Is L.A a third world country at this point?
Is L.A a third world country at this point?
That's just skid row, it went from one street to being acouple blocks now
The homeless population is dramatically increasing due to high rent. Its around 60,000 now
When was it ever not. LA is "Detroit with palm trees"
No respect for the hood. All clean and shit
The worst part about America is that this will never end. The Germans reached a boiling point because they were one united culture who saw what was happening. The US is too diverse and fights among itself to ever care about a higher purpose.
Even just among whites. The only real hope is to have a state like Texas take military action and cede from the union. Washington doesn't care, they will fill graves full with Americans on American soil AGAIN to stop that from happening.
What a fucking disgrace.
Wow the quake really fucked up Mexico City
You're looking too skinny CJ
This 10000000x This
Even when it looks seedy, the palm trees make LA seem pleasant.
Real estate is pricy there, so it can't be all that bad.
its horrible unless youre rich
Mexico > LA
This is what happens when you import poverty.
What does that mean? As in, $60,000 / 12 = $5000 a month for rent?
skid row is mostly middle aged white dudes
There are more Mexicans in Los Angeles than any city except Mexico City
I like driving through skid row, it's alot of fun from the car. Like seriously, you will not believe how many blacks there are. A part of me likes to call it "Little New Orleans," mainly due to the overwhelming black populace and alot of older brick buildings, with weird gated small parks on street corners where they're all just huddled together.
I've never been to texas in my life, and I grew up in a drastically different environment. But if Texas leaves the union I will move there in a heartbeat. I've already been thinking about moving there because they are so fuckin based
60,000 million a week goy
It's pleasant, if you know which areas to avoid.
> (OP)
>I like driving through skid row, it's alot of fun from the car. Like seriously, you will not believe how many blacks there are. A part of me likes to call it "Little New Orleans," mainly due to the overwhelming black populace and alot of older brick buildings, with weird gated small parks on street corners where they're all just huddled together.
I've seen many things I wish I could unsee while running through MacArthur Park. I love driving by there going to work and seeing the park staff busting up the homeless encampments.
>skid row
Do they call it this because black people look like the skid in people underwear?
We need you here then. We are under attack by the lefties hardcore.
You BLACK MEN better get yet shit together and start talking shit about illegals.
Your city can't help you out to get on your feef because illegals
>hey a Tyrone, you're gonna have to get out on the first. We gotta give Juan your squat quad.
>we know you want to help out because that would be raciss... and everyone knows black can't be raciss
Nah, now they come all the way to little tokyo and the fashion district.
Most of US is. Enjoy your favelas soon.
Please archive it
lol what do you think a third world country is even here we don't have this shit
Moving to Texas ASAP with my lady.
Popping out at least five fucking white males.
I'm white as fuck bro don't you worry.
The epicenter of gibs and liberalism has the highest homeless population. I didn't see that coming.
Mostly because boomers want to keep muh views of the mountains.
They need to build up at this point and stop the stupid zoning laws.
it's not even as bad as SF rundown bumshit wise
it's just we got all the illegal mexis
t. rich white guy
Yeah, right, dude. I mean, it's not like we're constantly getting flooded by people wanting to live here. You faggots really are just desperate to talk shit. It's a huge metropolis and OP puts up a picture of the worst possible slums. Fuck off. My family's home is worth 1m+ and property value here continues to grow. Go back to tending your corn, nigger.
Lived here my whole life. It has good parts and bad parts. Having grown up around it makes you get used to the bad stuff, and you can really appreciate the good stuff.
That being said im plannning on moving to arizona or vegas in the next year. I want to buy a house and it will never happen here, its simply too expensive, even in areas infected by spics and nogs. Fun fact about that as well, the spics have been displacing the nogs in south central and the area has actually improved because of it. Its still an impoverished shithole, but much less dangerous now.
All things said- I really love LA and if it werent in california i could live here my whole life. Many of the problems LA has come from the being in california. Im going to a Dodger game friday night and so if the world really dies end saturday and I die here that would be just as well.
Is this bait? please don't tell me this is bait
God, I would love it if the spics totally replaced the nogs here. At least as long as they don't cholo-ize.
i moved from little tokyo to big tokyo
most american cities are fucking shitholes
All we can do is force a divide between the classes. You better make damn sure you aren't in lower class or you're gonna be living in nigger town.
Just read a few miles worth of forum posts about US tourist visa denials.
