
I just finished watching this series. Holy shit I was surprised how I enjoyed this series. Somehow I feel empty now that the series end.

Also K-on! thread

Holy shit I don't care about your sad life.

>tfw I miss Komeiji

Fuck that's sad user

There's K-On!!

>I just finished watching this series
You suspiciously sound new to anime and Sup Forums.

It's okay OP I still feel empty.

Nope not new, I just kept procrastinating in watching this show until now.

>I feel empty now that the series end

Every time you finish a SOL

Why do watching slice of life, makes you want to kill yourself?

I tried to watch this series because I expected it to be like Azumanga.
All I got to was episode 2 because
Oh and they bought a guitar.
Still was disappointed despite it being an SoL.

It reminds you that you will never live a carefree life with people that actually love you and it shows you how shitty real life is in comparison.

Yes, it also reminded me of what I did in my high school life which was absolutely nothing.

Welcome to the club Sup Forumsnon

Not OP but didn't watched when it was airing either. In fact a I was complaining about how shitty was and how much I hated the threads about it (even though I never watch it)

Little I knew that 7 years later I was going to end to end up loving show. Live and learn I guess.

Yui is making fun of Mugi's eyebrows

How can someone enjoy this moeshit?
it does not even have a plot

College gig never

You'll understand when you're older

how does k-on sex feel

It's literally masturbation

Same here I had to take back all the shit I said about the keions and about you guys too. I am sorry.

because there's no such thing as never ending girls talk, but we don't want it to end

I've seen both season movies short episodes whatever you name it about 8 times.

Reminds me of my first crush who introduced me more to Japanese culture and anime

I feel you bruh

>never ending girls talk
>show ends anyway

It's all daijoubu, the KyoAni cute girls doing cute things train never ends.