politics, media and culture is overwhelmingly shitskin? I feel like racial polarization will kick off and Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.
Right now we are in danger of White people shifting hard into racism, which is the fault of the regressive left.
So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep user from acting like a faggot?
This study worries me alot -> archive.org
>find "whites only" sign on door
>have friendly, peaceful customers who tip
>no robberies
Youre the one who just said on another board literally you just said you post pictures of nazis to scare people and make you feel like a big man. You really have no place to call anyone else pathetic as you waste your days doing nothing but jerking off to the ruined pile of rubble of a 13 year long dictatorship
Yes I'am a robot beep bop
wow, another brilliant point made by stormfags!
>waaa! people dont like me when I act like a fucking asshole and go out of my way to be as provacative as possible by supporting some horrid dictatorship from 80 years ago!
>My rights are being violated and im such a victim, but rights and freedom of speech are stupid!
Seriously, how can you be this deluded?
You're full of presuppositions friendo
We're all starting to hate nazis here. It's clear that they're all autistic retards trying to subvert the right with their leftist policies. They also give the right wing bad reputation that push more people to the left. Nazis and white nationalists are an antifa maker machine and we can't let this continue.
Were all starting to love Nazis here
Oh wait, we dont really but we appreciate the ideals cultivated around their image and that's ok, unless you're a kike
fucking pathetic. Again, how is an actual belief a platitude, yet vague and historically illiterate references to a 13 year long failed dictatorship any better?
>cant actually articulate a point, so makes a strawman argument
oh look its the noob namefag again
still hasn't figured out how IDs work
Ok what of it?
Not to mention, some would prefer actual Nazi Germany compared to what they've experience here (minus the loss of course, but even so. Fuckers went down swinging and good on them)
May Sup Forums never change,
But only change the world