>tfw will probably never have a chance to taste dem freedoms before WW3 hits
feels bad man
then again it's my fault i'm a poorfag
> Homeless
> third world
People don't understand how bad its gotten here so quickly. I'm one of the last Whites here, in a Los Angeles County suburb. It has been fully colonized and people of European descend have been cleansed out of SoCal. Before the 1965 Hart Celler Act, Los Angeles county was around 80% White European. Check out this elementary school in Montebello, CA. It had 1151 enrolled students circa 2012-2013 and only 0.1% where White Europeans. This Hispanics have the benefit of White infrastructure but still fail. Watching this happen before my eyes has been living through hell. Watching what was once a coastal paradise with beautiful homes and scenery be handed over to the Mestizo people, who don't care one bit about the gift they've been given. In fact, they openly resent the cucks who gave it to them.
60,000 homeless people, ya dingus.
All cities are fucking shitholes, desu.
t. rural denizen who enjoys trees and gardening
you can get rid of your victim and no one will ever find out
What the fuck man
It might as well be, even in what would be conservative and affluent orange county one of the last white hold outs the demographic tide is waist deep and not receding. Homeless openly sleep in parks by schools and set up encampments. Bad polka music gets blasted until 2am most weekends. You hear Spanish everywhere, goblins push strollers with a pack of little beans in tow at all hours. Being white gets you stared at constantly. Being tall, white and decent looking gets you cursed under their breath or called a white supremacist. Crime has gone through the roof since the state changed felonious theft from 500 dollars to over 1000. Even in what you would think is a safe area home invasions and violence is becoming commonplace. I want to leave but I know wherever I go the stigma of being from this place will follow. I know people who moved state who constantly have a hard time even getting car maintenance done because people fucking hate Californians.
have you been to tokyo?
>nothing against rural life senpai
>not doing your own car maintenance
Living up to the stigma
It's really not that bad. I keep the windows open in December, and Mexicans are out-competing the nogs for turf. I've lived in the South and the nogs there were much worse than our latino hordes.
yes, the West side is basically a detached godless perverse paradise like Brazil but with more Jews, the East is literally Mexico/China
>t. The last White Angeleno
lol jesus we are NOT Detroit, we have a functioning economy.
Christ sake it's just Mestizos, not niggers.
the free market will fix it
>the US will become a 3rd world nation in your lifetime
Thank God for diversity
>That's just skid row, it went from one street to being a couple blocks now
That's not just skid row, though. Everything outside of the business district downtown, Westwood, Bel Air, the Palisades, Beverly Hills and West Hollywood looks like a third world country, dirty, dusty, run down as shit.
1/3rd of our economy is based on real estate transfers, probably half of which are criminal/political money laundering and/or house-flipping companies doing the trading.
Literally the only things LA has going for it are the port of LA/Long Beach, SpaceX/Tesla, Oil and the Entertainment industry -which is dying painfully-.
Third world countries dont let ppl live on the streets. Ppl in the third world actually care for their mentally ill family members.
Torrance,cerritos,carson,el segundo,downey,lakewood, looks 3rd world? Kys liar
LA has been a third world country since the 80's
at this point it's more like a demilitarized zone
no actualy
homeless populations are huge on all pacific cities due to people in the central USA and Canada literally bussing their homeless to LA, Seattle, and Vancouver.
Because of the mild climate (easier not to freeze to death during the winter) the homeless gladly took the bus ride to these cities
Now any major pacitic city has homeless problems, and if you ask those homeless where they are from less than half will be from the actual city they now reside in
this is all documented and happened in the past a lot, and still happens today
>El Salvador Community Corridor
Their own little slice of heaven.
Good to know other Angelinos lurk. Makes me feel like I'm not the only one in this fucked up beaner infested cucked city
Why not leave? LA doesn't need you
>OP puts up a picture of the worst possible slums
dude, wake up. every city in southern california is lost. you can't go anywhere without beggars hassling you (even in shops and restaurants) or people trying to sell drugs to you on the street.
It's over bro.
> having convenient services, employment and activities nearby constitutes a shithole
Cities were great in the 1700s and 1800s before Liberalism and gang warfare took over.
damn bro you don't know LA at all if you asking stupid ass shit like that. DTLA is ghetto. South LA is mostly ghetto. You start looking at Hollywood Hills, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West LA.... list goes on and on. LA is a big baller ass town. 4 million people, you are bound to have some ghetto spots but LA is mostly big money.
Oh shit is that San Diego?
he can't afford living in LA tho. that's why he going to Texas.
