This is why that fucking wall won't do a damn thing.
Prove me wrong.
>you can't
This is why that fucking wall won't do a damn thing.
Prove me wrong.
>you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
Cool story bro
what's wrong with that kid
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Probably autism or downs syndrome
watchu doin my boy I'm takin a shit home
He's Mexican
It's just a cultural difference, asshole.
That is actually anti-wh*te turkroach in his natural environment.
Works in Israel goy.
>A wall for border control would be built like a bathroom stall.
What do you expect from a meme flag like that?
How do you know he's Mexican?
Probably because white countries invaded practically every part of the world and took from them to make white countries great. Its just cosmic karma that its now reversing
>what's wrong with that kid
Show some respect, that's Jeb Bush's wife, shitlord.
There won't be a 3 foot gap for them to wiggle their fat asses under.
Because they'll go under the wall?
Pregnant Mexicans can't get over it.
And they say Germans can't into humor.
On a side note, why do American bathroom stalls have such wide openings where people can crawl under or peak under to watch you shit?
Is it another silly "tradition" like "muh guns"?
She is just looking for the guacamole
>don't enforce laws because people will just break them
>everyone was chilling and totally not eating each other and being generally unpleasant till whitey showed up.
How will drumpflrats ever recover?
You are my enemy
Isn't this the same argument you burgers use when someone mentions gun control?
Kind of ironic isn't it?
same with aus
airflow and ease of cleaning
You act like it was nothing but savagery until whitey
You act like it was all rainbows and sunshine till whitey showed up.
He looks Chilean.
every race / ethnic group is guilty of atrocities
whites aren't guilty for the actions of their ancestors
Everything south of the Rio Grande is Mexico as far as I'm concerned.
>everyone was chilling and totally not eating each other and being generally unpleasant till whitey showed up.
>Implying whites haven't done the same among themselves ten times over with both World Wars as well everything before and after long before multiculturalism made the West soooo horrible for whites in muh homeland
Why wouldn't you start kicking?
he is retarded
I think it just makes cleaning easier. We have more public restrooms here and you can't charge to use them so its all about ease of maintenance. Even Bucee's, which is a rest stop noted for their clean/nice bathrooms, they have 2 inch gaps. Maybe it is a law.
Context? Before the video ends the leprechaun went nearer the the man taking a crap. Wtf.
You sound stupid
Barring a few countries everybody is everywhere now. Africas got a bunch of asians indians and whites, The middle east is filled with russians from the soviet era and brits. Latin america has a bunch of germans. China has a bunch of arabs and aussies. Everybody is everwhere its just whites are trully an evolved race in terms of aesthetic beauty and really everything else that it depressing to have to see all these mongrels who view themselves as our equals.
Oh god... can't breathe.
No he doesn't. You sound like a new faggot. Go back to plebbit.
Jesus what happened after the video ended?
He looked like he was going to walk out but then he is like an inch away
You seem mistaken. You see, here in Burgerland it is actually the law that we can have guns, not the other way around. Weak bait.
Americans with disabilities act
pol doesn't support sound needledick
You both sound like dumb teenagers
I am
I've been saying this for years. A giant wall would block the view, thus allowing aliens to sneak up and dig underground. The wall is a symbolic show of strength, nothing more.
hes high on super male vitality
Is there a common problem of people trying to climb into stalls that other people are using in your country?
Are you trying to say that if it wasn't for a fully closed stall that people would just join you in your stall?
Kind of ironic that those laws are unconstitutional, and were the idea of people who also made the UN
becuase some faggot with too much time on their hands would eventually climb over the walls and lock them from the inside when the bathrooms empty for a silly meme
Probably to see where he's suppose to throw his used toilet paper.
Why did I care? He acts like a beaner
As someone with anxiety disorders that is fucking horrifying.
My god, the privacy of those. Can you imagine actually being able to crap in public instead of trying not to think about it until you develope a fever because if you go to the restroom it'll be filthy from retarded burgers using it and not even flushing and having to have an alpha contest with everyone who walks by the stall by making stern eye contact with them through the massive cracks in the doors?
Hans did deliverer with that one.
>Prove me wrong
Look up how successful the wall in Israel and Hungary are.
>What's his mental disability
>He's Mexican
I thought there was a longer version of this that ended in a fight.
I'd have finished my shit and grabbed the kid and shoved his fucking face in the toilet. He wants shit he got it.
quad quads
>sliding under a wall that goes many meters deep
Yeah, nah, you retarded fuck.
Youre a retarder faggot nigger if you think they dont have ground penetrating radar to find tunnels. How did we find mass graves in Bosnia? Drones can spot the tunnels and they will get destroyed. The tunnels they find now are for drugs they know it and allow it.
what's the point if he already shit his pants?
Hurrrr durrrr you're retarder
Tunnels can go under walls, fyi.
what did he mean by this
checking for shit
that isn't a kid, Wal-Mart worker impatient with its clientele
Could you legally get away with Punching the ever loving Shit out of him as he crawled under?
Watch Empire of Dust you subhuman.
rare flag
Why has this retarded marxism risen like this again?
this pls
it's because a lot of junkies shoot up in bathroom stalls and the gap is to see if anyone overdosed and is dead on the toilet
Literally who?
The full video ends the same way as the webm I'm pretty sure
Gen Z is so inexperienced that they have never locked a bathroom stall and then crawled out to inconvenience everyone
Does it have sound?
Kid in OP is a Mexican intellectual
he's 23
Found it.
only 18 and up
So it wasn't about diversity, huh? It was just a front to invade white countries.
He's actually a full grown man from Mexico.
He's fucking Alpha, that's what.
lol he got close right at the end