There were a lot of fucking bastards tweeting and sharing memes the last earthquake in southern Mexico, and they are right now hitting their own chests crying over memes of today's earthquake.
don't come to MX, it's a silly place.
There were a lot of fucking bastards tweeting and sharing memes the last earthquake in southern Mexico, and they are right now hitting their own chests crying over memes of today's earthquake.
don't come to MX, it's a silly place.
Other urls found in this thread:
No we hate them too
nah its okay, just remember that you are a inferior assmad provinciano
Nah, we hate all of you "people"
MFW we had less casualties with a bigger earthquake.
chilangos can't take anything
Cállate la trompa chicano cara de culo.
Nobody likes chilangos, but I wouldn't wish these types of things on anyone.
Don't be edgelords.
Any new vids of today's terramoto.
Hate begets hate. You can hate them and it won't be entierly your fault and won't be their fault either. The only way to break the cycle of hate is to be the bigger person and forgive the other person and love them.
cara de culo BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speak english, you bitch ass nigger
Why the fuck are you asking whether it's OK to hate chillangos HERE of all fucking places?
t. Brayan Alexis Perez
Friendly reminder that Trump is a magic man and if you want the earthquakes to stop, you need to pay for the wall.
Do you realize tha the epicenter was more close this time? Illiterate farmer
You must be a self hating Chicano+Negro Mix.
brayan alexis perez BTFO!!!!!!!!
Fucking arabs.
>Fucking arabs.
I wouldn't fuck Arabs with your dick.
people are hypocrites everywhere user
Esto, chingado
Yea. They better gtrab their donated tortas de tamal, because the fucking donations now will never reach literal farmers of Oaxaca.
What would you call it, hothead?
I wouldn't touch them or you with a stick!
lol no, I'd have already killed myself if my skin was the color of shit
I'm So Sonny U don OnDer'stan
>I wouldn't touch them or you with a stick!
You're Mexican, can you even afford a stick?
I don't know what this shit is
>I don't know
Flag checks out.
how stupid you gotta be to think you have to buy a stick?
Thank you for shitting up what could have been a decent thread about hating defeños. Your shitposting is fake and gay
See, not all burgers are brainlets.
kek. they're gonna need em to vault over the wall. better start saving up.
Can we all just be nice to each other please
>how stupid you gotta be to think you have to buy a stick?
What, you just steal them?
Flag checks out.
>I don't know
>lives next to death camp and just never noticed
we the capitalinos are capable of give donations for both cases unlike you poor wetback
Come on, we can bring back the hate.
Who the hell likes defeños? Not even the defeños.
Look, he started it. But I am willing to accept his apology so that we can move on.
Bueno, chicos, me voy, apenas puedo soportar shitposteando de cuanta baja calidad.
Except against defeños.
We thought it was a theme park.
I'm a brainlet
what's with all these chimichangas and burros coming to are board and not even specking english?
they have to go back
>being nice to mexicans
TFW you can give to both, but don't want to help the unproductive shithole of the defectoso.
t. minimun wage farmer
That was barely a complete thought.
Que descanse, primo.
why are all you being so rude? my family is from sinaloa btw
Amirite guise?
You bearners stay safe. After shocks can happen for days.
No one cares, faggot
Yea, fucking mexicans. Nobody likes them. Specially defeños. What a comic race.
okay retard
I don't see you prepping the carneasada.
Agreed. I hope they all die of AIDS
It will make you feel better to not get angry!
Can you just be nice for a little bit at least? Please? This can be a nice thread!
because you're reading my words on a fucking computer screen dumbass, you can't see me
Man, if only Germans had this much aggression towards Muslims they might still have a country in 20 years.
i hope all of you faggot mexicans die
>unproductive shithole of the defectoso.
lmao wetback without this city Mexico goes to shit even more
>inb4 regionigger industry
Be nice to everybody!
>if only Germans had this much aggression
I'm sorry, I have learned from my ancestors' mistakes.
Mira pinche joto culo roto, Si no quieres que te manden a la verga no salgas con mamadas.
Unfortunately there wont be enough German children in the future to learn from yours.
>Its a silly place because Mexico is divided
ya ni chingan con esas acciones le dan la razon a estos pendejos neo nazis "muh white pride"
>Me imagino la cara de Juarez si supiera lo culero que esta Mx ahorita
Ponganse vergas
Go to Chapultapec they said. Take a relaxing ride in a trajinera.
Eat shit you cocksucker, there are a lot of based mexicans trying to fix the situation down there (so consequently we don't have to deal with their shit) and assholes like you aren't helping.
Just stay down there
No sorry, I don't speak Poor
If it could only be that easy. When jews backstab their goyim friends as they are apt to do, they make it very difficult for goyim to forgive them. I think it's because they hate us for being better people than them even as they try to take the moral highground over us at every opportunity. They are jealous of us because the capacity to have good in our hearts, and Christ, if you believe. They hate that they were originally God's chosen but took the wrong path and had Christ crucified. It is a difficult thing to forgive them for and they act this way towards us to this day as a way to play out their ancient subversion tactics. A thoroughly unlikable people yet we are supposed to find love in our hearts? Please explain.
A Hernandez vs Gonzalez thread.
Chilangos are Mexico's niggers, so yeah I think it's ok
>He only knows what the SEP history books says about Juarez
>He thinks Juarez was almost a saint
wew, go back to twatter pinche mamador
t. anchor baby hijo de provincianos prietos
what I want to know is, what are American architects doing to ensure that the Wall will withstand any kind of earthquake that might occur on the beanbags' side?!
Then you should "enlighten" us, you stupid faggot
>thinking that we are ignorant enough to believe the shitty history lessons sponsored by PRI government
Maybe normie tier faggots like you
>more close
>illiterate farmer
What part of "we laugh in the face of death" managed to escape you? This is a cultural thing. How sheltered are you, garbage boy?
Just because we're cracking jokes at funerals it doesn't mean we don't go out there and help our neighbors.
el americANO