Good, I hate californians too. If I find someone is a goddamn transplant I made their lives hell. They will learn the hard way.
LA was founded by Mexicans. literally. LA will always have a huge Mexican population. that's just it's character. Blacks have their hoods here too Leimont Park, South LA. Everyone has hoods here. White. Jew. Asian. Arabs. LA is fucking huge.
Koreatown is decent to live in desu. The rooftop militias keep it safe. I walk around at night all the time.
California is also the one paying for much of the poor white southern states services. you better watch yourself before we cut your ass off
Which race is Santa Monica? Specifically 400 block of Alta Ave?
I'm currently homeless in Chicago, if anyone is willing to pay for a bus ticket for me to go south let me know.
Arizona could cut water and power off to you fuckheads at any time and you would be shit out of luck. Your money will be useless when you run out every single working white and only have beaners and niggers leftover.
Isn't Korea town near western ave.
don't move. We don't want libtard faggots in our area, fucking up our city/state with libtard faggot views and politicians
I live on Western and 3rd. Technically Windsor Square.
la became pretty sad and strange. I liked the korean community. but im getting pretty tired of the chinese money coming in. koreans feel like a part of la. Chinese fobs? not so much. They look like death eaters in porcelain skin. You thought first gen immigrants refused to learn the language? Fuck no, theyre saints compared to the newer rich chinese.
and yes, there are a shit ton of hobo tents now. everywhere. not just skid row. they dont give a fuck anymore. anyplace under shade or grassy spot, theyll set up. Its fucking awful. Its the worst when they set up around freeway exits... its like a big fuckin turd on your welcome mat.
LA lost its magic for me. I was born and raised there, moved away and always missed it, and moved back, but moved away again, becuase it felt like I was keeping alive a rotten dream.
there are white people moving in. young ones from out of state, probably chasing a similar dream. they live in apartments with mexicans, which still tickles me. I wonder if they hope for better days.
I really dislike Chinese people. Theres something so off about them. Not american born chinese. Chinese people from china. Hong kong, you're chill.
It must really suck to be one of those 15 white kids.
Santa Monica and Venice is like a literal open homeless camp amids rich yuppie establishments, pretty fucking weird.
I was in LA for a few months years ago. What the hell is with all the black tranny in Hollywood. I swear there were giant packs of them.
I'm less than a mile form there. North of Montana is rich white folks mostly.
it's the same way in Baltimore. I saw packs of them, roaming like dogs. Red heels, the works. Really fucking insane and surreal.
Sanctuary districts when?
Dude, that image is nothing, actually being there, it's a sea of blacks.
Hundreds on the street and I wasn't even in the heartland, just the outskirts.
5th and San Julian is the heart of skid row. Many cities have skid rows user.
Now show us places like Glendale, Burbank, Westwood, the Hollywood Hills, etc.
>Its around 60,000 now
That's in LA county, not the city of Los Angeles.
LA county, the biggest urban county in America, is over 4000 square miles.
It always amazes me that a country as wealthy as the US can return so little from the profit, everything is just used up until it has zero value. There doesn't seem to be any investment in upgrading infrastructure in the public sector and the private sector has to return an enormous profit or it's left to fail. A hotel for instance is either brand new or a dump.
la user here
the city of los angeles itself is basically tijuana v2
the greater la county is a different matter and there's plenty of decent suburbs
>tfw parents bought a two story house with a back yard and a detached garage in the heart of LA
>specifically western and first for la anons
>unheard of in that area but at the time it was fine
>grew up in a beautiful magical house in a magical town
>all friends wanted to come over because of our bomb ass house compared to their slum apartments
>parents sold it for 2mil
>now theres a big tacky condiminium there
>sometimes i drive back to that street, park car on side
>silently cry and ask why itd have to be this way
my first real grief desu
loved that house
maybe we could call them something cool and urban, something Ghettos.
I used to live in la. I live in Bakersfield now. LA is alright compared to Bakersfield
The whole USA is Third World at this point.
This is because of illegals; the driving force of all population booms in America as of late. With more residents, demand for housing goes up, leading to multiplying rent rates. Death to illegals.
What a fag. I'm down in Orange County for work and even here it is becoming a shithole. And mommy and daddies 1million dollar house? That's literally a somewhat decent house in a somewhat decent area, look up what that gives you in actually decently area. Laws are shit here, regulations are shit here, there are no need redeeming factors. Wait until you have to move out (if you ever do)
Bakersfield is pretty sad, I know that much